Chapter 31: his birthday

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Elizabeth's POV

"Luckely I have someone that still believes in me." Bradley smiled and kissed me. The kiss got more passionated after a while. I felt Bradley bitting my bottom lip. I pulled away from him making him look at me with a question look on his face.

"I'm not in the mood for that." I said. "Well I know something you love." He said and took my hand dragging me downstairs into the kitchen.

"I'll make you some pancakes." He smiled. "But since it's your birthday I will help you." I smiled. "Oh yeah I almost forgot about my birthday" he laughed. "But I didn't except you to be home today so I don't have your present yet." I said looking down. "It's okay, I have you and That's all I need." He said and kissed me on the lips.

While making pancakes... well more a food fight. We end up with flower all over us. "I better take a shower first before eating the pancakes." I smiled. "Can I join?" He asks and grabbed my hips holding me close. "No." I said pushing him away.

I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek and ran upstairs. I took a quick shower but when I came back downstairs Bradley was gone. There was a note on the table.

The boys need me in the studio, probebly they have a surprise :D i'll be back in an hour! Xxxx Bradley Bear <3

So now he is gone I can plan somthing to surprise him when he is back. I looked for some candles pretty cliché I know. When I set them I got dressed in a nice lingerie and then my clothes back on.

I quickly spray some parfume in the room so it smells nice after that I went downstairs and sat down on the couch waiting for Bradley.

As Bradley came in he looked verry frustraded. I stood up and walked up to him. "You're okay?" I ask him. "No, Joe want us every night to practice even if the tour is over, we can't have a little day of not even one." He groaned. "But we have now." I smirked and laid my hands on his chest and kiss him on the lips.


Our kiss got headed and I began to realise Bradley wanted this too. He rubbed the back of my thighs begging for me to jump. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his large hands kept glued to my hips. He caried me up to his bedroom. Once there he laid me down on his bed and connected my lips again. We would only break when We lift each others tops. Straight after mine was taken off, Bradley went straight for my sweet spot on my neck as his hands went to my back to unhook my bra. His hands touched all of my curves as his lips worked down my body. A moan escapes my lips. He ripped of his jeans and then mine. Brad kept marking my body with his teeth as he rubbed around my core.

"Brad..." I moaned making a smirk show on his lips.

He stripped me from my underwear and did the same to himself. Brad brought his lips to my core and once again rubbed me. I kept moaning his name as my fingers tangeled into his currly hair. I was about to cum but Bradley quickly put his length into me. He kept slamming himself into me at a fast rhythm. Soon the pain was replaced with pleasure. The room was full of moans and sweat. We both came at the same time. Brad clasped next to me.

"Soon I will give you back that baby." Bradley whispered in my ear. "I don't know if I still want it." I said looking infront of me not making eye contact with him.

"Why not?" He ask as he took my hand in his. "And loose it again." I said. "This time I stay with you and I don't make it happen again." He told me I just smiled.


Wow this chapter took me forever to write but hey here it is 🙈

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