Chapter 19: the band

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Elizabeth's pov

I woke up with someone spaming my phone.

From Con: band meeting at 10 AM Xx

From Con: are you two coming? Xxx

From Con: succes with Bradley getting him here

From Con: we hope that you come..

To Con: I try my best to get him there! Xx

From Con: thank u 💕

I got up and get dressed. I walked into brad's room to find him still in his clothes from yesterday. I found a pillow on the ground. He must throw it away before he felt asleep. I took it and throw it to his face waking him up. "What was that for?" He asks. "Get ready, we leave in 40 minutes." I told him and went downstairs.

I never demand a person but with him I have no choice.

After 20 minutes he finally came downstairs. "What's for breakfast?" He asks. "You think I made breakfast for you?" I asks him while eatin my sandwich. "I hoped so." He said. "You make it yourself." I said. "Wooohoo what get you into this mood?" He asks as he hugged me from behind. "You." I said. He let go of me and start making his breakfast...


When we arrived at tristan's house we got inside. It was hard to get him here. I was nervouse for this. What if it ends in a fight?

I dragged him inside. Everyone was already here. We sat down on the other empty couch. Brad laid his arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer.

I took a deep breath. "Soooo.." I started. Nobody said a word. "Guys you need to talk." I said. "I said it was worthless to come over here." Bradley said annoyed. I pushed him...

"I miss the band." Connor spoke up. "Me too." Tristan and James said together. Now all the eyes were on Bradley.

"I'm fine without the band." Bradley said. "But we can't." Connor said. "You can keep the band but without me." Bradley said and stood up. The boys looked at me all sad. I ran after Bradley.

"You and I know that you need the band." I said and he turned around. "Nope I'm fine." He said. "So you think having no job and just go to parties every night thinks is fine?" I asks him. "Yes and you better accept it." He said and grabbed my hand but I pulled it away. "You're not coming with me?" He asks. "I'm not leaving till you go back there and fix the band." I said. "That's not gonna happen." Bradley said and dragged me into the car.

"You never listen to me." I said before he start driving. "You never care about how I feel about it."

He ignored me and start driving.

When we arrived I ran to my room. I slamed the door shut and laid down on the bed.

To jamz: sorry that it didn't work out :'(

From jamz: it's okay, at least we tried...

To jamz: why is he not listening to me...?

From jamz: because it's Bradley...

To jamz: but sometimes he can be so sweet..

From jamz: but most of the time he is in a bad mood or drunk...

To jamz: I hate my life!!

From jamz: don't, we'll get trought it...

To jamz: we? You're not part of my life anymore now that Bradley didn't want the band back together.

From jamz: it's not because Bradley don't want it that we can't see each other...

To jamz: Bradley would never let me see you guys.

From jamz: :(

To jamz: I hate him... I hate everything!

From jamz: don't!

I laid my phone somewhere on the bed. I walked downstairs and saw Bradley on the couch. I went to the kitchen and grabbed something without Bradley knowing I was here. I went back upstairs into my room and sat down... I took the knife I just took from the kitchen and held it agains my arm... 'If I hurt myself I would stop thinking about Bradley.' I thought to myself...

James pov

We were still at tristan's place. Wondering what to do. Brad don't want to be in the band anymore. I was texting Liz. She wasn't happy.

From Lizzz <3: I hate him... I hate everything!

To Lizzz <3: don't!

She didn't answer me but I know kind of a lot of girls and she was in a kind of depression and if Bradley won't look out after her, what he probebly won't do. Then she hurt herself.

"Guys we need to go to Liz!" I shout. "Why? Bradley won't accept us to see her." Tristan told me but I had to safe Liz. "Okay I go on my own." I said and ran out.

Once I arrived at bradley's house I knocked on the door as he opened. "I said I don't wanna be in the band anymore!" He shout and I just ran past him. "What the f*ck!" He shout as I ran upstairs with Brad following me. I stormed into Liz's room and saw her with a knife in her hands. I ran to her and grabbed it. "McVey, get out my house!" Bradley shout as he came into the room. "See what you do to her?" I asks him showing him the knife. He was shocked.

"How did you know she would do that?" Bradley asks. "After she text me about how much she hates her life.." I told him. "Leave." Was all what Bradley said. I did what he said.

Elizabeth's pov

"Leave." Bradley said and James left the room. "What the hell were you doing?" Brad asks. "You never listen to me." I said and he sat down next to me. "So you just start to cut yourself?" He asks. "After all I'm heart broken and that was the only thing that took the pain in my heart away." I said as I start crying. "I- I'm sorry." Brad said.

"I didn't know what I was doing to you." He said. "Not only me." I said and he looked up at me. "What do you mean?" He asks. "The boys are hurt too now you left them." I told him and saw him thinking. "I don't know why I never listen to you." He said. I looked up at him. "What the fuck made me think I can live without the band?" He asks himself. "It's not too late to go back." I said. "You're right." He smiled.

I looked into his eyes. The sparkels were back. The Bradley I love is back..


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