Chapter 32: I will catch you

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3 months later...

Elizabeth's POV

So I'm pregnant again... Yep it is fast but I'm happy with it. I didn't tell Bradley yet.

Bradley and his band getting really famous lately. And we can't go out anymore without some screaming fangirls. I'm happy for them they finally made it so big but I hate it when they come screaming trowards us as we are trying to get on a date.


I looked next to me and saw Bradley was already gone. I got dressed and went downstairs to see Bradley making breakfast. I hugged him from behind and kissed his cheek.

"Good morning handsom." I whispered in his ear. "Hey babe." He said and turned around and kissed my lips.

"What are you making?" I ask him. "Bacon." He smiled.

When we finish our breakfast we sat down on the couch. "Brad." I spoke up. He looked at me and smiled. "I- I'm..." I tried to say. "Just tell me already." He smiled and hold me close to him. "I'm pregnant." I said. "Really? When did that happened?" He asks. "You don't remember it anymore?" I ask him as he shook his had 'no'. "Like two weeks ago after the party." I told him. "Ooohhh yeah I remember." He said. "That's awesome." He said and kissed my head.

Hopfully this time I can have this baby. I am scared to be honest to loose it again.

"But what if I fall again?" I ask him. "This time I will catch you." He smiled.


Sorry that it is so short but soon this book will end but there will be a sequel 💪💪

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