Chapter 14: london

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Elizabeth's pov

When we were done packing our stuff we drove to Connor's place were the tour bus was waiting. Connor's and Tristan's girlfriends couldn't come cuz there was only one free bunk and because I was first I can go with them.

Connor and Tristan had to say goodbye to their girlfriends and when they were ready we finally got in the bus.

We all sat down in the back as the bus start driving. The boys were playing some video games as I watched them.

"How long till we are in London?" I asks. "A few hours." Connor said.

11 AM

We finally arrived at our hotel. As we got in I had to share a room with Brad. Lucky that we get along together now or else I would never share a room with him.

When I unpacked my stuff I got a text message.

From mom: hi when do you arrive?

To mom: I already arrived, meet me at the starbucks in 30 minutes. Xx

From mom: okay :)

I'm so happy my mom is having a good live. And I would never forget my dad. If I ever see him again things gonna get worse.

"Bradley." I said teasing him cuz I know he don't like it when I call him with his full name. "Liz!" He said. "Sorry." I laughed. "We have to go." I said. "Where are we going?" He asks. "My mom." I said and dragged him outside.

We walked to the starbucks holding hands. As we got inside I already saw my mom sitting at a table. We sat down with her. "Hey." Brad and I said at the same time. "Hey." My mom smiled. "I get some drinks." Brad whispered in my ear and stood up.

"And?" My mom asks. "What?" I smiled. "You and Bradley." She said and smiled at me. "We're doing great." I told her as Brad came back with our drinks.

We talked and laughed. It was so much fun to see her again.

"Mom, I have a surprise for you." I said and she looked up at me. "Here." I said as I give her the backstage pass for tonight. "So we see each other tonight." I smiled as Brad and I stood up. I hugged her before we left.

We walked back to the hotel. "You're mom is nice." Bradley said as he took my hand. "Yeah I love her." I said.

~~ at the venue ~~

The boys were doing their soundcheck as I was watching them. They were good. I loved their music.

As they finished their song I start chearing as a fangirl. Brad start laughing as he jumped of stage and picked me up. "My fangirl." He smiled and pecked me on the lips.

"Hey lovebirds." Connor shout. "What?" Brad asks as he set me down. "We have to finish soundcheck." Connor said and Brad jumped back on stage.

As they played a few more songs I got a text.

From mom: I'm here!

I read it and ran backstage to see my mom. I hugged her. "The boys are doing soundcheck." I said as we walked to the stage. We watched them as they sang their song 'can we dance'. Bradley was always looking at me and smiling. It was cute.

~~ the concert ~~

The concert was good. My mom and I stood at the side of the stage watching them. My mom looked happy. It was a long time ago that my mom and I had so much fun together. I loved every moment.

After the concert I said goodbye to my mom. I'm not gonna see her for a while. It was hard but Bradley helped me trought it.

When my mom left all the boys came to us. "Soooo" Tristan smirked. "What's on his mind?" I asks the others. "Well there are some sick parties here in London..." James said. "Sooooo" Tristan smirked again. "To celebrate the start from our tour we can go to one of those parties." Connor said. "You guys always find a reason to party isn't it?" I asks them. "Sooooooo" Tristan kept on smirking. "Were going." I said.

When we arrived there was loud music and people dancing. "Let's get something to drink." Connor said as we walked to the bar. "Five beers." Connor said to the bar man.

We went to the dance floor and start dancing.

"I talk a lot of sh*t when I'm drinking, baby, I'm known to go a little too fast.
Don't mind all my friends, I know they're all crazy, But they're the only friends that I have. I know I don't know you, But I'd like to skip the small talk and romance, girl. That's all I have to say so, baby, can we dance?" Brad sang in my ear and I giggled.

I was already getting dizzy and Brad and I were dirty dancing. But this time I don't wanna end having sex with him. Not on tour.

"I go get some more drinks." Bradley said and left me alone on the dance floor.

"Hey babe." I heard someone from behind me. I turned around to see a tall blond haired boy. "You came here all alone?" He asks and smirked. He grabbed me by my hips and pulled me closer to him. "Leave me alone, I have a boyfriend." I said. "Oh but I can't see him." The boy smirked. "Leave her alone." I heard from behind me. It was... James? "So you're the boyfriend?" The boy asks. I looked at James. "Yes I am." He said and grabbed me and pulled me closer to him. Lucky the unknown boy left.

I turned around to face James. We were standing close to each other. "Thank you." I said and looked in his eyes. They were sparkeling. "No problem." He said as someone else pulled me away. Brad? That's not good.

"Didn't I told you enough to stay away from him." He shout at me. Well the good boy turned into the bad boy again. "But it's not what it looks like." I said looking into his eyes. The sparkels were gone and replaced by anger. "I knew what I saw." He said and dragged me outside. I was getting scared.

"You know that if this happened I would send you back to your mom but now I know she can't pay me back my money so I need to do it on an other way." He said and he pinned me against the wall

His eyes were filed with anger. He was drunk. I don't know what he was able to but it was no good...

James' POV

Bradley dragged Elizabeth outside. He was so mad. He is going to hurt her even if she didn't do anything. I ran to connor and explained it to him. After that we found Tristan making out with a girl. "Tris!" I shout. He looked up surprised and shocked. "Don't tell Kay." He said.

I dragged him outside and we found Bradley pinning Liz against the wall.

"Brad don't!" I shout. Tristan and I took brad. As connor grabbed Liz's arm. "Let me go!" Brad shout. "No!" Tristan shout back. "Listen." I said. "Why should I?" Brad asks. "Because it was not what it looks like." I said. "I knew what I saw!" Brad shout and get out of our grib and ran away...

Elizabeth's pov

After Brad ran away we went back to the hotel. I opened the door to my and brad's room. I got in and heard someone in the bedroom. I opened the door to see Bradley. I sat down next to him.

"H- hey." I stuttered. "It's okay." I said. "NO IT's NOT!" He shout at me. "Why?" I asks him. "It seems like you love James more then me." He said. "That's not true, I love you." I said. "Why did you almost kiss James at the party?" He asks and looked up. "I didn't." I said and told him everything that happened. The anger in his eyes were replaced with guilt. "It's okay, I forgive you." I said and start leaning in but he turned his head away. "I'm not worth it." He said and got out bed. "I almost hurt you." He said and walked away.


This chapter is my longest chapter ever 💪

I hope you like it. 😘

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