Chapter 10: tour

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Elizabeth pov

Waking up in bradley's arms never felt so good. I turned around to face the sleeping boy. I smiled when I saw how cute he was as he was sleeping. I tried to stand up but he pulled me back.

"Stay." He said. I turned around again to face him again. This time his eyes were open. Our eyes met and there was it... the sparkeling was back. He came closer and kissed me gently. I brought my hands up and cupped his face.

When you think everything is going good and when you really start enjoining Brad his touches, his phone rang. Brad pulled away and answered it. He left the room to talk to the person that was calling him.

I took my phone and ofcourse 2 texts.

From Jamz: we still need to talk!

From Jamz: I can't get you out of my mind..

I ignored him because if I answer him now and Brad finds out, he will turn from sweet boy back into bad boy and I really start loving this Brad. I laid my phone back and That's when Brad came back.

"Get ready we gotta go." Bradley said. "Where do we have to go?" I asks him. "Joe wanna talk to us and you are just coming with me." He said. "Who is Joe?" I asks. "Our manager." He said. "Oh okay I get ready." I said and got out bed.


When we finally arrived we got inside. We saw the other boys and I guess the older man was Joe. Brad sat down next to Tristan and pulled me ino his lap.

"What is this about?" Connor asks Joe. "Well I have good news and bad news." Joe said. "What's the good news?" Tristan asks. "You're going on tour in Europe." Joe told us and Everyone start chearing. "And the bad news?" I asks. "Someone filmed James and Bradley's fight at that party and put it online." He said. "What?" Bradley and I said at the same time... "So a lot of fans are quitting on you guys so we wont get sold out venue's." Joe said and left us. "Good job guys." Tristan said annoyed. "It was James!" Bradley said and I gave him al 'shut up' look. "It doesn't matter who's fault this is... you guys better appolegize before we go on tour our else there will be more fights." Connor said and he was right but I don't think Bradley would accept it. "I'm sorry." James said but Bradley ignored him. "Brad!" Tristan shout. But he didn't answer. I got up and pulled Bradley with me into another room.

"Just accept it so we can go on tour all together." I told him. "He hurt me." He said. "And now he said he was sorry." I said looking into his eyes. His eyes were filt with anger but also sadness. "I can't accept it." He said as he want to storm out I grabbed his hand. "Don't do it for yourself but do it for me." I said lookin into his eyes. This time the anger was gone and it was all sadness. "Please." I spoke up.

He took my hand and we walked back to were the boys were. "I accept your appolegize." He said and laid his arm around my waist and hold me close. "Now happy." He whispered in my ear.

"So now that that is done, let's celebrate our tour at my place." Tristan said.

Bradley drove to tristan's house. When we arrived we got inside and Tristan gave everyone a beer. "Chears!" He shout and we did the same. I took a sip and gave Bradley a small kiss on his cheek. I finally get along with him.


YEY! Liz and Brad finally get together like a real couple... if anyone has a shipname for them let me know..

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