Chapter 7: money can't buy love

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Elizabeth pov

I woke up with the thoughts of James and this time not in brad's bedroom. I stood up and went downstairs. I at some breakfast but where was Brad. Not that I care so much.

I took my phone and saw i've got two Unread texts.

From Brad Xx: I had stuff to do I'm back at 4pm love you babe Xx

Oh yeah did I said he's new nickname for me is 'babe'.

I didn't answer knowing he was busy. The other text was one of James.

From jamz: WAKE UP your sleeping heart 💕

Oh and my nickname for James is jamz. His text was so sweet...

To Jamz: you should use that as a song lyrics Xx

(At this time in the story they are making the new album so the song was not even written)

From Jamz: and call the song wake up haha *sarcasme*

To jamz: okay than not! Xx

From jamz: what are u doing? Xx

To jamz: being bored, Brad is out for some stuff till 4pm :(

From jamz: wait!

I didn't know what he was doing but I waited like 20 minutes till someone knocked on the door. I opened it and it was James. I let him in.

"What brings you here?" I asks him. "You said you were bored so here I am." He smiled.

I sat down on the couch and he did the same. "And how are you and Brad?" He asks.

The thoughts of kissing him and sleeping with him came back.

"I don't know" I said looking down.
"What did he do?" James asks. "I kissed him." I said looking up. "Good you're finally getting some feelings for him." James said. "No I regret it cuz I don't wanna love him." I said with tears in my eyes and James laid his arm around my shoulders, holding me close. "Why not?" He asks "because I love someone else." I said as our eyes meet. I saw that sparkeling again. He smiled as his face came closer to me and his lips touched mine. It felt good bit wasn't right. I'm supposed to do this with Bradley but when I kiss James it feels like it's all meant to be. A feeling I don't have with Bradley.

When the kiss ends I hugged him. "I don't wanna stay with Brad, please help me." I said. "There is nothing I can do, he bought you... You're only meant to be with him." James told me. "Money can't buy love." I said. "I know but there is nothing I can do to get you away from Bradley." He said.

After watching some disney movies it was already 3.35 PM.

"You better go before Brad comes home." I said. "Why I just keeps you company." He said. "Well he thinks I like you so he said I have to stay away from you." I told him. "I better go." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

10 more minutes after James left, Bradley came home. I was just watching another movie. "Hey babe." Bradley said and sat down next to me. "Hey." I faked a smile. "Ready for the party?" He asks. Shit the party, I totally forgot. "How long till we leave?" I asks him. "3 hours." He said. "Okay." I faked another smile. "So how was you're day so far, didn't miss me too much." He smirked. "I just watched some disney movies." I told him. "Sorry I just left you alone, next time I ask Tris or Con to keep you company." He said. "What about James?" I asks. "You know how I think about that." He said. "So that's a no." I said annoyed.

I saw I got 3 texts from James.

From Jamz: today was fun! Xx

From jamz: we have to do that more ☺️

From jamz: see you at the party, in your pink bikini 😏

To jamz: yeah today was so much fun but guess next time I have to hang with Tris or Con, Bradley said that 😔 See ya tonight!

From Jamz: i'll find a way to hang again ☺️

To jamz: hopfully Xx

Now let's get into my bikini for tonight...


Next chapter will be the pool party That's gonna be fun 😉

Double update today 💪

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