Chapter 15: flirting

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Elizabeth's pov

We woke up early to get on the bus to the train station, because we were going to europe.

When we sat on the train I sat next to connor. Brad and I don't talk after he ran away. I want him back. I want him to love me, to touch me, to make me feel good. But he didn't talk to me.

I told connor about yesterday. "Give him time." Connor said. I looked at Bradley. He was asleep. "I miss him." I said. "It's not like you lost him." Connor told me. "But it feels diffrent." I said.

As we arrived we took a cab to the hotel. We were in spain for their second show tomorrow.

As we got into the hotel I had to share a bedroom with Brad. We got inside and I went to the bathroom to fix my hair. When I came back I saw Bradley.

"I will sleep on the couch." He said. "Why? You don't have to." I told him. "But I want to." Is all he said.

I left to room and went to connor's room. He opened the door and let me in. "Is it Bradley?" He asks as I sit down on the bed. Connor sat next to me. "He don't want me anymore." I said. "What makes you think that?" Connor asks. "He wants to sleep on the couch." I told him.

"Hey peeps!" Tristan came running in. "Wanna go see around the city?" Tristan asks. "Sure." Connor said. "Do you ask Brad?" Tristan asks me.

I stood up and walked into our room. I saw him sitting on the bed Reading a book. "Brad." I said and he looked up at me. "You wanna come walk around the city with us?" I asks him but he just start reading again. "I guess that's a no." I said and walked away.


We were walking around the city. Sometimes there are some fans asking for pictures and also asking where Bradley was. The boys told them he had to rest.

"It's so beautiful here." I said while walking around. I love spain. "But not as beautiful as you." Connor smiled.

What the hell was that? Connor?

I just pushed him. "It's the truth." He said. "Stop." I giggled.

He was flirting the whole time. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't. "Con you have a girlfriend." James said trying to stop him from flirting with me. "And Liz has a boyfriend." Tristan said.

Thanks for making me remember Brad again, I was just forgetting about it.

I looked down and connor knew what was wrong. He asks Tristan and James to leave. They did what he asks and we sat down on a bench.

"Don't be sad, it doesn't look good on you." Connor said. "You're way more beautiful when you smile." He said and I looked up into his bright blue eyes.

"Con." I said as he start leaning in. Our lips met and we stay like that for a while. Our lips were moving perfect together. Connor placed his hand on my cheek and the other on my hips.

I pulled away and we didn't make eye contact. "Connor." I spoke up. "Liz." He said. "We have to go back." I said and we stood up to walk back to Tristan and James.

Bradley's pov {eyo for the first time seeing the story trought his eyes :) }

I dicide to leave the hotel. I was walking in the city. It was beautiful.

I walked trowards a lot of people and sometimes girls asks me for a picture. That's when I walked past two girls whispering and looking at me but I just ignored it. I sat down on a bench when those two girls sat down next to me.

"So Bradley." One said. I looked up at her. "You're girlfriend Liz." The other said. "What about her?" I ask. "Is really close with connor." The girls smirks. "I don't understand." I said as one of the girls gave me her phone. There was a picture with Elizabeth and connor... kissing..!? The girl grabbed her phone back and they left me.

What the hell is she kissing him?!

What's going on between Con and Liz? 😏

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