Chapter 11: movie with the boys

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Elizabeth's pov

All the boys and I sat down on the couch watching Harry Potter. I laid my head on brad's lap and my feets on connor's.. The thoughts of that one day I laid on his lap and he getting a boner came back and I had to laughe. Brad gave me a 'what's so funny.' Look. I smirked at him and it looked like he knew what I was thinking. He laughed.

The movie was almost halfway there as my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it and saw a text from my mom.

From mom: hey sweetheart I found a job in London and they even give me a house here so today I'm moving..

To mom: oh I'm so happy for you :)

From mom: how is it there?

To mom: good, Bradley and I finally get along :)

From mom: I'm happy for you..

After the movie we went home. When I got inside Jesse came running throwards me. "Hey girl." I said and hugged her. Bradley watched us.

"When does the tour start?" I asks Brad. "In a month." He said and I stood up. "I think I better go to sleep early, I'm tired." I said and wanted to walk upstairs but Bradley stopped me. "What?" I asks. "Can I not have a kiss." He said making a sad face. I laughed and pecked his lips but he groand. "What?" I asks. He leaned in and kissed me deep. Our lips move perfect together. As we pulled away I walked upstairs and Bradley followed me. I wanted to get in my room as Brad pulled me throwards him. He picked me up and walked into his room. He laid me down on his bed as he get in with me. "This is better." He smiled. "Goodnight." I said. "Goodnight love." He said and kissed my forhead.


This part sucks but it's just some to fill in and you know now that Liz mom's moved to London.

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