Chapter 30: i still believe in you

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Elizabeth pov

I woke up in my own bed. As I got up I was in pain. I walked to the bathroom and undress myself. I looked in the mirror at my body. There were marks that Bradley left on me. When I touched it it hurts.

I turned on the shower and got in. It took me a while to get ready. I just don't want to face Bradley right now.

I couldn't stay in the shower all day. I got out and get dressed. As I walked downstairs I felt my legs shaking.

I saw Bradley on the couch on his computer. As he heard me he turned around to face me.

"Good morning babe." He smiled like nothing happened yesterday. "Come sit with me." Bradley said. I did what he said cuz I was really scared of him.

As I sat down next to him he laid his arm around me. I moved a little because he was touching the marks from yesterday and it hurt.

"You're okay?" He asks. I'm not someone who gets mad for everything but this was taken too far. "Okay?!" I shout as I stood up. "Do you even know how much you hurt me?" I asked him with tears in my eyes.

As our eyes met I didn't saw the sparkeling... there was no emotion at all.

"Just sit down!" He shout. "Why should I sit with someone who hurts me!" I shout. "Because you're mine!" He shout.

There wasn't a thing I could say back to him cuz he does own me...

I sat down next to him as he turnd on the tv. I wasn't focusing on the tv... I was texting with connor.

To Connor : please get me out of here! Xx

From connor: are you okay?

To Connor: NO!

From connor: what can I do?

To Connor: I don't know, just get me out of here!

From Connor: okay!

After ten more minutes Bradley stood up. "I have to go to Tris." Bradley said and left the house. It must be connor and Tristan do this together so connor can come to me.

After Bradley left someone knocked on the door. I opened it to see connor. "What's going on?" He asked worried.

I took his hand and dragged him upstairs into my room. I stripped down till I was only in my underwear. "Liz I'm not here for s-" he stopped when he looked at my body. "What happened to you?" He asks. "Bradley turned insane when he saw me with Levi." I told him.

I told him everything from Luke raping me and from Levi just being a friend and who Bradley react to it all.

"Does it hurt when you touch it?" Connor asks. "Yes!" I shout to stop him from touching my scars. "Stay." Connor said as he walked downstairs.

When he came back he had some tube with cream. "It helps to healt." He said. He did some on his finger. He tried his best not to hurt me when he put it on the scars. When he was done I remembered I had a huge scare on my left boob but I can't let him take care of it cuz he would see me naked.

"Is that all?" He asks. "Uhh yes." I said unsure. "You're lying." He said. "Well I have one on my left boob but I will do that one when you left." I told him he just smiled.

"You can't stay with him." Connor said. "I can't do a thing." I said. "Well you can go to the police." Connor told me.
"This sounds crazy after what he did to me but I can't leave him, I need him." I said. "You want to stay with such an insane person?" Connor asks. "I never got attention of boys before him. I kinda love to have a boyfriend even if he don't treats me right." I said. "But you can have a better boyfriend then him." Connor said. I looked in his eyes. He was always so nice to me. And those sparkels in his eyes are just to melt for.

But then the door flew open and ofcourse it was Bradley. He is going to hurt connor since I was just in my underwear.

"What the fuck is happening here!?" Bradley shout. I ran to him and stopped him from hitting connor. "Before you hurt someone just listen." I spoke up. "You're in your underwear with connor." He said angry. "Listen he was just helping me with my scars." I told Bradley. "Just leave before I do somthing wrong." He said to connor.

Connor did what he said and left me alone with him. "Please don't hurt me." I said. I was scared for his reaction.

He put his hands on my hips and pulled me close to him but this time it was gentel. I looked in his eyes and saw the sparks again. A small smile came across my face. "I know I can't make it up with just a sorry but it's all I have." He whispered. "I take that." I smiled. "If I was you I would just ran away from me." He said. "But maybe I don't want to leave you." I told him. "Why, I hurt you so many times." He said with guilt in his eyes, I felt bad for him. "I just love you when you're nice and I keep telling myself that one day you would understand evrything and just don't get insane when I'm around boys." I smiled. "Luckely I have someone that still believes in me." He smiled and kissed me.

Do you believe that Bradley will turn to a good caring not jelouse boyfriend? X

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