Chapter 16: about that kiss?

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Elizabeth's pov

"Someone up for some starbucks?" Tristan asks as we walked into the starbucks. Connor and I sat down as James and Tristan get the drinks.

"About that kiss..." I started. "Yeah what about it." Someone said. I looked next to me and saw Bradley.

Good That's just what I need. "It was a mistake." Connor said and left. "First James and now connor." Bradley said and grabbed my arm dragging me out the starbucks.

We walked without saying a word till we reached a small street. There was nobody here.

He slamed me against the wall. "The only one who can kiss you is me." He said and kissed me rough. His hands travel down to my hips as he closed the gap between our bodies.

He kissed me roughly and feeling up and down my body.

"Bradley." I heard a girl's voice. Brad stopped and we saw two girls. One was recording everything. They smirked and left. I looked up at Brad. Brad groaned and pushed me away. I felt to the ground as he ran away. I start crying.

"Liz." I heard Tristan.

I saw Tristan and James running up to me. Tristan picked me up and caried me al the way back to the hotel.

He sat me down on his bed and sat next to me. "You can stay the night with me." He said. "I'm not sleeping with you." I told him. "I sleep on the couch." He said as he walked over to the couch.

I laid down on the bed and cuddled the pillow. I just wanted to cry all night long.

"Thank you." I said. "No problem." I heard Tristan from the couch.


Ugh this one is pretty short but a lot happened ☺️

What do you think of Brad, he is being pretty rough with Liz?

I hope you like this part cuz I do haha 😘

I just write this part in class hahaha 😂

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