Chapter 29: he's back?

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Elizabeth's pov

I woke up by someone sending me a lot of texts. I sat up and saw I was naked but I couldn't remember. I got dressed and took my phone.

From Bradleybear ❤️: what the fuck are you fucking Luke!!!!

From Bradleybear ❤️: Liz wake up we have to talk!!

From Bradleybear ❤️: Liz you better wake up!!!!!!!

After Reading his text I remembered. I got raped by him.

To Bradleybear ❤️: it's not what it looks like, he is lying!

From Bradleybear ❤️: uhh he send me a picture of you two and I know what I saw!!!! Explain that!!

To Bradleybear ❤️: he raped me, I didn't want it!!

From Bradleybear ❤️: yeah right! I know him for years now and he would never do that!!

To Bradleybear ❤️: and I know what happened yesterday and that's he raping me!! I think you didn't know what he was able to!

From Bradleybear ❤️: he NEVER hurt a girl!! We are friends from when we were two years old, he would never hurt a girl!

To Bradleybear ❤️: who do you believe... your friend who just made up something our your girlfriend who was caring your baby and get trought so many pain for that baby and after all just loos it!!? Who do you think that cares the most for you!? Who do you believe?

After sending this text I was in tears talking about the baby.

From Bradleybear ❤️: I don't know what to believe anymore, we'll figure this out when I'm back but don't think it's going to be easy!!

By Reading his text I could know he was back to his bad boy attitude. I hate that...! It always end up in problems when he is mad.


Months went by fast... I didn't hear much from Bradley our the boys. I almost hang out with Kay and Fien everyday. I never saw Luke again after he raped me.

Oh and I made a new friend, Levi. He was really nice to me.

Today it was brad's birthday. I wasn't sure if I should send him a text our not... Well because I'm nice I'll just send him one.

To Bradleybear ❤️: happy birthday 😘

I didn't get a respons. Today they were somewhere in europe so almost the same time zone.

I just watch a movie because the girls are busy. After a while the doorbell rang. What if it was Luke?

I was scared but I jut stood up and walked to the door. I took a breath and opened it ...

Lucky me cuz it was Levi. I let him in and we watch the rest of the movie together. I really love that boy.

"Liz, you heard something from Brad already?" He asks. "Nothing." I said and laid my head on his chest as the door flew open... Bradley? He was home?

When he saw Levi, he wasn't happy.

"So first you fuck with my best friend and now this boy!" He shout at me. "Uh first of all I didn't fuck Luke, he raped me... and second, this boy is just a friend who keeps me company." I told him. "I better go home." Levi said and left the house.

When the door closed Bradley slamed me against the wall. "I should punish you for that." He smirked. "But I didn't do anything." I said with tears in my eyes.

Bradley ignored me and picked me up carying me upstairs. I tried to kick him so he will let me go but that didn't work. I throw me on the bed and went to his closet... I was scared and sat up watching his every move.

As he turned around to face me I saw he had some robe in his hands. He walked up to me and took my feet and laid me down on the bed. As he clim on top of me he took the rope and tied me up on te bed so I can't leave..

"After today you will think twice before you fuck someone who is not me." He smirked...


Eehh Bradley is home... did you miss the drama? ☺️😏

Double update 💪

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