Chapter 12: the first time

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Elizabeth's pov

~~ 3 weeks later ~~

One week to go till the tour starts... In this past 3 weeks they did a lot of practice.

Between me and Brad everything is great. We still have little disagrees but not like in the beginning.

James and I don't talk much...

Tristan and Connor both are in a relation too...

My mom is doing great in London and when we are in London for the tour I can go see her.

Okay back to reality. Tonight we will celebrate the tour with all our friends, well their friends. This time James is throwing the party. I was a little nervous cuz till now every party we went to ended up bad.

When we were ready to go I said goodbye to Jesse. Even if I see her again after the party. She is just so sweet.

"Let's go." Brad said and took my hand.

When we reached James' house there were already a lot of peoples. We went inside to the kitchen as Bradley grabbed some beers.

"Hey party people." Tristan shout from behind us. "Hey Tris." Brad said. "Who is the girl?" I ask. "Oh this is Kay my girlfriend." He said as he laid his arm around her shoulders. "Have fun tonight." I smiled and they left. "She is pretty." I said to Brad. "Not as pretty as you." He smiled and kissed the top of my head. I blushed.

We danced and had some more beers. I was already getting dizzy... "Brad, Liz!" Connor shout. "Oh hey Con." I smiled. "So let me guess, she is your girlfriend." Bradley smirked and I pushed his arm. "Yeah this is Fien." Connor smiled. "Nice to meet you." I said to Fien. "I'm Elizabeth." "Just Liz." Brad smiled. "Let's get dancing again." I said and pushed him back on the dance floor.

This time I was the one playing dirty. I was dancing dirty as he kept on smirking. "Liz." Bradley said and I turn around to face him. "Come." He said and took my hand and dragged me upstairs into a bedroom. He closed the door and this time it was me pushing him against the wall.

I kissed him roughly. As my hands travel down his body he pushed me till I felt on the bed. He took of his shirt and climed over me. I looked at his body. I got lost in my own thoughts as I looked up and down his body. "Like what you see?" Brad smirked and smashes his lips on mine.

Bradley's hands travel to my back. Unzipping my dress. He took it off and throw it somewhere in the room.

I start to get a little uncomfortable when he took off his pants. I could see he was already hard. I move a little uncomfortable... "You're okay?" Bradley asks stopping his actions. "I - I don't k - know" I stuttered. "I know it's you're first time." He said softley. "I take it easy." He smiled and kept going with his actions.

He start sucking on my sweetspot as a moan escapes my lips. I felt Bradley smirks against my skin. His hands travel up and down my body making me shiver because his rings were cold.

I felt his hands going to my back unclipping my bra. He took it of but I laid my arms infront of them. I never really liked my body and he already had better looking girls to fuck...

"Don't." He said and took my arms away. "You're beautiful."

Soon we were both naked. It felt good when his hands travel up and down my body. His hands went to my upper thight as he opens my legs and get between them...

And let your imagine do the rest 😏


I promise that I will write a whole sex scene between them but not today 😏😏

I hope you like this... more drama will come on tour so just wait for it 😄

Double update 💪💪 I have so many ideas for this book ☺️

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