Chapter 35: he will always blame himself for this.

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Tristan's pov

"And?" He asks. I don't know how to tell him he lost his second baby too...

"I'm sorry." I said looking down. I could feel he was really sad about it. And I don't blame him, he lost his second baby and his girl is fighting for her life.

"It's all my fault." Brad said as he rubbed his eyes trying not to cry.

"It's not." I said quiet but loud enough for him to hear.

"As I payed attention on the road this never happened." He told us. He felt so bad about it. "If Liz dies it's all my fault."

"She won't die, she is strong and get trought this." I said.

"I made her life a living hell, I never treated her right." Brad said.

"Stop feeling bad about it, it's not gonna help." James said as a doctor came in.

"I have some good and bad news." The doctor told us. "What do you want to hear first?"

"I can use some good news first." Brad said.

"Well Bradley you can go home tonight." The doctor said and Brad's face light up.

"And the bad news?" I ask him getting pretty worried.

"I'm scared Elizabeth didn't made it." He said.

"What?" We all said at the same time. This wasn't happening.

"No she can't be death." Brad said looking at the doctor.

"I'm sorry." He said and left us alone.

We shared a group hug with the four of us letting our emotion go there way. We were all in tears now. I felt so bad for Brad. How was he going to go trought this. He will always blame himself for this...

He will always blame himself for this...

The end!

So I end this story here, there will be a sequel to this book... coming soon.

I hope you don't hate me for making this end like this?

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