Chapter 20: his family

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Elizabeth's POV

It was 7PM. We were drivin to tristan's place cuz everyone was still there. When we arrived I knocked on the door and Tristan opens it. "Come in." He said and let us in.

We sat down with the others. "You changed your mind?" Tristan asks. "I had to listen to Liz." He said and laid his arm around my shoulders. "So you're coming back?" Connor asks. "That's what it seems like." Bradley said and everyone start smiling. "What about the tour?" I asks. "I'll text Joe." James said grabbing his phone.

Tristan stood up and went to the kitchen. He came back with bottles beer. He gave one to everyone. "That we can stay The Vamps forever." Tristan said holding up his bottle and everyone did the same.

I smiled at Bradley and gave him a 'thank you' look. He hold me close and smiled back at me kissing my forhaed.

~~ the next day ~~

I woke up and went downstairs to see Bradley cleaning the house. "What's going on?" I ask him cuz he never did that before. He sometimes hired someone to do that for him. "Get dressed." Is all he said. I wanted to ask for what but I just got dressed.

When I was ready I went back to Bradley. "What's going on?" I ask him. "My parents are coming." He said nervouse. "Why?" I ask him. "They wanna meet you." He said. I was getting nervouse too.

After an hour the doorbell rang. I was just ready with setting the table for breakfast for the five of us cuz his sister is coming with them. I made some backon and egs and a lot more.

Bradley walked to the front door and opened it. He hugged his mom and dad and said hello to his sister. Bradley introduced me to his family and they were really nice but something was bothering me. They looked verry stricked how can that be bradley's parents?

We sat down at the tabel. I sat next to Bradley. I barrely eat something cuz I was to scared to do something wrong.

Bradley laid his hand on my tight and start rubbing it to tell me not to stress. But it only made it worse.

His dad start talking about his bussines. I just smiled and pretend I was listening.

"So Elizabeth do you have a job?" His dad ask me. I'm only 18. No. But can I just tell him I live on brad's money?

"Not yet but I'm looking for a job." I told him. "Well if you're intresting, you can work at my company." He said. I looked at Brad and he gave me a worried look. "Thank you so much but that's not kind of my thing." I smiled. "Oh I understand." His dad said.

I safed it and I did verry good...

Bradley smiled at me. "Bradley." His mom said. And we looked up at he worried what she was going to say. "I heard you've been in a lot of trouble on tour." She said.

This was no good. I looked at Brad. He was nervouse. "Mom that's the past, everything is good now." He said. "Joe even had to call me." She said.

"Darling this isn't a good time." His dad said to his mom.

"I can't believe what you did!" She shout. Bradley was getting annoyed with it. "Why can't you not just be as your sister, smart and nice." His mom said. He got up and placed his hands on the table.. Hard. "Maybe that's because you never been there for me!" He shout with tears in his eyes. "Young man, don't shout at your mom!" His dad stood up.

I looked at his sister who just tried to ignore everything.

"Just leave!" Brad shout. His mom was pissed. She stormed out the house with his dad running after it. "Sorry." His sister said and left.

Bradley walked over to the couch and sat down. I sat down next to him.

"Just forget it." I said as I snuggeld up to him. "They always make me feel like I'm a mistake." He told me. "But you're not." I said. "But they make me feel like." He said as a tear came down his cheek.

Was he crying?

"I'm a mistake, my life is a mistake." He said. "You're family may think that but for me you're more than perfect." I said and whiped away his tears. "A pretty boy like you shouldn't cry." I told him.

He gave me a small smile. "I love you." He said and kissed my forhead.

"I love you too.." I smiled.

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