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This chapter will be in more than one 'Point of View'.

Hey my babies I hope you all read the memo I posted on the end of the previous chapter, but if not, I will repeat that this story is soon coming to its close, originally it was only suppose to have 16 chapters, but things never seems to work out the way I plan them, I really fell in love with the characters and wanted to give them depth. Anyway I hope you are all enjoying this book. I too I'm enjoying my little adventure, they have added more months unto our travel plans so I wont be back until the end of June or the first week in July. It has really been an awesome adventure, I can definitely say that I would try this again, tho it would bot be in the near future. I have practically abandon my studies, my apartment, my Kuro and my Family for more that 8 months, so I really need to be getting back. There will be some new works too but those will be posted when I get back. For now please enjoy these chapter my friend has been posting :)

Cain's Point of View:

Fortunately Steele's office is sound proof, if not I am pretty sure we would have been preview to every sexual sound and noise all the way in the living room, thankfully we cannot hear them, because I really wont want the image of Steele's naked body in my head, I shudder at such travesty, even though we can't hear them, we can all tell what Steele and Cayu are up to in his office, there is no mistaking that they are making love, especially after Steele's love confession. I was shocked by it, scratch that, I think we all were shocked by his confession, even Cayu was shock for about fifteen seconds with his mouth hanging open, but then the expression on his face quickly turned into one of utter happiness and bliss and thereafter he was running after Steele as fast as he could.

Its been hours since they both lock themselves in his office, that is a definite confirmation of my earlier guess. Everyone seems pleased by whats going on, except those two bitches and me, I can't deny that its bothering me, but its not jealousy anymore, its more of an anger towards Steele for defiling my innocent Cayu, I still don't like him, in fact I am pretty sure that if we were to meet in a dark alley I would gut him and watch him bleed out.

But I have to keep that thought to myself, Cayu would be sad if he knew I am mentally gutting his lover, so for now I have to put up with him, yet I have a feeling that there will always be bitter feelings between Steele and I. I just can't get over the fact that he took my best friend away from me while rubbing my lost to him in my face so blatantly when the bastard use all type of dirty tricks to get his way and naive Cayu fell for it. Maybe I shouldn't think of Cayu as innocent and naive any more, because he has shown me that for the most part he is even more mature than I am.

He never losses his cool even when he wants to, I could see he wanted to when those two bitches attacked him, but he surprised us all when he was the one that took the situation and make it smaller than it was, even earlier he defended them when we wanted to toss them out in the cold, I don't like Steele, but I agreed with him a hundred percent when it come to those women, but I guess after that scare from earlier they will behave now.

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