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Cain’s Point of View:

I am here sitting at our usual spot IHOP waiting for Cayu, looking out the window at the snow gently falling, this Winter sure is going to be killer and I hate it, for some reason Cayu loves it tho, when he had told me that the Winter was his favorite season of the year I thought it odd because most people always choose Spring or Fall.

But as always he had surprised me with another little thing that are just so Cayu, it seems that the colder it gets, the more he enjoys it, the first time I saw the way he had dance around in the first snow fall and then played in it like a kid, had made me feel a ton of butterflies in my stomach and that was when I realized I was falling for him, now I am here patiently waiting for him to show up, I can feel my heart beating in anticipation.

I am so happy to be able to see Cayu today, I was ecstatic when he called saying he wanted to hang out with me, it has been such a long week without him, it has been so very lonely and I have missed him so much, it has been so bad that I can’t even sleep, I have been partying every night trying to get him out of my mind but it does not work, even when I tried having sex it does not make a difference.

I only ended up frustrated and wanting to see him all the more, the more I think about him being in that house with Steele it makes me all the more angry, because I know that Steele is not one off those men that wont go for who and what he wants, and I know for a fact that he wants Cayu in his bed.

Steele is a player, and he is one of the worst kind, he is the sex em and leave em type of guy, I know am not perfect but somehow I am different from him, I am a lot better for Cayu than he is, he will destroy Cayu’s innocence, because he will swallow him up then spit him out after he gets bored, the same way he did with all the others he had played with before.

The bad part is that I can’t even get Cayu out of that house, he has already fallen for those little girls, you can hear it in his voice when he talks about them, and it will take something mayor for him to leave, and if that happens he will be devastated.

I can’t permit that to happen, I will do everything I can today to convince him to leave there now, so he don’t get hurt a lot worst later, that bastard said I don’t have it in me to tell Cayu I love him, well we will see about that today.

As I continue to wait I can see and feel the lustful gaze of some of the guys and waiters, but I am ignoring them, my mind is on someone a lot better, as this thought cross my mind, I hear the door chime and he walks in hurriedly looking around, my guess is he thinks that its late and that I have already left, he is only 10 minutes late anyway.

From where I am sitting I can see him clearly, he looks so good in those gray jeans with that big cream sweater, and he looks even sweeter with that pink scarf around his neck, after watching him look around a little more I got up signaling him over, a smile split his face and my heart skip a beat.

He walks over, going straight into my arms hugging me, I had to stop myself from crushing him to my body, but I did smell the delicious scent coming his hair and skin, God my mouth is watering, but I will not push him too much, but as I look around the room I can see naked hunger in the eyes of some guys, I really want to punch them in the face, but I just run my hand down his back to show them that he is already taken, pulling away from me he look up and my heart squeeze again.

“It is so good to see you Cain, it feels like forever, I really miss you” he says softly, he always speak in a soft tune, I don’t even know if he can get loud, smiling down at him.............................

“It is so good to see you too Cayu, I miss my little chocolate cutie, and I know you miss my sexy body”, he burst out laughing, when he realize that we were still standing he immediately sits down quieting himself to not call attention.

“Yeah I can’t tell you how much I miss your body, I could not function for days” he was serious for a moment then burst out laughing again “But what I missed the most are the delicious buttermilk pancakes, your body can’t beat them, sorry” his eyes are watering an I am trying my best to keep the hurt look on my face, but the more he look at me he laugh and I end up giving in infected by his amusement.

“Ok ok, I understand, that pancakes are more important, but damn you know how to kill a mans ego” he roll his eyes.

“You need your ego beaten down a bit, that will stop your head from exploding, you should be thanking me right now, I am basically saving your life, so ungrateful” he look so cute with his fake pout.

“You wound me deep Cayu, I wonder if you do the same thing to your boss” he stiffens immediately.

“We are not talking about him Cain, how did he even end up in the conversation anyway?................ You know what, I think its better is we order I am famish” he give all his attention to the menu, this annoys me a bit.

"Why can’t we talk about him? Is he such a saint that you can’t even say a bad sentence about him?" I know I was taking out my frustration on him, but I want to know what he thinks about that bastard.

“Cain lets just leave it ok, I really just want to have some fun with you and enjoy the meal, can we just do that? Please” he pause a bit “But if you must know everything is fine, I don’t know why you don’t like him” I scrowl....................................

“I don’t like him because he is a player, and he want what is not his” he sigh.

“Cain you are a player too, I know that for a fact, how many times I went over to your apartment and a guy was sneaking out of your room, you don’t need to answer that, because I am sure that you can’t remember” I want to refute this but I can’t, because I wanted to take him out of my mind but it never worked, he pull me out of my mind when he...............................

“Besides if he wants someone it is not going to be me Cain, do you even see that man, he is extremely handsome and successful, I am not even on his radar, so don’t worry about him stealing your friend” he is still looking at the menu, there is something in his voice that I can’t place my finger on, “Another thing, if he even do anything I am sure it will all be a game” his voice went all the more softer and I want to kick my self right now “Anyway enough about my boss, I came to see you” I lift my brow at him he smile again “Well I came for the pancakes, but to not be rude I slip you into the  same schedule” throwing back my head I laugh hard, I am still worried but I will not stress him about it right now.

“Thank you for being so kind, slipping me into your busy pancake schedule, I will forever be grateful” he burst out laughing again and the ambiance slowly change back to our usual banters with each other.

For now we will enjoy our pancakes, and then I will talk to him later about my feelings for him, after we order he begins talking about the little girls, telling me how intelligent the are, and how they enjoy being with him, they even have their own version of his name and he likes it, it warms my heart to see him so happy, but how I wish he would smile at me with the same love he feels for the little girls.

After the food arrive, we both groan at the stack of pancakes, sausage, omelet, bacon and everything else, anytime we come to IHOP we always pig out, so much so that we have to stay seated for at least 40 minutes after.

When the last bit of food was gone we both just lay back breathing in and out, I can’t take my eyes of off him tho, that is when I notice he had not taken off his scarf, I was going to comment on it when he.................................

“Cain can you go with to the train station?”

“You going on a trip Cayu?” I ask jokingly, he shake his head from side to side.

“No I am going there to get my cousin Caleb who is moving here, I guess he wants to start a new life here in the city like I did, also he is going to be living in my apartment” I have heard about his cousin, but I never ask about him, all I know is that he is Cayu’s favorite cousin and now I am curious to meet him.

“Ok Cayu we can go, just as soon as the pancakes and all of its side dishes stop beating up my stomach” he tried laughing...............

“Cain please don’t make me laugh, because if I do it I am sure there will be throw up everywhere”

“What will you give me if I stop?” I ask him.

“What do you want?” he counters his eyes still close.

“How about a kiss?” his reaction is so fast that I thought he would have snap his neck.

“That is so not funny Cain, you nearly made me break my neck, stop teasing so much” I smile at him then lean towards him, but when I feel the way he stiffens, I had to cover my tracks even if my heart wants to burst at this moment.

“Hahahahahaha I got you Cayu, you should have seen the look on your face, that was a straight up camera moment” I can see the way his body begins to relax and I am happy he is back to himself.

“Yeah you got me, I really thought I would have had to bring out my boxing gloves” we both laugh, but I really wanted to cry at the moment.

Why I am so much of a coward? Why can’t I tell him how I feel? What in the world is holding me back?

Those were the questions that are swirling inside my head as I look at his still laughing face, and my heart feel like it will burst from suppressing all my feelings.

Even as we leave IHOP and went toward the train station, I could not keep the tightness out of my chest, but I know I have to act normal, because what I fear most in the world is for Cayu to be scared and hate me.

Roman’s Point of View:

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