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Hey my chocolate babies, here is a new chapter for your enjoyment, I hope you all like it :)

Roman’s Point of View:

The drive on the way to Alex and Gabe’s home, had me on a sexual edge, after what happen in the open with him kneeling in the snow, then what happen in the girls room, has me itching to just turn the car around, go home, drag Cay to my room and ravish him over and over and over and over and over.............. Well you get the idea, basically when I get my hands on him he wont be able to move for days after, when I get him buck naked in my bed on full display for me viewing and touching pleasures.

I would definitely show him just how much he has stirred me up, the little tease has a lot to be hold accountable for, and I will hold him for it, I will get everything, I don’t just want his body, I want everything of his to be mine, even the smallest detail I will enjoy finding out about.

Never had someone turned on like he does in my life before, what I felt about the boy when I was in the University is childs play, puppy lust, compare to how much I feel for Cay now, the idea of me coming home everyday to him and the girls together has fully taken over my mind, and there is no way I wont fight to make it a reality.

The girls love him, I want him so much to be mine to the point of where i’d do anything to get my way, it makes me ecstatic that now he responds to me, even though he is still stubborn, but little by little I will break him down.

And when we reach the point of no return, I will take him all, not leaving room for him to ever think about someone else ever again; it may sound monopolistic or even possessive of me, but which man is not those things when he has the person he want for himself inside his domain.

If he was just another fuck to me I would have not chase him like I have been doing so far, I have never chased another person before, man or woman they have always came on their own for me, but if someone had shown me disinterest which never happens, I would have not let that bother me and move on to the next person, but with him I cannot move on, he has to be mine, fully and completely mine.

And the very thought of someone else caressing his beautiful caramel skin, sends me over the wall, a red anger takes over and I have to fight to calm myself down, that is why I am in no way fond of his time spending with his friend Cain.

The guy is a good enough person just like any other normal person, and he is a star in the company, he does not know it, but he works for me, I found that out when I investigated him.

Basically he is an all around well rounded guy that knows how to do business and has had many promotions in the company, and if he continues the way, he will reach the presidency of the negotiation and sales department, and I would not hesitate to give him the position, I will even recommend him, but I still cannot let him have my Cay, I am not that generous.

I guess after years of me and Cay together I can see myself partaking in a friendly conversation with him, or even inviting him over for a BBQ and things like that, but it can never be before I make my little luscious caramel mine.

Looking over at his profile I cannot help but think he is trying his best to avoid my eyes, his body is stiff and even when he looks behind at the girls, he avoids looking at me, but I will let that slide for now, because soon his eyes will be strain only on me as I pound fully inside his tight delicious body.

Just the very thought of him writhing and undulating under me has my body is heating up once again, fuck I have to control myself so I don’t jump him here in front of my nieces, frustrated does not even come close to describing my unfulfilled desires, I am way beyond that, I am to the point where I have to have him or I will die of lack and want.

Dammit the image of him on his knees with his sexy pouty mouth full to near bursting with my c*ock is not leaving my head, and I surely will have a repeat of the act but next time it has to be the full course, I need more than a taste, fuck I want the whole banquet, call me greedy, but I never said I wasn't.

I can say with certainty that anyone who had witness such decadence would have feel the same thing I am feeling right now, nothing I had ever done so far can compare to seeing him like that.

Dammit Roman focus, lets get this party over with first, then I will let all my evil tricks out of the bag, chuckling softly to myself I continue driving.

The drive is quiet, only disturb with the occasional baby talks and the answer from Cay or Caleb, I just can’t open my mouth right now, because I know I will say something that is only meant for my little Caramel’s ears only.

And I have to be careful, because earlier I nearly corrupted my nieces, I was about ready to F*uck him on that changing table, thank God Simone interrupted us, because I surely would have committed a sin, but it was all going to be Cay’s fault.

He has really played with fire today, and I am holding unto my self control with all my might, but its about ready to snap and I am about ready to let it, Lord knows I will enjoy every minute of it, and I sure Cay will enjoy it too, especially now that he is not trying too hard to hide his hot appetite, I adore his response to me, his body is so sweet and sensitive, I cannot help taking advantage of it.

He thinks that I have been playing around with him every time I touch his body, driving him to the brinks of insanity, but what he does not know is that I have been slowly discovering everything about his sexy luscious body.

Finding out his likes and dislikes, such as the fact that a simple nip behind his ears can make him drop to his knees in a whimpering moaning heap, also a grip on his waist squeezing it roughly turns him into a panting quivering mess, and don’t get me started about me sucking on his sweet skin or playing with his overly sensitive nipples, shit my body is on fire.

Just reminiscing about bringing him to the various abandon state in my arms has me gripping the steering wheel forcefully, focus Roman focus, if I don’t I will be pulling him into my arms and defiling him in the presence of my innocent nieces and his not so innocent cousin.

Speaking of his cousin, I eye him through the rear view mirror and I can see the worry edging at his face, and he is fidgeting in his seat, the awful part is that his dilemma is going to get a lot worse when we get to the party, I know it is evil of me but I have conveniently forget to let him know where we are going, and I sure that Cay has been too busy with all that went on to mention it to him.

Because its a fact that Caleb would have prefer to slit his wrist than see Logan right now, but I need something distract me now, also I have to pay him back for he did to me, also they have to see each other sooner or later right? Why not let it be sooner? It is going to be quite the reunion, I cannot wait for it, I will obviously enjoy the show.

It going to be so much fun to watch, I am smiling to myself just imagining it, call me evil all you want, but I can never resist a good show; chuckling again, I did not realize that it was loud until..........................................................

“Is something funny Mr. Steele?” Ask my little tease in a still angry voice, I really don’t get why he is mad at me, when he started the whole thing, but that will soon be establish, but first the show, swinging around to look at his face I continue to smile, shrugging then I answer.

“I am just waiting for the show to begin Cay, nothing mayor just something that should have happened a long time ago” this is said sweetly, as I return my eyes to the road.

Minutes later I am pulling up to Alex and Gabe’s Victorian style home, after we got inside the gates my little Cay was the first one out of the car, going immediately to the back for the girls, who are laughing excitedly and clapping their hands while saying Yan yan as he got them out, I went over to help him with them, but neither one of the girls wanted to let go of him, believe me I understand them, because I do not and will not let go of my sexy prey.

Its like they are still scared he will leave again without them, and are holding on tight, he kiss both their cheeks indulging them, they giggle and wrap their little arms all the more tighter around his neck, then he begin to slowly walk towards the house big double door, after I had gotten the girls bags and other stuff, I run after him instantly snagging my arms around them.

He stops for a moment when I did that, trying to pull away until I whisper,

“Its really slippery Cay, and I don’t want you and the girls to fall” all of this was to his ear and I did not loose the opportunity of running my tongue lightly over his right ear, he shiver but continue walking, his cousin was behind us with two big pies in his hands, if those are my baby home made pie, I’m sorry to say this but Gabe is not going to be enjoying them on his own.

Getting to the door I can hear the faint sound of music, I ring the door bell and wait for the it to open as the girls continue to talk animatedly to Cay, the door was jerk open by a laughing Logan who was saying something stupid to Alex, I can see Gabe in the background smacking Alex upside the head.

“Get him Gabe, show him who is the boss of this house” Logan egg on, Alex show him the finger and is smack again by Gabe, Logan turn to us smiling.

“Hey girls, why are you smothering the cutie?” he ask the girls in a playful tune smiling fondly at them, but as his eyes slide to the side and fuse with the surprise frighten look in Caleb’s eyes, his own eyes became ice and his face transform itself to an emotionless mask, yet he continue to smile sweetly at Cay and the girls.

“I did not know you would be bringing extra company Rom” he says looking at me as if he would really love to wring my neck, but before I answer him Cay’s voice interrupts us.

“Hi Mr. Black its nice seeing you again” gesturing to the frozen Caleb he continue “This is my cousin Caleb, he just came in today, but you all can get acquainted later, because right now I really have to sit down, my girls are not exactly feather light, and they need to get out of the cold” then he walks in leaving the three of us at the door, dammit he is still mad at me, I will definitely have to fix that, but right now the show is about to begin.

But before anything ugly begins, Gabe walks up to us deck out completely in white that fully compliments his bronze skin that proudly displays his native American heritage that he is really proud off, he is a cute little thing, well 5’9 is not exactly small but compare to us he is short.

He has another hair style again, he changes his hair every three to four weeks, just so he don’t bored he says, the only thing is he always keeps a length on it for Alex’s pleasure, I am sure you all know what type of pleasure I am talking about.

After he was in front of us, flicking his hair to the back................................

“A really sexy cute guy with babies as chains around his neck, send me over here to claim my pies, so give them here, so you can continue whatever you were talking about” he says this stretching out his hands towards Caleb, after he got the pies he is walking away again, but then he stop turning back toward us.........................

“One thing though, I can feel a tension in the air, but you bitches better don’t ruin my birthday party, because I will not hesitate to cut you, and Alex will let me, because he wants to have sex tonight, so don’t try me” he threatens, looking us up and down once again before walking away swinging his hips, you may think his threat is a joke but its not, he will cut us if we do something crazy, but usually we let him do whatever he wants because he is the smallest of us all.

Smiling I look over at Logan and he is the picture of calmness, and Caleb’s is the picture of anger, he made to go out the door, but Logan pull him back hard and fast stopping him in his tracks, he made to pull away again but Logan squeeze him all the more harder growling at him.

“Don’t even think about it Caleb! I want explanations, and you are going to give them to me, and let me tell you right now, if you move and inch I will rip you to shreds right here for all the guest to see” the way he says this is has Caleb stilling for a bit before he spins around and.....................................

“You don’t threaten me bastard, I will leave if I want to, and you can’t stop me” he hiss, he the turn facing me,

“You know this was going to happen right? And yet you neglected to tell me, you know what Roman and ‘You’ fuck you both, I am out of here, tell Cee to call me when he can” then he begins pulling away again, but all of a sudden he is up against the wall with Logan pinning him there.

I am feeling a little twinge now, maybe I should feel guilty for setting him up, I am waiting for the guilt to hit me, wait for it, wait for it............................ No, no guilt. So all that is left is for me is to enjoy a little more of the show, before heading off to torture my sweet Cay.

“What the hell are you guys doing? You all better not be fighting” growls a voice, tuning we see Alex angry face, but when his eyes lands on Caleb, the widens and his mouth tightens.

“Fuck what the hell are you doing here Caleb?” he ask harshly, Caleb look at him as if he wants to run him through.

“How the fuck should I know Alexion, ask Roman for bringing me here under false pretense” he says this tightly, still trying to pull away from Logan, Alex swings towards me.

“I swear to God Caleb if you move again I will do something here to you in public you will not enjoy” says Logan lowly angrily, Caleb push his hair back away from his face and turn to face Logan.

“Oh please, what can be worse than the public humiliation, you did to me before?” Caleb sneers out, jerking his at his arms again, again I notice Caleb is not using Logans name.

“Oh trust me Caleb, whatever bad things you think I did to you in the past, cannot compare to the things I can do to you now, so you should not push me too much” Logan say this caressing Caleb’s face in a gentle manner that I am sure he is not feeling, Caleb may have thought the same, because he twist his face away.

But before Caleb could retaliate, Alex interrupts again, looking directly at me..............................................................................................

“Rom, what the hell did you do? How could you bring Caleb here when you knew this was going to happen?” he continue lowly, but I can still hear the angriness in his voice, ignoring it I look at him and answer.

“I did not do anything Alex, Caleb is Cay’s cousin, he came in today so Gabe told Cay to bring him to the party too, so everyone play nice for Cay’s and Gabe’s sake ok” I say this sweetly, but Alex still looks like he wants to kill us.

“Don’t worry Alex, there is not going to be a scene, because Caleb and I will use your office, we have a lot to talk about” Logan say this, as he walks away dragging a resisting Caleb behind him.

Damn!!! I really wanted to see the showdown, but I guess its going to be another day, chuckling I look around for Cay.

“Rom you are wrong and you know it, and you should have not done that just because you were angry with Caleb, also you should worry more about your prey than someone else’s, because someone seemed to have their eyes on him just a while ago” after he says this I give him a hard stare then walk towards the direction of where Cay had gone.

When I got inside the living room, I had to hold myself back from committing murder, the sight that greets me is not a welcoming one.

Cay is standing in a corner, with another guy laughing and talking like he has never done with me, while the girls playing in a play pen, he looks so comfortable and at ease, and I am instantly fill with a murderous feeling towards the other guy.

Why is it that Cay has never acted that way around me, he never smiles with or for me, if he smiles it for the girls but never me, and I cannot deny that it hurts seeing him like this with another man who is not me, Who the hell is that guy to deserve my Cay’s undivided attention? And why the fuck is he standing so close to what is mine?

These thoughts are swarming in my head, and I don’t even know when I begin walking over to break up their party, to say I am angry is putting it mildly, furious is more apt to describe my feelings, I stop just shy of them.....

“Baby you want to tell me what is going on” I ask sweetly, but I am sure my face is anything but, and I see Cay fidget nervously, you should be nervous baby, because I am sure going to make you are punish for this.

“Baby? I thought you said that you did not have a boyfriend” says the guy to My Cay, and that made me want to punch him so hard, but I held back.

“Well he does have a boyfriend, and it me, so would you be so kind enough to step away from him, before I make you” my voice is still very sweet, but I am holding back with all my might, even though I have not ask Cay to be my boyfriend, I would have thought that he would have put two and two together after all that has happen so far between us.

“Mr. Steele.............” Cay’s try to get my attention, but I interrupts him before he continue.

“No talking now Cay; I would have thought after all that has happened, and also what happen an hour ago would have shown you just who you belong to, but it seems that I will have to show again................... but this time it will be fully for the whole world to see” I grit out at him, he steps back, but I grab him quickly around the waist pulling him to me, swooping down and devouring his mouth in front of all Gabe’s party guest.

Punishing him with the kiss, nipping at his lips, slipping my tongue inside his sweet cavern dominating the entire kiss, sucking on his small tongue, then licking all the inside of his mouth, relishing in his delicious taste as I eat his mouth for all to see.

I feel his hands hit against my chest for a few seconds, then he succumb to my mastery, quivering and shivering against me, right now I do not care who sees us, I want them to see, so they know, he already has a man.

Not satisfy with just the kiss, I slide my hands down grabbing his ass palming it, squeezing those firm round cheeks, as my mouth journeys down towards his neck, grassing my teeth over his sensitive flesh, bitting and sucking roughly at his sweet spot.

His body shakes, and moans left his mouth, as he clung to me whimpering as I continue devouring him, but that still is not enough, I went down to his collar and bite him hard as I pinch his let nipple through his shirt, he cry out loudly, follow by a mewl, and that had me pushing at his clothes to get them off.

I have forgotten about all the guest and their eyes, all I am focus on is making him mine this very minute, I vaguely hears a cough but I ignore it, but he doesn't, stiffing against me, he whips around looking at all the faces.

Pulling away, he runs, and I can punch myself right now, for the first time in my life I know I have fucked up, and big time, looking around the room, everyone has different looks on their faces.

Some are shock, others holds surprise and a bunch of them holds naked desire, and I know its for the fact that I was practically making love to my little Cay just moments ago, I give all of them hard stares, but I am not worried about them, I am worried about my baby, ignoring their stares I walk out hurriedly to find him.

“You better fix this Rom, because I will kick your ass if he is hurt” threatens Alex with Gabe at his side, looking at me angrily.

Ignoring Alex’s threat I answer “Please keep an eye on the girls for me, we will be right back” I say this and continue walking in the direction my caramel ran off to, Alex does not have to threaten me, I will kick myself if I have hurt him.

I was just so jealous and pissed off, that I forgot for a moment where we were, but even though I feel bad about it, I also feel good too because everyone there knows who he belongs to, and if they ever tries to go after him, it will not be pretty for them.

Hearing a noise I follow, it lead me to Alex green house, he is touching the flowers but what wretch at my heart are the sobs that I can hear coming from him, walking over quickly I wrap my arms around his body, he immediately begins to struggle, I only hold him tighter.

“I am really sorry baby, I should not have done that so blatantly in front of all those people, I am really sorry Cay” I whisper in his ear, but he continue to pull away from me.

“Baby please look at me, I need you to know that I am sorry” I whisper again, kissing his neck, he stops struggling, turning himself around looking at me with tear shine eye.

“You are not sorry Roman, you promised me that you were going to do something like that in front of everyone, so stop lying, you always makes fun of me, and do what you please” he says lowly, wiping furiously at his eyes.

“Baby I am not sorry for kissing and touching you” he turns away again “But I am sorry I did it so publicly in front of strangers, it was suppose to be just a little kiss, but once you open your mouth to me I could not stop myself from wanting to take you baby” I whisper huskily turning him back towards me.

“I will not let this slide Roman, because you embarrass me, I bet all those people think you have jungle fever and that I have seduce you, they will think that you only hire me to fuck, they will think I am a slut Roman, don’t you see that” he says loudly with a hurt expression on his face.

Frankly I can give half a fuck what those bastards think, because I know the truth, but I am sorry I made him feel like bad about himself, but I want him to be a slut, just my slut though.

“Cay, I don’t care what those people think and should not either, I know how much you love the girls, so don’t worry about that baby ok” I say this walking closer to him, grabbing his chin pulling his face up to mine, he is not saying anything, but his tears has stop.

“You say that, but I am still very angry with you” he says, I can see his resolve weakening, smiling at him.

“You can be angry at me baby, but please forgive me, I wont feel good if you don’t forgive me baby” he pouts, but all his earlier anger is gone, this is how I know he is different than everyone else for me, because I have never pleaded with someone for forgiveness, I don’t care one way or the other if they don’t want to give it or their opinion, but with him everything is different, I care and a lot, his feelings and opinions are very important, I can no longer hide that he is very special to me.

“Am I forgiven sweet Cay” I whisper again leaning closer, he nods slowly, and relief flows through me, I feel like I can take on anything right now, for him.

“Then show me baby, show me just how much you have forgiven me” I say this licking my lips, his eyes follow the movement hungrily, then he tentatively reach his arms up wrapping them around my neck pulling my head down, kissing me on my lips softly, then pulls away.

“Baby I need more than that to know if you truly forgives me” I groan out, leaning down all the more, closer to his face, he slide back up, running his hands in my hair, as he reach up with his face, fitting his sweet pouty lips against mine, and my body went into overdrive.

That was all the invitation I needed, to push him down on the lounge chair besides the little pool, taking full control, ripping at his shirt wanting to feel his soft skin, as I ravage his mouth, sliding my tongue inside, sucking gently at his tentative tongue who is slowly coming out to play as he slide it shyly into my mouth, shivering, I deepen the kiss relishing in his moans.

“Fuck baby, you taste so good, I can’t get enough, I want your everything baby, open more for me” I growl out, then I attack his mouth once again, his hands are running through my hair and down my shoulder pulling me closer.

Growling in frustration I was about to open and pull his pants down, when..................................

“I am really sorry to interrupt, but the girls are crying for a Yan yan” says Alex, gods I want to punch him right now, but I know that I will not be able to touch Cay again, because he is already pushing against me to go and get the girls.

After he was gone, I give Alex a murderous look.

“What? I did not do it on purpose, and the girls are really crying, tho Gabe is keeping them calm” I know he is right but that does not help the feeling I have of punching him, nodding I stand and begins fixing my clothes.

“But really Rom, if you and Logg get in my way of having birthday sex with Gabe tonight, I will destroy you both” he says in a melodic tune, smiling I respond in kind.

“Not if I destroy you first dear Alex, remember I still have one over you” I say this as I walk out going to look for Cay, Alex trudging behind me sighing, suddenly a door pushes open and Caleb storms out angrily, trying to get his hair in order, because for a reason I can already guess his rubber band is broken, also his lips are really swollen, and he is sporting a large hickey on his neck.

Stoping when he sees us, glared so hard that if looks could kill Alex and I would have been writhing in pain already.

"The fuck you two bastards looking at" he growls out at us.

He stop fighting with his hair and continue to where the party is, seconds later Logan appears with a redden cheek and a satisfied smirk on his face, he too stop when he sees us, then walk over smiling, he did not say anything and we did not ask, Alex and I pretty much know what happen in that office.

So without questions we went to the party, stoping in our tracks as we are greeted with the images of our sexy tormentors all huddle together talking and smiling, we just leans against a wall to watch them, and for once I know we are all thinking that we are some lucky bastards.

I know this may sounds cliche, but my Cay is sexy as fuck, and I cannot wait to claim him completely as mine.

I am hungry for him, and it shows.

Hey my chocolate babies, I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

Tell me what you guys think about Cay and Roman, it will be nice to know what you think about the story so far :D

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