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Cayan’s Point of View:

I’m sitting in his expensive car in this uncomfortable silence, but its all his fault for accusing me of basically being a slut, just thinking about the way he asked me angrily if I was talking to one of my many lovers is still making my blood boil, especially when I think about how I nearly cried.

I am use to people thinking that I am a promiscuous slut because I am a black man who happens to be gay, if they will only know that I have never fucked before they will be shock, I just know that I am gay because a  woman's body don’t affect me the way a man's body does, I can see a girl completely naked standing in front of me and my dick will not even stir, but with a man its completely different I found that out in high school.

But its not just any man because I guess I would not be a virgin at my age if that was the case, only one man had stir up my body the way its stirred up now, and that was back when I was in my first year of high school, we went on a field trip to Harvard University my teacher loved it there so she wanted us to go, we were walking around admiring the beautiful place, when I saw this guy; my God was he perfect the only downside was I could not see his eyes they were covered with some gladiator shades, but that body was to die for, tall muscular and sexy.

I stared at him for a full minute without blinking and my body had stir so much that my jeans felt like they were going to burst, he must have felt me staring because he turned around smirking at me because he knew I was checking him out, I was nothing much to look at I was all out fat back then, he maybe was thinking what a fat kid doing staring at him, that thought had breaked me out of my stupor as I ran to the rest of my class mates.

I had wet dreams for months about him, I even went back to that University and looked around discreetly to see him but I never did, even now I still think about him and wonder who he was to stir up my body the way he did back then, but now I have another problem on my hands and its this sex god sitting next to me with his face calm as if he did not called me a whore to my face a moment ago, even though he said that, it does not stop my body from tingling all over with a mere look from those electric blue eyes.

Gosh I wanted to punch him, but after a few minutes my anger was gone as it always do, I rarely stay mad more than 15 minutes, I hate that about myself because people take advantage of if, as mad as I was with Rodney for scamming me out of my money, if he comes back, I would not be able to bring out any anger to lash out at him, which sucks because I wanted to scream at him, but now the anger is not there anymore, lets wait and see if it comes back if I see him again.

The girls were sleeping thank God, I guess its the cold that has them sleepy, they look so cute, and I wonder who is their mom and where was she, maybe I will meet her later, now that I have calm down I could not look at him, so I alternated my gaze by looking out the window at the passing scenery and looking at the girls as they sleep peacefully in their seats.

“Cayan?” purrs that sexy voice sending delicious shivers down my body, but I am determine for him to not know the way he affects me.

“Yes Mr. Steele” I answer still looking out the window.

“I apologize for the way I acted back at the office, I was just worried about the girls” what in the world is he talking about “Why? I ask “Do you think I will do something to harm them” disbelief took over me, if he thought that why in the world would he hire me........

“No I just don’t want a stranger coming over that’s all” he answers lowly, as if he is hiding something, to tell the truth I really don’t know whats going on inside his head, his face never reveals anything, but I have to address this issue sighing I turn to him............

“Mr. Steele”

“Call me Roman” his voice is so delicious, its like smooth velvet running over your skin “Mr. Steele I can’t call you by your first name, it will be disrespectful also you are my boss so its better staying formal” I told him seriously, he turns and strain those beautiful electric blues on me I wanted to melt “Why do you think formal is best” he ask thankfully turning his eyes back to the road........

“I’m pretty sure your employees don’t call you by your first name sir” I wish he will just leave it as that but he just could not......“We are going to be living in the same house Cayan, and I will feel a lot better if you call me Roman” God why is he so persistent on my calling him by his first name, if it was possible I did not even want to know his first name, just so I can keep my head and not fantasize of screaming his name as he pounds into me over and over again, (gosh are these really a thoughts of a virgin I really need to get laid); but to make it easier without him finding out what I’m thinking, I will agree with him.....

“Ok Roman, if that’s what you want I will comply, but I will refer to you as Mr. Steele when we are with others” I need that formal address to keep myself at arms length, I was going to his house for one reason and one reason only, and it is to take care of the two little angels sleeping in the back seat and I have to go with that so I to don’t loose my mind, I am really hoping that he travels a lot so I don’t run into him often, but now I have to get back to the earlier conversation........ 

“Roman, I understand your worry and concern for your daughters but rest assure, I will never place them in harms way, I love children and I will do everything and anything to protect and care for them” I had to look into his eyes so he can see my honestly, I really will do anything to take care of the girls, and its his home I never thought of taking anyone over, I have my day off to see my friends he smile and I nearly died.

“Thank you, I’m glad I can leave them in your care without worries, also the girls are not my daughters but are my nieces, my sister will them to me, she and her husband died 8 months in a car crash ago leaving her babies to me, I travel a lot for my company so I need to provide the little angels with the best care I can find, so they can have a happy and healthy childhood” this was totally unexpected and I immediately wanted to comfort this beautiful man by rubbing his head and telling everything is going to be ok “I’m really sorry for your loss Roman, I promise I will do everything in my power so they can feel love and be happy” he nodded and continue driving until we reach my apartment building.

My neighborhood is not the best and I know that Roman has never been in this area before, but he acted completely at ease, we get out, got the girls  and headed towards the entrance security gate to go inside as we was about to go inside when.......

“Cayu wait for me don’t close the door” says Cain I turn around smiling at him, my friend is indeed a handsome man, he walks up and stare coldly at Roman, I knew immediately that the two dislike each other, I guess its a hot guys thing to size up another one another, because Roman was looking him up and down too with a frigid smirk and cold eyes, this is a staring contest, I don’t know why they are doing it, I mean both of them are hot beyond belief and can have any man or woman they want, also the world is big enough for both of them to have worshipers; to kill the uncomfortable silence I introduce them.
“Mr. Steele this is my friend Cain Hues” gesturing from Cain to Roman “Cain this is my boss Mr. Steele” I finish the introduction gesturing from Roman to Cain, they just nodded at each other not even shaking hands, gosh hot guys get on my nerves, this always happens when I’m with Cain, if we go to a club and anyone come up to me he will instantly be at my side running them off, I guess its because he is very protective of me and has been that way from the moment we met.

Ignoring them I walk inside the building to get out of the cold with Simone, as I walk up the stairs I hope Roman is doing the same with Samantha we really can’t have them getting sick, as I got to my door on the second floor I feel they were behind me, we walk into my small clean apartment, I really like this apartment its my first apartment so I cherish it a lot, I just hope I have a bigger one when my mom decides to visit, I miss her but I can’t go back to that small town, not after all the things I've been through, anyway back to the present, I have to get the girls feed before they wake up screaming, also I have to pack so..........

“Please sit down Mr. Steele I’m going to make bottles for the girls, you guys take them gently out of the car seats, then just slip the bottles it in their mouths, they will drink until they get enough, burp them, and they will continue to sleep, while I pack my bags” I said this and headed towards my little clean kitchen, I wash my hands, made the bottles, walk over giving one to Roman and the other to Cain, I repeated the instructions and went to my room to pack, I just hope to God they don’t kill each other while I’m packing, I would hate to clean up blood of my floor.

I could hear voices outside while I am packing, but as long as I don’t hear any blows I will leave them alone, maybe they can become friends especially Cain, he really have to stop thinking that every guy that comes around wants to fuck me, I mean even if Roman is Gay he may already have a partner if not he can have any guy he wants, and I’m pretty sure I don’t fit in the profile for his boyfriend or fuck buddy for that matter. 

Anyway the girls are out there sleeping peacefully so I’m sure they wont come to blows, believe me if that was to happen I would kill them myself if they frightens those little angels, furthermore I can't  be a buffer between them, they are giants, my 5’4 frame will not be able to take it.

I finish packing my two bags with everything I will need, then I change my clothes putting on Winter clothes, outside is really cold so I have to bundle up, can’t get sick before I even start to work.

Walking out of my room the scene in front of me was had me debating if to scream at them or speak softly, Roman was standing toe to toe with Cain and they look ready to break loose, both had heated angry stares and the atmosphere was really tense; so I decide to go with the second option of speaking softly.......... 

“I’m ready Mr. Steele we can go anytime you are ready.” They back away from each other as he look me up and down, after a while he smile at me brightly as if he had made a decision......

“Ok lets just get all your things down to the car and then we can head out” I was going to help when he says “No, you stay here, your friend and I will take care of everything you stay here with the girls” I just nodded and hope for the best, the grab the bags and head downstairs, after a while they came back, I was relieve that there was no bruises on either of them.

Bundling up the girls again to go out in the cold, then I went and hug Cain, he hugged me really hard, then he whisper in my ear, “Cayan be careful with that man I don’t trust him, he is dangerous” I pull away from him walking over to Roman, but I could not stop thinking about what Cain said especially after he used my name, he always call me 'Cayu', when he says my name its something serious, I wonder what happen with them while I was packing, I could not even look at Roman afraid he would find out what I am thinking. 

After going downstairs and getting everything in order with the babies I’m sure they will be up soon, they sure can sleep through anything, we was driving down the highway, there was complete silence it seems as if he was thinking about something so I just enjoy the ride, after about 20 minutes we pull up to a beautiful house, well its a mansion, I had mentally prepare myself for this but it was beyond my imagination, its huge, a modern house with trees and beautiful gardens to add and complete the scenery.

We got inside to a huge foyer with chandelier and the big staircase, the girls had woken up during the ride so as soon they got inside they started running around with me going after them, they needed to run around after being coop up all day, a man came in and took my stuff I assume its to my room but I will see it later, I have to get the girls out of their coats and boots, and dress them in more appropriate clothes for inside the house, Roman was walking slowly behind us with a huge smile on his face, I wonder what its about, but as soon as he caught me looking at him his face was emotionless again.

I shook it of and concentrate on the task at hand “Mr. Steele can you please take me to the girls room, I want to clean them up and dress them for the temperature in the house, so they can run around a bit while I make them a snack then start dinner” he looks at me for a while then he gestures for me to follow him, we grab the girl and went upstairs to their room, Its a huge baby dreamland, everything you could think that a baby need and want they have it in their room, this uncle sure knows how to spoil his nieces.  

He sat there while I took care of each girl, singing to them as I change their clothes, they like the singing and when I stop Simone complain, how I know its Simone because she is taller than her older sister “ Yan Yan moe, sig moe” I was shock and so was their uncle, he jump up and came over “What did you say Simone? Tell uncle Roman” she look at him then.... “Ro, Ro Yan Yan sig” I guess her name for me is ‘YanYan’.

“Do you want me to sing Simone” I ask her softly she shakes her head answering “YES, Samata want YanYan sig too” I smile at that it was so cute they way she was having a conversation with me “I will sing all you want babies, ok” I told her “No babis, name Samata an Simoon” she answers back cutely gesturing from her sister to herself.

Roman look as if he was on cloud nine because she talks I had to ask “How old are the girls Mr. Steele? I ask this because look really surprise that she talks” he frowns at me “I thought we had agreed that when we are alone you will call me Roman” this was said through clench teeth.

“Yes we agreed Mr. Steele, but I still feel uncomfortable using your first name, for now please let just stay formal” I plead with him, I just don’t want him to find out how much it affects me to call out his name, especially when he is so close by, he steps closer and whisper “I want you to call me Roman, after all we are going to be closer than you think, better get use to it now. Besides I’m going to how you scream it out anyway” he finish so softly that I don’t even know if I heard him correctly.

“Excuse me, can you repeat what you said please” I stammers out, he just smiles and shake his head “My name is Roman and I want to hear you say it, it sounds good coming from your lips, and to answer your question the girls are 1 year 7 months” the last part was said quite rapidly, but I am perplex about what he before, anyway I wont dwell on in.

I finish cleaning the girls, changing their clothes then we headed back downstairs towards the kitchen, placing them in their high chairs, I wash my hands and pull out some fruits from the state of the art refrigerator, I have to admire everything in this house its simply amazing, I wash and peel the fruits listening to the girls chatter between themselves, even though Simone is the youngest of the twin, she is the one that protects and talks for her sister, Samantha is quite shy but she is so sweet, both of them are so cute, I guess they are going to be as beautiful as their uncle, speaking of him I can feel his gaze on my body, my skin is getting hot but I am trying my best to ignore it.

I bend down to pick up a piece of fallen fruit and I heard a groan, I stand up turn around and his eyes are blazing as they slide over my body possessively, I shudder at this but I swing around so he could not see the way my cock stiffened in my pants, I try to ignore that heated gaze, but I can still feel it.

I finish cutting the fruits in tiny pieces then started looking for two bowls in the top cabinet, when I finally open the one that has all the baby stuff, I tried to reach but their fruit plates were too high I was about to look for the little ladder in the kitchen when I feel a hard body press up against mine pushing and caging me in, I immediately knew it was him he smell so delicious, he reach up and easily get the bowls placing them on the counter top, but he did not step back.

I wriggle to get from between him and the counter but he just push harder, gasping I try again, that’s when he leans down placing his hands on my hip and his lips on my ear and murmurs sexily “Don’t you know, when a man has you in this position, the more you wiggle the better it feels for him, especially with an ass like yours” he pause sliding his lips on my neck a sudden gasp left my mouth he has touch my sweet spot immediately, smiling against my skin he continues “Or are you deliberately trying to turn me on” he scrape his teeth on that sweet spot and I shiver holding back a moan “If it is so, it working my sexy Caramel. Do you want to feel how much my little tease?” he ask huskily as he grind on me, God what I feel in his pants scared the shit out of me, but I still shudder in excitement.

He then suck my sweet spot as he run his tongue over the sensitive skin, my knees weakens, shivers took over my body, I had to hold unto the counter to not fall, bitting my lips hard so not a sound slips out.
Suddenly he laugh and steps back “Don’t be so scared ‘Cay’ I was only playing...... for now, later will be another story” then the bastard walks out leaving me with a mayor hard on, I slide to the floor breathing hard, fighting to control the lust that had took over my body, just a few touch from him and my cock was leaking like a faucet, gosh I really need help......

“Yan Yan?” the voice of Simone was like a cold bucket of water, all my desire burn out, my God I can’t believe I got turn on in front of the girls what the hell is wrong with me, jumping up I wash my hands fill the bowls with the fruits walk over and place it in front of the girls who began eating slowly.

At this moment I am making a promise to myself, I will do everything in my power to stay away from Roman, he is not good for my health and he is dangerous, so deep in my thoughts I did not hear him come back in until I feel his mouth latch unto my neck sucking hard I cry out swinging around, he had an evil twinkle in his eyes, with a teasing smile on his lips “Think only of me my little Caramel while I'm gone, I will be back before the mark fades, to give you another one, maybe even somewhere else where only I can see it” he finish huskily, leaning down he peck me on the lips softly and walks out again.


On that note.....................

“somebody please help me” I have a feeling I will need it.........

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