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Hey my babies well this is it. The epilogue is here. I really hope that you all enjoyed this story. It was a pleasure for me to write. Once again I want to thank all you for supporting my writing even though its far from being perfect but I want you all to know that I am working on making it a lot better for everyone's enjoyment. Thank you all my loves, I appreciate you all very much. Lots of Chocolate gooey love I am sending your way. Enjoy ^_^

Cayan's Point of View:

One year later...................................................................................................

Its incredible how time flies, things has drastically changed since last year. Just remembering all that happened still makes me shiver with dread and anger. Fortunately our girls fully recovered and it seems that they have long forgotten what happened a year ago even though the rest of us haven't. Laura is also back on her feet after a lot of work on her part, I was glad she allowed me to be a part of her recovery and that she has accepted me as her brother, we really do get along better than I could have ever hoped, we also managed to track down her boyfriend Dean, who happened to be a black guy that she had in hiding in fear of what her mother would have done, he had gotten sick of being her dirty little secret and had broke it off with her but as soon as we tracked him down and informed him that Laura was in the hospital he dropped everything, rushed to the hospital and was with her every waking moment since- she was beyond ecstatic to have him back and I could tell that he really loves her, him being there helped tremendously in her recovery.

However she was sad for a while and was also in denial about what her mother did until Caleb showed her without my consent the video of her mother admitting to everything, she was beyond shocked especially when she saw what that woman try to do my girls and what she said about our father. She went on to lock herself away in her room for three days, not talking to anyone at that point, but slowly she came out of her shock and with more will to get better. Surprisingly she stuck to me like glue and could not stop referring to me as her 'Baby bro', she even apologized for everything bad that she ever did or said to me while giving me a picture of all she went through with that monster of a mother. Turns out that that woman used her in the worse possible way. She exchanged Laura with rich politicians or rich guys in general for money and even when Laura didn't want to she was forced to do it or was beaten to a pulp until she gave in to what that woman wanted.

She knew what that woman was doing was wrong, she also knew that her mother hated her, so she wanted to somehow please the woman by doing whatever was asked of her. God! Just thinking about that woman again makes me want to kill her. Some days I really wished that I finished that woman off that day, but then I look at my girls smiling faces and Laura's happy one, the feeling just melts away. They are fine and that is all that matters, though I am happy that that bitch is rotting in prison. Her trial did not even last long, in weeks she was declare fit and legally sane to stand trial, then a few more weeks past and she was declared guilty of all charges. The woman lost her mind when the jury read the verdict, she began to cuss everyone and her racist remarks reached their peak that day.

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