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Hey girls and guys I am sending you all some love, for enjoying my story as much as I am enjoying writing it, I really appreciate every vote and comment from you all, I also appreciate very much my beloved followers and the silent readers......... LOVE YOU GUYS, enjoy :D

Cayan’s Point of View:

I am inside the girls room getting them ready for their bath and I am fuming right now, and it is all that brute’s Roman’s fault, he really knows how to push my buttons, God if I could I would I have punch Roman right in the face, scratch that, I wish I had punch him in his face, the conceited ass, the nerve of the man, asking me if I was jealous even when he was kissing my neck and touching me, I only maintain my cool because the girls were there, if not I would have let him have some of the Cayan burn that my name derives from. (In the Caribbeans there is a spicy pepper call Cayan).

But I do have to admit that he was right in assuming that I was jealous about him looking at Cal for such a long time, I was so jealous that I wanted for the first time to posses a face like Cal's, but even if I was jealous I cannot blame Roman for looking, because Cal is beautiful, even more beautiful than a woman, so I should have expected Roman attention to change pretty quickly towards him just like every other man or person for that matter.

I mean every where that Cal goes he grabs the full attention, of women or men, be they young or old it does not matter, he is that beautiful; but it really hurts that after all the possessive words and sentences Roman has been spewing out of his mouth, his attention span was so short towards me when someone prettier came along, but so is life, right?.

But I really cannot think about that anymore with more important things at hand to do, so let me take my girls for their bath first then I will tackle everything else after.....................................................

“Yan yan yu cwy?” ask Samantha in a small concern voice, I did not realize that I was until I touch my face and come in contact with tears rolling down my cheeks, I immediately wipe them away angrily, really Cayan? Roman does not deserve my tears, why the hell I am crying anyway, am I a F*ucking girl? Gosh, I should not be crying in front of my girls anyway, especially after such a tiring day they had.

“No Sammy, Yan yan is not crying, I got some dirt in my eyes” I assure her as I take both their little hands and walk towards their bathroom, sitting them down in the waiting chairs, as I turn on the water in the tub to the right temperature waiting for it to fill to the right amount.

“Yan yan no cwy peas” pleads Simone, I look at her and smile, reaching over to ruffle both of their hairs.

“Yan yan is not going to cry anymore ok, so don’t worry Mone” after all her uncle don’t deserve it, but I held that one back for myself, she beams at me, I smile back again at them both, the water has reach the desire amount, turning it off, I add the Johnson baby wash swirling it around a bit, I lift them up from the waiting chairs, then place them inside the tub, I wash their little bodies, wash their hairs and then leave them for a while to play. 

Lets just say it was a splashing contest that we all enjoy.

Ten minutes, two squealing girls, a drench nanny, and a soaking bathroom later I take them out, wrap their animal head towel around them, and walk back inside their room to get them ready.

After drying off their wiggling bodies, I walk over to their closet to choose thier clothes, I decided on pink and blue as the color combination for dressing them and fifteen minutes later, their bodies are oiled and splash with baby scented oil, they are fully dress, and hair is dried and curl, but now they are also sleepy and a little hungry, so getting them a bottle ready for each I feed them, then lay them down to take a nap until we are ready to leave for Gabe's party, that is in about an hour and half time.

After making sure that they are completely asleep, I kiss their cheeks and softly Walk out of the room, going a little ways down the hall towards my room, I walk inside closing my door, walk to my closet, open the glass doors, look at whats inside for a while before I begin pulling out the clothes I am going to wear for the party, I hope to God  that Gabe is not picky about these things, but to be on the safe side I will go with semi formal.

When I am satisfied with what I have chosen to wear, I cannot hold it anymore and all of a sudden I feel tired and upset and want to resume the cry from earlier, it is pushing against my eyelids all the more, but I will not let myself go to it, even if it kills me I will not, besides I have no right to cry, he did not promise me anything, and I knew from the very beginning that it was all a game to him, but why does it hurt so much?

My heart is squeezing in my chest, my body is trembling and I want to hit something or someone, this is a strange sensation, I have never felt something like this before and it is messing with my head, it better if I stay away from Roman right now, or I will really be without a job, because the someone that I want to hit badly is him.

It is true that when I get angry it is over in about ten minutes, but this one is holding on to me and not letting go, and the more I think about the way his eyes were running over Cal’s body my fury rises all the more; walking over to the full size mirror I look at my body, I am not ugly, but there is no way I can ever compare to Cal.

He is the beautiful one whereas I am the plain Jane or john, but that had never bother me before, until today when I saw the way that Roman eyes stayed on him for more than five minutes straight; I have never been jealous of my cousin’s beauty, but today I was and it is all Roman’s fault, I really wanted to scratch his eyes out.

Moving towards my bed I lay down for a minute plotting Roman’s dead, then I remember that I had promise to call Cain when I reach here, pulling out my phone, I dial his number......... Ring, ring, ring, ring, on the four ring is when I hear a breathless...............................

“Hello” laughing I tease.

“Either I interrupted a great session of workout or sex; whichever one it is you have my permission to sue me” he laugh.

“You are lucky Cayu that is only exercise, because if not, you could have gotten yourself ready for the Court’s paper on Monday.”

“Yeah right, I am calling because I promise I would when I got here, but I had to do lots when I walk in the door, so I am calling now.”

“So are the little girls ok now that you are there?” He ask in a serious tune.

“Yeah they are ok now, Cain you should have seen their faces, so puffy from all the crying, I never knew they would have gotten so struck on me so fast.”

“Who wont get struck on you Cayu, you are adorable after all” he laugh on the last part.

"Who is adorable? I am not a child anymore Cain, I am all man” he burst out laughing.

“Well you could have fooled me, especially with all the dancing in the snow, and begging for a sippy straw in IHOP” I snorts at him.

“That is not childish, that is me showing my appreciation for a season that is all, and sippy straws are just awesome.” I defends myself.

“Ohhhhh is little Cayu pouting?” He ask teasing.

“No but I know that someone with the name of Cain will not be eating the milk pie he loves so much if he continues to call the cook little” I warn.

“I apologize profusely towards the cook, please tell him that me Cain is sorry, and that I will never do it again” I burst out laughing, Cain can always make me laugh, that is why we are the best of friends.

“Ok, ok, I will pass on your apology, lets see if the cook accepts them you will know by his next day off.” I inform him in a mock serious tune.

“So does that mean if he forgives me, I will be receiving a milk pie?” his voice is full with excitement, gosh this man loves food, just like someone else I know.

“It is very possible, so you better be very good to the cook, in the days to follow.”

“Whatever you say, my Royal Cook.” by this tears are rolling down my face, my friend is too crazy.

“Make sure you do”, I answer after I catch my breath, “Well now the Royal cook has to go, I have to get ready for the party, I really wish you could have come.” he sigh.

“I wish I could have gone with you too Cayu, but business dinner and I don’t even know when it will be finish, just wish me luck, so I can get that account for the Company” I know he had told me about this dinner for a while now so I have long given up on him coming to the party, but it will be strange without him there, because all the parties I have been to had been with Cain.

“I do not need to wish you luck Cain, you got this in the bag, you will call me later telling me that the client loved you so much that you had to beat him off with a stick” I laugh and he laugh too.

“See you soon Cayu, love ya”

“See you, love ya too” I answer like we always do whenever he is nervous about something, then I hear a click and he is gone, I really wish everything goes well, because this is the first time that he is this nervous, I wonder about the client he has to pitch to.

THE LUSCIOUS NANNY (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now