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Cayan’s Point of View:

After Cain and I left IHOP, we then drive to Barnes and Noble to get a mystery series as a gift for Gabe, I had asked Alex and he told me that Gabe loves to read and mystery is his favorite genre, so to be on the safe side I will follow Alex sugestion, Alex and I have become friends, he is very excited for me to meet Gabe, according to him I will be the perfect friend for his little dictator; I will be happy to have another friend so I can balance out the craziness of my best friend Cain.

I am glad we were able to sit down and eat the way we did earlier, but I am worried about Cain, he is not himself, he was zoning in and out during our IHOP pig out, I wonder if it has to do with his job, because the last time it was just like that when he was waiting on a promotion, he did not even talked to me about it then until after everything was confirmed.

He had then went back to his regular crazy self, and my worries were done, I have not ask him anything yet because he hates to be pressured, but I am sick of seeing him like this, we will soon need have a serious talk.

To be completely honest with myself I had feelings for Cain during the first  year of our friendship, but when I saw the type of guys that called his attention, I knew that my feeling were never going to be returned, I used to be so hurt whenever I go over to his apartment and find a new guy walking out of his room or in his kitchen making breakfast.

But I still had hope that he was going to see me, until one of his flings Brent moved in with him, that was when I began coming back to reality, I did not have the right to be hurt because he never showed nothing more than love for a friend to me, also I knew from the very beginning that I was not his type, but I used to hope that I was, but the strangest thing was that I felt no jealousy towards Brent, I really liked him, and I was happy for Cain too, in fact I was so happy that I was force to see my feeling for what they really were.

Back then I was so lonely, that I wanted to hold unto anyone that got close to me, I was more scared to loose Cain as a friend than as a man back then, so I used to think that his flings were going to take him away from me; after I had dealt with my insecurities, I no longer felt any type of attraction for him, what I felt became the brotherly love we now shares, and I can’t even imagine myself with him in any sexual way.

“Are these the books you are looking for Cayu?” his voice snaps me out of my trip down memory lane, smiling at him I nod.

“Yeah they are” I murmur as I take the books out of his hand to look them over.

“Why were you smiling a moment ago?” He inquires.

“Nothing much, just remembering something of the past” I answer offhandedly, still reading the back of the book.

“What was it? It seems like it was good for you to be smiling like that” the curiosity is there and his face is expectant, gosh he is nosy.

“Tell me why you are so distracted lately, and then I will tell you” I say this walking towards the other section of books to get something for my girls, he is quiet for a while so I just got such into the world of children innocence and fantasy.

“It’s work, I have been working hard to win this project for the company, lots of money involve, so I am I worried that it will not go through” I know it had something to do with his work, but he is very good at what he does so I don’t understand his worry.

“Cain you always do fine, that project will be yours, I really don’t understand your worry, but I guess when you do worry, you work harder and sweep the competition under the rugs.” he laugh, I smile but I am still picking out book for my girls, I have about ten of them now, so I am looking for two more so it can be twelve in total so they can have four each.

“So what were you smiling about back there?”

“About how naive I was back when we first met, I had even imagine myself in love with you for a time, until I realized that we were just to be the best of friends” when books hits the floor I jump, shaking out of my book obsession and turn to his face, it is ashen and he is looking at me with and unreadable expression on his face, then I realize what I had said, gosh I hope that he don’t think me weird, I am waiting for his laugh at any moment now but nothing came, he is still just looking at me.

“Cain are you ok, did I frighten you so much?” I ask jokingly, he seems to shake out of his stupor and focus his baby blues on me.

“How do you feel about me now Cayu?” his voice is quivering, damn I did not know I was such a bad choice for a boyfriend, his reaction is just too much, but I will put his mind at ease.

“Don’t worry Cain, that was a long time ago, it was when we had just met, but those feeling have long gone, all I feel for you now is brotherly love.” his eyes clouds over a bit then he nods, going down on his knees to pick up the fallen books.

“Why did’tn you say anything to me about it?” his voice has a strange vibe to it.

“Come on Cain, we both know that it would have not done any good, I was not your type and you know it, you like guys that are pretty and slender, I never fell into those category................................. Also you was very happy when Brent moved in with you; after that happened I realized that I was happy to see you happy with Brent.”

“You should told me, Cayan” he grits out, and I know that he is angry but God I already told him that is was not sexual love, but rather brotherly love I had for him and still do.

“God Cain what is the big deal, is it so bad that I imagined myself in love with you for a time? Gosh I know I don’t fall into your dating pool, but don’t act as if I am crazy or something............ For your tranquility, again I love you like a brother and my best friend and I will be happy when you find the love of your life.” he sucks in his breath, then looks at me, his face split into a smile but his eyes are still unreadable, then he begins laughing quietly.

“Cayu I told you, that without my sexy body you can’t live” this comes out teasingly.

“Yeah, yeah, your head is growing again, be careful or soon you wont be able to walk, the head will be to heavy” I answers laughing, so relieve that we have pass that.

“Maybe I should go to the bathroom, to check it out ‘the head that is going to explode’ who knows I might have to change my pants” looking at him confusingly until I got what he is talking about.

“Oh my gosh Cain you are so nasty” he burst out laughing again as he walks toward the restroom.

I am happy that we are ok now, I finish getting all the books I want and walk towards the cashier so I can be ready when Cain comes out.

Cain Point of View:

I barely made it into the bathroom with out collapsing, how could I had been so blind and stupid back then, when he used to look at me with that tender look in his eyes, I had mistaken it for gratefulness and also I was so use to doing and getting whatever I wanted, that I did not think about my feelings for him or settling down, when I had realized that I wanted him for myself I had already messed up big time for letting Brent move in, I had broke it off with Brent, but I still did not tell him how I felt because by then he looked at my like the big brother he bever had.

If only I had not made Brent move in, Cayu and I would have been together, God even tho I hate Steele he is right about me, why could’tn I be a man and told Cayu what I felt from back then, why did I had to wait until now to convey my feelings, when all he feels for me now is brotherly love.

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