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Roman’s Point of View:

The rest of the trip was good, Logan had finally leaved me alone about Cayan, we then finish what was needed to be done with all the papers, God why did I buy another business again, but it had great potential so we will make it a lot bigger, creating more jobs and making more money, see everybody will be happy, speaking of papers we had to call our other friend Alexion who was sleeping in one of the suites on the plane.

He is our company and personal lawyer, he came back a lot earlier than we did, leaving after the meeting was over, not willing to go out and play just in case Gabe finds out and kill his ass, Gabe is his boyfriend a very small but feisty guy, super cute and he has Alexion wrap around his pinkey, he says jump and Alexion ask how high, hahahahaha it is so much fun to watch them, I know Alex loves Gabe too much to ever deny him anything so what Gabe wants Gabe get, even though its Alexion that is always taking a whole country of gifts back home for Gabe when ever we travel.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear, well here he comes yawning out off his suite in his pajamas, you have to admire this guy, he is always comfy, nothing gets in the way of his comfort and I mean nothing; you want to see something funny or sexy, whichever one you want to choose, go into his front door about 2 minutes after has gone in, let me tell you, you will be assaulted with the show of your life, he begins his striptease from the moment he walls in, by the time he reach his bedroom, he don’t even have on his boxers, how do I know that, well let just say Logan and I got that surprise a while back, let me tell you it was the surprise of our life.

I laugh quietly, looking at him...... “What is so funny?” he ask lifting his right brow at me.

“Nothing much just remembering the show Logan and I was force to watch the first time we made the mistake of following you into your house” I say this laughing.

"Are you seriously remembering that" he groans.

“Hahahahahahaha seriously dude you could have lock your door, but no, we had to see your ass welcoming us as we walked in” Logan said joining laughing hard, its been a while since we had talk about that incident.

“Yeah he was fully ready for anyone to just walk in and pop his ass cherry” I continue laughing.

“Hahaha very funny fuckers” he says taking a seat

“Yeah that we are, you know Rom and I tear it up” Logan says with twinkling eyes.

“You two tear it up too much if you ask me” Alexion says with a huff, we were not asking you I muse silently.

“We are not asking you Gabe’s bitch” counters Logan laughing even harder with me joining, thank you my friend for reading my mind, Alexion pouts but did not say anything.

My friend Alexion, is also a hot guy, quite sexy, he is not as tall as Logan and I but he is by no means short, also he has a big muscle body, his face is boyishly handsome, high forehead, green eyes, with a square jawline, straight nose, with slightly wide lips, whereas Logan has hair on his face, Alexion is clean shaven, and a blond to a booth, another thing he is always impeccable in his dressing, that is when he is not doing striptease in his front door.

He was going to say something when the Captain’s voice came through the speakers..... “Gentlemen we are going to be landing in about 10 minutes, please fasten your seat belts, thank you”, thank God this is over, I can’t wait to get off this plane to get home, to see him and my girls.

I really missed him during my trip, I don't understand how you can miss someone you just met, but those three days for me seems like months away from him, I really have to hide this feeling a little longer, if not people would think I am crazy, for wanting Cay so badly, maybe this is punishment for all the flings I have had before, where I did not care about the other party's feelings..... Hey don't judge me, they were not saint either and we both always knew what we were getting into.

Twenty minutes later, we were going down the highway towards my house, yeah you heard the word WE instead of ME, that bastard Logan did not forget about what I said earlier on the plane, he told Alexion and now both of them are here with me; I have to keep my irritation at bay, but I really wanted it to be just my little Caramel and I.

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