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Hey choco babies, I hope you all enjoy this chapter, let me know what you think :D

Cayan’s Point of View:

I can say I don’t know what is wrong with me, but I will be lying, because what I feeling right now is an unrelenting hunger, that was brought on by a demon I call Roman, I can feel his hungry possessive eyes at my every turn, running their way up and down my body in a predatory fashion, he is not hiding what he wants, its there naked for everyone to see, me knowing this makes it all the more difficult for me to stay calm, my breath is hitch and my body is trembling.

I would have loved it if he comes over and touch me, to end this torture, but he is just standing watching me from a distance like a carnivore ready to pounce at any moment and that uncertainty has me jumpy, he is with Logan and Alex as all of them watch us, they have their eyes glued to our every move, but his gaze is the one that has me in a frenzy.

I feel like he is ravishing me with his eyes, I can feel their heat as he slide them slowly over me, it almost feel as if he is caressing me softly, and I shiver every time I feel it, when our eyes meets, it like he knows what is going on and what I am feeling, because his eyes blaze all the more with hungry intentions.

And its as if he is showing me all the things he want to do to me, and at this point I will let him do whatever he wants, because my hunger is just as intense as his.

I am feeling overly heated, my body is ultra sensitive, and fill with a craving that I do not want to put a name to, all I know is that it have to be fulfill before I loose it, and the only one who can quench it is him.

Trying my best to calm down I focus on everything else, and try to ignore his preying gaze, looking around the kitchen table at Cal and Gabe who are right now involve in a deep conversation, I just listens and try to calm myself down.

I have to be especially careful around the girls, they are pretty tired now, this is a first for them, being out past 9:00 pm, they are succumbing to sleep now, regardless of the music and the talking, I made bottles for them, now we are feeding them until its lights out, Gabe has Samantha, and I have Simone.

“Yan yan Simoon seepy” says Simone rubbing her eyes, yawning sleepily leaning down I kiss her forehead.

“Yes I know hun, go to sleep, Yan yan is right here” I whisper softly to her, she clutch me to her and shortly after he body relax in sleep, Gabe then hands over Samantha, and I gently rock her until she too falls asleep, then we lay them down carefully on a cot, that is fully covered with thick blankets, they snuggle together got comfortable and then they were off to the land of dreams.

“They are so cute, I will have to come over to visit them more often, I did not go much before because the nanny before you was a complete bitch, I was so happy when Rom fired her ass”Gabe say this in a huff, but seconds after he is smiling again.

“You can come see them anytime, they like you a lot, so they will enjoy your company” I assure him.

“Yeah, but they like you more, they adore you, I know them from before their mom past away, and they never were the way with anyone like they are with you...................... only their mom had their affection, so everyone was really worried about them coping, so its really good to see them so comfortable with someone, I am really glad its you” this comes out fondly, and I begins to like him even more, I guess Alex was right when he said that Gabe and I would have a good friendship chemistry.

“I adore my girls too, and I love being with them, so can and will do anything for them” I say this quietly, Cal reach over touching my head and squeezing my hand, then Gabe begins talking about something I really did not want to ever talk about.

“If Alex had did to me what Rom did earlier to you, I would have gut him” he says in an angry tune, looking at him I cannot help but be surprise that we like each other and I am happy about that, he is really nice and friendly when he wants to be.

His appearance can only be depict as exotic looking, him and Cal can do an ad together to showcase beauty, both of them together are overwhelming, they are just that beautiful, no one can deny how beautiful they look, I cannot help but admire it.

From the time I have met Gabe tonight I see that its true what Logan say about him being a little dictator, he rules the indomitable Alex with an iron fist, but its so cute, because you can see that Alex enjoys this part of Gabe.

Smiling at him “I cannot gut the person who signs my paychecks” I say.

“Don’t lie Yan yan” apparently he likes the way the girls call me, so he now calls me Yan yan,

“You don’t want to gut him, because you want to get fuck by him....................... you were moaning and wiggling for all to see, putting on quite the show for everyone” he pause for a bit then continue “If Alex had not cough to interrupt, I am pretty sure we would have have seen the show of our lives” my skin heats up, and I look around shyly, trying to avoid eye contact with them.

“What happened Cee?” ask Cal.

“Nothing Cal” I say trying my best to evade the question.

But Gabe turn towards him and “It was not nothing, Yan yan was talking to a guy, suddenly Rom appears grabbing then kissing him, no. It was more like he was ravaging Yan yan’s mouths............ It was so hot to witness, the touching, squeezing, moaning’s and cries were sexy as hell, a lot of people got hot and bother, my Alex had to cough to interrupt Roms near striping Yan yan for all to see” he say all of this in a secretive way, being overly dramatic about it all, I can’t help but smile at how funny Cal’s face is right now.

“I really did not see that, I did not know you had that in you, Cee you slut” he says lowly laughing too with Gabe, I can definitely see that these two are going to test my sanity just as much as Cain, speaking about Cain I wonder how his presentation went? Maybe I should call him rig.......... But I am pull out of my thoughts when I hear what Gabe says.

“You didn't see because you were nearly and hour in Alex office with Logan, I did not know you guys knew each other” swinging my head towards Cal, I see the face change, no longer is he smiling but, scowling.

“Cal you know Logan?” I ask incredulously, he looks at me for a while then,

“Yeah Cee, I know him, but I will tell you later all about it ok” he say this calmly but his eyes pleads with me to leave it there, for now, because Iwill find out all about it.

“Ok Cal we will talk later” I say this, but both their eyes are strain on a spot behind me, I did not know what they were looking at, until I feel his lips on my neck, kissing softly but hungrily, I know its Roman because no one can make me feel so hot over a kiss, jerking around,

“What are you doing? I just forgive you for the earlier offence and now you are at it again” I screech lowly at him, giving a hard stare.

“I came over to tell you that it is time for us to go, Alex is already kicking us out, the obvious bastard” he says this huskily over my mouth leaving a tingling there, I shiver in awareness, staring at him hungrily, he indulge in it returning the same hungry look, but then he pull away, sliding his eyes towards Gabe he says,

“Your man is one horn dog, throwing everyone out just because he wants to give you birthday sex, you really should be ashame of his childish behaviour” Gabe give him a duh look and,

“Rom you should be the one to talk, just remember if my horn dog did not stop you earlier, you would given people wet dreams for months, for what you were planning to do to poor Yan yan” Gabe says this in an amuse voice, Roman’s lips twist for a bit before he counters,

“Who say I have stop planning Gabby, Alex just stop me because he was jealous that he could not do that to you, with you mother here giving him murderous looks” Gabe burst out laughing hard, then before they ridicule me anymore I stand up,

“I am happy I provided everyone with amusement, now lets go” I say this pointedly at Roman.

“Oh!! Yan yan is showing his claws, and they are sharp” say Gabe smiling now at me approvingly, as if I did something great.

“You don’t even know how sharp they are, I still have deep scars to prove it” this comes from Roman, as he stare at me with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

“You shut up and stop lying, before I give you some real scars” I threaten him, in the background I can hear laughing.

“You wound me baby, maybe later I can get you to give me first aid, to clean away the damage” dramatic much, but still I cannot help but smile at him, this is the first time I have seen him really relax, and not the fake calmness he does to get me, right now he is genuinely laughing, smiling and teasing me, and I feel good.

“First aid is not the only thing you are wanting from the cutie Rom, be honest and say you want the whole package, CPR included” Logan says laughing, I did not even realize they had join us, but all of us are here, and everyone is looking over at us as if we are crazy for laughing so hard.

“I wont deny that some CPR will help tremendously, what do you say Cay?” he ask me still with a twinkle in his eyes.

“If I were you Cayan, instead of CPR, I would have punch him in the face, to shut him up” Alex input with seriousness, but when I look at him, his lips are twitching.

“Honestly you are talking right now Alex, when you have a dictator in your house” counters Roman, smiling slyly, Gabe turn to him,

"Excuse you!! I am sure you don’t want me to cut you right now Rom, so you better be careful” he throws this at Roman just like a ghetto girl the he turns to me “Yan yan you better get your man before he gets castrated” Gabe conclude looking down at Roman’s crotch, I cannot help but smile.

“I think castration will do wonders for his ego, so don’t let me stand in y’all way, just let me know when you are going to do it, so I can move out of the blood splatter area” I say this in a serious tune, the laughter is deafening, Alex is holding his stomach, me keeping my serious face I walk over getting my girls ready to leave.

“Baby you don’t mean that” whines Roman, I can’t help the way my heart leaps every time he says ‘baby’, ignoring him tho, I continue getting my angels warm to go outside.

Cal walks over helping too, but he has been very quiet, not saying anything at all, I guess he is very tired after the four hour trip from Washington to New York, plus he has not rested from the time he got here, continuing to ignore the others I ask lowly so only he can hear,

“Cal are you all right?” smiling at me, he whisper back,

“I’m fine Cee, just need some rest and I will be good to go” I can see how exhausted he looks, but I wonder if its just the trip, but for tonight I will leave it, after everything was ready, we said our ‘good nights’ and the ‘see you soon’ before long we were going down the highway again to the house, the girls and Cal are sleeping, and the sexual tension between Roman and I is high, to defuse it, I too turn around facing the window trying to sleep.

“I know you are not sleeping baby, but I will leave as that” says my tormentor casually, I did not answer and he just continue to drive, I watch all the lights blur before my eyes and soon I am asleep.

Too soon I was shaken awake, looking outside the beautiful house greets us, getting up, going to the back for the girls he joins me, and Caleb gets the stuff and we all went inside, going up the stairs to the girls room, after I undress and redress them in their pj, we lay them in their crib, we all take turns kissing them.

Roman shows Cal to one of the guest room, I stay there with him until he was in bed asleep, after I threw the sheet over his relax form, the light was turn off, then I walk out closing the door gently, when I made to head to my room, I am pull in another direction, when I regain my balance, I see that I am his room, a modern black and white theme, its beautiful, and I know that something is going to happen.

“I want you to sleep with me tonight Cay” my heart speeds up and I can only stare at him, he continue “We don’t have to do anything, but I want to hold you in my arms baby” his eyes holds so much sincerity.

I know he is not joking, and am not even aware when I am nodding my head, he smile and motion for me to come over, walking over to him feels like a dream, a hot dream that is, who would have a calm dream, with this sex God in them? Surely not me, and I really don’t want to stop it, if anything happens tonight I will enjoy it without thinking about tomorrow.

“You go shower first Cay, I will do it after” he continues huskily, pulling me out of my dirty thoughts, he begins moving to go out on the balcony, I feel like he was ripping me apart by walking away, and I made a decision at that moment that I hope I do not regret later.

“You can join me if you want Mr. Steele, I will not mind it at all” I say this and he swung around his eyes blazing.

“Please don’t tease me Cay, I cannot take any more teasing tonight” this comes out in a near growl.

“I am not teasing, but its all up to you” I whisper this out, then I walk towards the en suite, going inside quickly, my face is heated, I cannot believe I said that, but I will not take it back, it is said, the ball is in his court so it up to him to decide what he is going to do with it, stripping of my clothes, I turn on the shower, waiting for it to reach the right temperature.

I look in the full mirror, running my eyes over my body, I am really a thick man, my stomach is flat, I am very even out, but even so my body is still very thick, my hips, thigh, legs and ass, I do have some imperfection but I tend to not look at them so much.

I was so busy looking at my body that I did not realize that another pair of eyes are devouring me hungrily,

“Good God Cay!! How do you expect me to behave myself when you are showing all your sexy luscious body” he growls from the doorway, I decided not to hide my nakedness from him, if we are going to do this, he has to see everything, including all my imperfections.

“I did not ask you to behave................ Tonight you can do to me whatever you want, whatever pleases you” I answer back boldly turning back towards the mirror, while inside I am shaking like a leaf, but I want this and I will have it, nervousness is not going to stand in my way.

Suddenly he was behind me wrapping his arms around my body, it felt like nano seconds he had moved so fast, but I can feel a relief hits me, and heat takes over my body.

“Don’t regret saying those words baby” he growl in my ear, and the he attack my neck viciously, moaning loudly, I give myself complete over to him, while chanting to myself........................................................................

No regrets, no regrets Cayan, even if he don't want you tomorrow, you will not have any regrets.

Hey my babies, I hope you all enjoy this chapter, Cayan is becoming bold, I love it, let me know what you think about it, please don’t forget to tell me what you think, it will be great to hear from everyone :D

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