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Hey my chocolate crazies, hope you had a great time reading the previous chapter, I hope you enjoy this one too, please tell me what you think :D

Roman’s Point of View:

I am currently on self lock down in my office, forced to do so by my sexy nanny, can you believe that? Me on lock down for bad behaviour like a kid, but my little Cay is full of surprises,

Hours earlier,

I came back from work early wanting and needing to see Cay, hurrying out of my car I rushed to my front door, walking into the house was pure bliss, I was hit by a delicious arousing aroma, and I immediately knew that my sweet Cay is preparing dinner, I could not wait to taste it and I could not hold back my need to see him.

I dropped everything in the foyer, and hurried towards the kitchen, and I came up short as I take in all his beauty, I watched him in his element, cooking and humming softly to himself, the girls were not with him, so I assume they were taking a nap.

Even better, the wont see their uncle devour their luscious sexy nanny.

I stood there at the arched entrance of the kitchen for minutes just watching my sweet baby move around swinging his hips and wiggling his ass to the song he was humming along with the radio.

He looked so fucking sexy and delicious in his tight black leggings and a green t-shirt which sits perfectly just below his waist, not covering my obsession....... His big round firm ass, I got an eyeful of all his sexy curves as I ogle him, and I loved every single one.

Those leggings are not made of that stretchy material but still they clung to his body like a second skin, showcasing his legs and ass to perfection, going all the way down hugging every dip and curve of his full figure, him not being skinny is a plus, because I enjoy the feel of his firm soft skin under my hands and body when I am taking him repeatedly.

The leggings continued down to his ankles where it bunched up over his Sponge Bob sock covered feet, I smiled at his cuteness, he really has an obssesion with the Sponge Bob character, if I did not know he was I would have been very jealous.

I continued my perusal of him as I slide my eyes over every single inch of his delicacy, hungrily devouring him, wishing to have him under me again begging like he did the night before.

He was oblivious to me being there, and I enjoyed watching him undetected for a while longer as I fantasized about all the things I wanted to do to him right there in that kitchen.

After all that kitchen was the first place in my house where I kissed him, it was also the first place he had his first orgasm with me, so I don’t see the harm in fucking him with his body displayed out for my viewing pleasures on one of the many counters.

Just thinking about that had me hardening in my pants, and I wanted to bring that fantasy to life in that instant, I knew if I took him there, I would have enjoyed the sweet sounds of his voice, moaning, pleading and begging for more, just that very thought had me shaking.

I was holding back a little because I had fucked him unconscious the night before, but right then he was just so beautiful, serene and oh so inviting, that I could not stop my feet from moving forward towards his swaying body.

And in moments I had wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him against me enjoying the feeling of him in my arms, resting my chin on his shoulder, as I kissed and suck his already marked covered neck.

“Hi baby, you smell so sweet and good, I just want to eat you all up” I whispered into his neck as I slowly ran my mouth over his sensitive skin, enjoying his shudder and startled yelp, he had stiffened in my arms, until he realized it was me, and his body had slowly begin to relax.

“Its the food you want to eat and not me Mr. Steele, I am sure there are laws about eating a human” he grunts out in a deadpan tune.

Laughing his seriousness, I bit down on his shoulder as I nuzzle into his neck inhaling his fresh scent, he gasp lifting his head higher to give me better access to his neck, which I gladly took advantage of,

“I assure you baby, the eating I have in mind is not going to land me on the FBI’s most wanted list, tho it might land me on Santa’s naughty list..... Because this eating I have in mind involves with you being bend over with your ass high up and spread just for the intended purpose” I whispered seductively to him nipping at him, his knees buckled and a small moan left his lips,

“We should not be talking about these things here Mr. Steele, people are still in the house” he pants out, as I began to ran my hands over his legs and ass, relishing in the feel of his body writhing as he tried to stay upright by grabbing unto the counter.

I just continued to abuse both sides of his neck, sucking and raining little kisses all the marks I placed there, that possessive feeling that I get for him, had taken over me again, and I was ready to do anything, to show him again that he is mine and only mine.

Truth be told, I don’t give a fuck about others opinion, I want him and he is slowly falling for me, that is all that matters for me, I really did not care if anyone here sees me with him, he is mine and sooner rather than later I want everyone to know it,

“So? I don’t really care if they see us together, in fact I want them to see, so they know who you belongs to” I growled into his ear, he mirrored my growl with a mewl of his own his body shaking, I was already hard, my c*ock twitching and leaking, I could feel the wetness on the tip of its swollen tip and I wanted to take him right then and there,

“You are acting like a spoil caveman again Mr. Steele, and I can’t handle it right now, I need to finish cooking for the girls, they will be waking up soon from their nap” he said that in a breathless quivering voice,

“But I am your responsibility too baby, and daddy wants his sweet treat, daddy craves it” I whispered back rubbing my swollen c*ock on his ass, he allowed it by pushing back into me, turning me on even more, my hands tightened on his hips as I thrust into him, sandwiching his body between me and the counter.

Pretty soon he was whimpering and wiggling his body, panting as I hump his sweet ass, wishing that I was deep inside him. My hands had a mind of their own as they travel towards the waistband of his legging and slip inside, and I groan at what I found.

His c*ock was just as hard, swollen and wet as mine, and the need to take him was so great, I begun pulling his leggings to get it down, but he soon pulled away,

“I am on to your tricks, you are not going to get me with that again, my back is still in pain from what you did last night, so no sex for you until further notice” panting he said that trying to calm down, even as his body shivers with need, I was so frustrated, I stepped toward him, he stepped back,

“What do you mean further notice baby?” I growled out at him, trying to hold on to the little sanity I had left, before I did something crazy, like throwing him over my shoulders to take him to my room,

“Just what I said, now go to your office and finish your work, and I will come and get you dinner is ready............. and if you think of tricking me, I will put everything on lock down, even the food” he threated me, stopping me in my tracks, as he himself run out of the kitchen towards the girls play room,

Leaning against the counter, I tried to calm down, this was the first time he got the upper hand on me, it was the first time anyone had gotten the upper hand over me, and even though I was frustrated, I still felt pride build up inside.

“I told you he was not going to be so easy to handle, he will put you on lock down if you push him too much” snickered a voice behind me, tuning around I came face to face with Caleb, what the heck was he still doing in my house,

“Another word from you Caleb, and I will call Logan for you again, then we shall see who exactly would be on lockdown” I say to him in a smug tune.

“You wont dare Roman, because I will tear you guys apart” he say in a nervous voice,

"Oh I would dare Caleb, and I am pretty sure what he did to you at the party would be nothing compare to what he will do if I offer him to stay over, so if I were you I would be nice to your host” I said sweetly to him, giving a nice smile that I’m pretty sure did not reached my eyes, he pales, looking at me angrily before he hurried after my luscious prey.

After he was gone, I had stayed in the kitchen for a good six minutes, before any semblance of calm return to my body, but still my unfulfilled passion is blazing and brewing.


Now I am still here in my office, pouting, yes I said pouting, a grown man can pout every now and then, when he is by himself of course, or with his object of affection so he can get what he wants.

Anyway why shouldn't I pout? This is the first time he has denied me, maybe I am spoil, but with him I love being spoil, because he always gives me what I want.

I just hope he is ready for all that is going to happen for denying me tho.

Mmmm, I can already imagine him writhing and begging under me for hours, and the carnal visual pleases me to no end,

He has threaten me with no sex, but he is seriously playing with fire, because there is no possible way I can live without him for a day, my need is too great to be denied, after he has giving me such a delicious taste already, there is no way he can turn back now and I have a feeling that my hunger will only grow more and more for him.

The issue with Cay is; he has no idea how mouthwateringly beautiful he looks, and when I am thoroughly making him mine he is even more breathtaking, it is so addictive that I can’t stop wanting to see him like that more and more to feed my insatiable hunger.

I wonder if it would be a crime if I tie him naked to my bed?

Nah I seriously doubt it. In my opinion it would be a crime, if I don’t fuck him into oblivion on every available surface in my house, starting with the kitchen, that kitchen seriously has to be baptize, and I will do it thoroughly, loving every single inch of his dark caramel flesh.

Plus it is my right to fuck him, I cannot resist, no hot blooded male can resist that luscious thick body of his, and I am no exception, the good thing is, I am the only one who will have the pleasure of driving him insane, while I go under gladly joining him in his insanity.

He gived himself to me, so he is mine and I will never let go, call me possessive or domineering all you want, but I am not letting him go, he is mine and only mine.

And I know he loves that side of me, even when he calls me a caveman his voice is fill with so much affection that my heart stops and pumps faster, if he wants me to be his caveman, that can be arrange I will gladly be his personal caveman, I can definitely live and enjoy that.

I can’t help the way I feel, from the night he give himself over to me he sealed his fate with me forever, maybe its accurate that he call me a caveman, because after that night my possessiveness for him has grown ten folds.

That night was the greatest night of my life;

Eight days have passed since then, it was our fist time together, also it was his first time, and the combination of his innocence response with that hungry naked lust he showed for me, had send me over the edge and I had completely lost it, I had ravished and love his body thoroughly for hours.

We had sex from after Gabe’s party which was around 9:30pm to 8:30 in the morning, and then some in the bathroom, I knew it was his first time, but I could not stop myself or I did not want to stop myself from possessing his body completely over and over again, riding him into submission, using those 10 hour and half to engrain into his very core who he belongs to.

Call me crazy, but I am proud to say, he could not move for days after my thorough loving of his sexy body, that is where the annoying Caleb came in, he was about to be leaving the day after Gabe’s birthday, but because my baby could not move, he stayed and helped out with the girls.

They liked him very much, but he still had to bring them into my room, which they took over, so they could see their Yanyan, they had enjoyed it so much, that later they did not want to leave and put up a fight when we tried taking them to their room, the had hurriedly crawled over to him borrowing their bodies again Cay’s and not moving.

Their refusal was so adamant that we gived in by letting them sleep over, so the night ended up with all four of us sleeping in the same bed, with them hogging my Cay all for themselves.

But strangely I love the feeling off us all together like that, and I could not stopped myself from seeing a future all of us together, with the girls bigger and sleeping with us curling up to Cay.

What appealed to me more about that picture, was that I was there, with my arms wrapped around them, with Cay sleeping peacefully in my arms, while the girls sleep peacefully in his, and I knew then and there that I want that to be a reality.

His time in my room for the two days he was in pain, I had enjoyed every minute of him in my bed, even when I could not do anything with him, I enjoyed cuddling him, by laying partly on top of him, my head on his chest as he plays in my hair while I play and gently nuzzle his skin, I can admit that it has become my second favorite spot to be, when we are together, my first obviously is being burried deep inside his tight ass.

I was never the person to cuddle, it was always get in, shower and get out but with Cay everything is different, I am discovering new things about me, and I am showing him sides of me I never knew I had, like pouting, acting like a caveman or being spoil, but the truth is I can’t help it, because I want him to spoil me.

I can’t seem to get enough of him, that night was the best sex I have ever had in my whole life, never had I feel so completely satisfied, not that I did not receive gratification in my other sexual encounters, on the contrary, the gratification use to be great.

Yet there was still something lacking, missing, I did not know what it was until him, with him it was a whole new experience he blew my mind and the orgasms were out of this world, they were not just taking away stress or bursting a nut, rather they were so extreme, that my body and head explodes when I came, it drives me to a whole new level of pleasure, and I was completely satisfied and addicted.

I just hope he is ready again for more long hours of loving, because I am already twitching with need for my daily fix of sweet luscious caramel.

I need large doses of my caramel treat to put out the rampant fire, raging inside me.

Hey my chocolate babies, I hoped you enjoyed reading this chapter, I know I enjoyed writing it for you :D

Another thing, please tell me what you all think of the story so far, I can’t wait to hear from you :D


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