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Hey my babies Mama Chocolate is back and is ready to write like crazy I am even focusing on my new story which I am liking so far, I have various concept of stories but two of them are already solidify in chapters, so very soon you guys will have more interracial stories to read YAY I can’t wait, anywhore I got sidetracked a little in excitement *sorry*, well my babies I hope you all enjoy this chapter and don’t forget to tell me what you think ^_^

Cayan’s Point of View:

“I’m sorry Cain for not answer your earlier calls, but my girls needed me” I say to Cain, talking quietly into the phone,

“Don’t apologize Cayu, I was just worried about you, I thought that Steele had eat you” he say that last part so low that I barely catch it, and gosh he does not know how right he is about the eating part, though I wont tell him that.

“I’m glad the little girl is better and that it was not something worse, don’t stress your sexy self so much ok. Anyway I’m going over to see you and the girls and to say hi to Caleb in about an hour time, so don’t go to sleep because I really don’t want to deal with Steele, so see you....” his conversation is cut short and then all of a sudden I hear,

“What the hell!! Who the fuck let you into my office?” there is a pause and then “You know what, don’t answer that. Just get the fuck out!!” his voice has complete change from the playful, nice calmness it was before, now its hard and angry.

Then after that outburst I hear the deep accented voice of the other person,

“A mouth like yours should not utter such foul language, that mouth is suited for better things and I know all too well what those things are” oh my God! Cain has a lot of explaining to do and I should just end this call because something I am not suppose to hear is about to go down.

“Don’t you come near me you bastar... ummmm” yes Cain you definitely have some explaining to do and it better be good, by the sound of it, its going to a very juicy explanation.

I end the call even though I don’t want to, due to my curiosity, but I have to give Cain his privacy, he will tell me about it anytime he is ready, or when I drill it out of him, whichever one is faster.

It was really nice talking to Cain, in truth I had not spoken to him from the time my little angel’s accident happened and checking my phone earlier I realized that I had ten missed calls from him.

Ten missed calls and the bastard did not even leave one voice massage, that weird way of his really pisses me off, he acts as if its against the law to leave them.

Cain is the type of person that never leaves voice messages and he rarely listens to them if you are ever unfortunate enough to send him one, so basically if you are dying and him listening to your voice message will save your life.

Lets just say, don’t count on it, its better to call up the funeral home and get all your arrangements in order because you will be dead and buried and he still would have not listen to it.

I have always wonder how has he never gotten into trouble with his job when he do something like that, but leave it to Cain to fine a solution for anything, he always say hearing the voice of the other on line is better than talking to a machine.

Anyway enough about his crazy quirks because he has enough of them to feed the world with, the good thing was that I called and he answered on the first ring, he was worried that I have not been answering his many calls.

I had practically scream telling him if he had check his voice mail he would have known what happened and could imagine his pout on the other end of the line.

He did make me laugh a little when he begin threatening to castrate “Steele” for keeping me hostage, until I told him what happened to my girl and he immediately calm down and begin asking about the whole situation.

I have a suspicion that his dislike for Roman is going to be something we will all have to live with.

Our conversation was going pretty good until that man showed up.

I am guessing that is the man that took him to Greece and held him hostage, my friend really has his own problems, I will have to assume that its the mystery man; I am now really curious about that person, I really need to meet the man who can make my playful friend angry and flustered.

But I really hope he has not done anything to truly hurt Cain because I will gut him like a fish, I have another one I want to gut by the name of Logan Black, but there will time for him later, right now I have my own caveman to deal with.

Though remembering what Cain said about Roman, I begin fixing the collar of the turtle neck shirt even better to cover every evidence of what happened because if he sees all the bite marks and bruises on my neck, this hospital will turn into a battle field.

Silently I slide the door and walk softly into the hospital room where our girls are, looking around for the man that makes my heart go crazy and my body burn with just a single glance, but I don’t see him, maybe he has gone outside once again.

Today is our fifth day here at the hospital, the past four days have been hell for us, but he has not leave the girls and my side, he has been very attentive to our needs, bringing me food, water, books and even our change of clothes, but everything has been very quiet and stranger like between the two of us except for certain contact.

He’s been trying to maintain his distance though not entirely because he always ends up with his arms around me, murmuring into my ears or neck that he is very sorry and that he needs me, that is the only time he touches me and those are the only words he says.

I am not complaining about the contact, in fact I crave and love when he touches me, there is something so very sexy about a big man saying he is sorry in the way my caveman says it.

I have a feeling that sorry is not a word that comes out of his mouth easily, so I cherish every time he whispers it to me.

It has gotten to the point where I can hardly resist it and yesterday was the perfect example of it, I nearly succumb when he had run his tongue lightly over one of the bite marks.

I had gotten so horny that my c*ck was about to explode if he had just slide his tongue one more time over my skin.

I was so embarrass by my sudden reaction that I reacted without thinking by violently pushing him away from me, the hurt look on his face when I pushed him away was like a punch to my stomach.

I had wanted so badly to take it back, but my body and mouth had refuse to move, my brain was to busy trying to process what had just went on with my body and when I had gotten the return function of my mouth and try to say something, he had walked out of the room and did not return until he thought I was asleep.

Never in my life would I had thought that a person could affect my body, mind and heart this way and that really scares me shitless because even though he did all those things to me I just want to dismiss them all and move on with him as if nothing, as if it never happened.

But I know I can’t, this is something we have to deal with, this is something much deeper than he is letting on and we have to face it; I know that we have to sit down and talk and we have to do it before things get worse or even more complicated.

We still have not been able to talk, but there will be time for that, for now the girl are both of our top priority, tomorrow Simone is going to be discharge and we can go home, we will be coming back periodically for checkups until they are sure that she is completely fine.

So serious talk will have to wait until we are back at the house.

Walking softly over to the crib like bed I look down at our two little angels sleeping, they have been sleeping a lot due to Simone’s medication, I guess its true what they say about twins feeling what the other feels, because anytime Simone takes a nap, Samantha joins her.

Our girls looks so innocent laying here together, fortunately Simone looks so much better, the first day was the worse, but today she is laughing talking, asking for food, acting a little spoil by demanding lots of attention which I am more than happy to give her, anything to make her feel better.

Curiously Samantha has taken a back burner to her baby sister during this whole process and has taken it upon herself to call out for us to attend to Simone’s needs.

I find that super cute.

My attention goes to the both of them, because I hate how some parents forgets about a healthy child when they have a sick one, I also know that every situation is different.

But I still think that as a parent or as a caregiver you have to learn to divide your time, if not equally make it be quality, like that a child will not grow up with resentments.

The way Cain did, I don’t know what his mother did to him, but he resents her as if she is his worse enemy, I will not judge him or act like so many people do when they hear that a person hates their mother, he has not talk about it to me, but I know deep down that whatever he went through with her was beyond bad.

God blessed me with a good mother, but unfortunately that is not the case with every child out there, though I wish with all my heart that it was not so.

My deep belief is that every single child needs their parents love, affection and care.

Maybe one day Cain will talk about it and get it out of his system to move on, the curious thing about him is that even though he does not like his mother he sends her money every single week, he even buys her trips and shopping sprees to Europe.

But like I say leave it to Cain to find a way to resolve everything.

Snapping out of my thought I continue to look down at our girls and marvel at how beautiful they are.

Leaning I kiss both of their pink cheeks and brush back brown curls from their faces, they sigh and snuggle more into each other with their little hands link.

Taking out my phone, tuning on the camera I begin snapping pictures of them at different angle to then later choose the best of the bunch, I have been doing from the third day I became their nanny.

I am making a scrap book of them for when they are older and I decided to do it because there are no photos of them from the moment their mom died, so I will build a little memory nest for when they get older to embarrass them with in front of all their friends and potential partners.

Wait, wait, wait, did I just think years ahead? Oh my God! Roman and I have not even tal.................. A little noise sounded really loud in the quiet room and it jerk me out of my thoughts.

Turning around I face the big sofa in the room and I see my caveman turning in his sleep, I thought he was outside, but I guess he is tire after coming in late last night.

Hesitantly I walk over to him, when I reach his side I realize that he is fully asleep, his big body is relax, his red lips are slightly parted breathing evenly, but his handsome face is pale and knotted at the brows as if he is not having a good rest.

Alarm at his paleness I kneel down at his side and gently but hurriedly place my hand on his forehead to see if he has a fever and thankfully he is cool to the touch, maybe the paleness is due to him not eating well, he would always just bring me food and eat what I share with him.

I know its not enough because he is a big eater but he insist that its fine, maybe he has a headache and does not want to tell me.

Why would he want to tell you after the way you treated him yesterday? My conscience chastise me and I am so fill with guilt and remorse and I can’t stop myself from what I do next.

Leaning closer to him I whisper lowly,

“Baby I am so sorry for the way I treated you yesterday. I did not mean to push you away. I do not think that you are going to hurt me in anyway. But most of all I don’t want you to think that I am afraid of you, on the contrary I need you so much that it hurts and it scare me the way I miss you” I had whisper my words so low that I did not expect him to react the way he did.

One minute I was kneeling on the floor the next I was on top of his big body with my lip capture by his.

In a sweet soft kiss, it is a gentle invasion, his lips are gently massaging mines, his tongue is oh so slowly teasing the corner of my mouth asking for entrance, an entrance that he quickly took advantage off by slipping his down into my sensitive cavern.

When his tongue touch mine I shiver and moan at the spark of electricity that run up my spine, the kiss is so good I cannot begin to describe all the sensation that are taking over my body.

He is taking his time ravishing my mouth slowly, gently and with so much care and passion that tears come to my eyes and my heart swell with joy while I kiss him back with the same feelings, pouring everything I feel for him into the kiss including my anger, but my love overshine’s every other single emotion that I am feeling.

The kiss went on and on for a long time before he slowly separate his lips from mine, slowly pulling away, my heart and body scream in denial at the loss and I whimper for more.

He wrap his arms around me and hold me so tight that I feel that the breath would leave my body, then he ease up and I rest my head on his chest.

“Baby thank you so much for that, I thought everything was over between us after yesterday, but this has bring me back to life, I need you too Cay and I miss you like crazy baby, gosh how I miss holding you in my arms like this” he say this huskily in his deep voice as he gently lick the expose side of my neck.

Heat flare up inside my body and I bite back a needy moan that wants to break free from my mouth as I tries to move away from his body, so he does not feel the evidence of my desire.

“Please don’t go, it has been days since I hold you in my arms like this, I know you haven forgiven me and I know we need to talk about what happened, but lets wait until we go home where we have privacy and can talk better about anything you want love, but please let me hold you like this, just a few more minutes” he says this pulling me back down to his chest.

After about a few seconds I relax against him and begin listening to his heart beat, it was beating really fats at first, but now it is slowly calming down, leaning up I look down into those blue penetrating eyes and what I see there makes me shudder.

Raw desire and need are swimming in their depths, yet he is trying to control it, this side of him only fuels my simmering need even more, fanning my low flame into a roaring burning blaze.

And before I could stop myself my mouth is on his again, this time I initiated the kiss immediately letting all my pent up desire free, his arms tightens around my body and I hear him groan as he begins kissing me back, my mouth slash over his, tasting and taking everything, slipping in and out of his sweetness to quench my thirst and need.

My body is tingling, reacting to every pull and suck of my tongue, my c*ck pushes against my jeans and I can feel a wetness at its tip, gods I want him and my need no longer wants to be denied.

I don’t even know when my hips begin undulating, my lower half pushing against his, enjoying the feeling of his hard big c*ck pushing back at me.

Moaning I begin to move faster wanting to feel more of the delicious sensation, his hands begins trailing down my back until they reach my ass, where he palm and knead at will, making my body shake and shudder at his action.

Then suddenly he stop, bringing his hands to my hip to stop my movements, I give a frustrated groan and try to move again, but his hands keep firm,

“Don’t stop, I want it daddy, please don't stop” I mewl as I try once again to move, his hands tightens and another groan leave his mouth before he whisper,

“Cay if you continue to move against me like that, there will be no possible way for me to control myself and I will end up taking you right here, baby you don’t know how much I want to be buried deep inside of you right now, but you have to be sure of what you want because once I slide back inside that tight hole, like a true caveman I will never let you go again, so tell me, is this what you want?” he ask, his voice deep and husky.

A shiver run up my spine and I so far gone that I am ready to say yes, when I hear,

“Hey Rom, Oh sorry, but someone is here to see you” hearing Logan’s voice has me scrambling of Roman’s body, my face blazing in heat, I give him a death glare.

Roman jumps up too “What the hell Logg! Didn't you see we were busy? Who could it possibly be that could not wait?” he ask in an exasperated tune,

“Like I said Rom I’m sorry but you will want to.....” he trails of as another person burst in the room in a flurry of colors, coming straight to me,

“Are you the cutie that has my Romy by the balls? Good! we are going to be such good friends, it will be so good to watch him beg you on his hands and knees, serves him right for being a player” says the beautiful woman in a bright yellow dress looking me up and down like I am her new best friend.

“Mom what are you doing here?” growls out my caveman, oh so she is his mother, no wonder, the beauty is there for all to see.

“What a silly question Romy baby” she say this shaking her head from side to side, then she turn and looks at me and rolls her eyes, as if I could understand her dilemma,

“He has never been bright, but please don’t hold it against him, I've never been able to fathom how he made so much money when is intelligence is lacking” she finish, then look over at him, my mouth drop open at this and I have still not been able to find words.

“But to answer your question Romy baby, silly as it is, I am obviously here to see my grandbabies and to also see you begging on your knees” she say the last part brightly,

“Auntie if anyone hears you talking like that, they will swear that you like to see Rom suffer” Logan says to her with a slight smile to his lips,

“Oh Logan you’re such a sweet boy giving your auntie compliments like that, of course I want to see him suffer, I was 3 days in labor with him, so at least now in my old age he has to be some sort of entertainment to me, its pay back time, tit for tat as they say” she say this looking Logan up and down, I can say that Logan blush when she called him sweety.

Then she turn back to Roman who is just staring at his mother like she is from outer space,

“Romy dear please close your mouth or flies will go in, the poor things, and while your at it, you and Logan go and find me some coffee and something to eat, while I stay here and plot evil with this cute boy” she turn her back on both of them in a dismissive way, then blast me with a hundred watt smile.

“Hello cutie, my name is Bianca Annette Steele and I am here to help you make my son Romy suffer, so I am at yoyr service anytime” I really don’t know what to make out of this woman, but I like her already, finally I got my senses back and I smile back at her, she beams, when I look around Roman and Logan had already gone.

“Very nice to meet you Mrs. Steele, I am Cayan James the girls nanny” I extends my hand to shake hers and she ignores it by hugging me, soon she is over at the girls crib looking down at them tenderly, touching them and taking picture while they sleep, I am really glad the girl are heavy sleepers.

She is talking nonstop, asking questions here and there, she is like a ball of energy, guiding me everywhere she goes, I did not even realize when we move and we were sitting on the sofa.

“Oh I really like you Cayan, we are going to have so much fun together, I can’t wait until Jaxon gets here he will like you too, but I have to warn you about Sophia the girls other grandmother, she is not very likable” just she say this another middle age womans comes in with a gorgeous younger woman in tow,

“So I heard Roman hired a nanny, but I was not expecting this, I want you to immediately pack your things and leave because I will not have a nigger taking care of my grand daughters” she says looking me up and down, disgust written all over her face and for the second time today I am speechless.

But I did not stay speechless for long, how dare this bitch tries to offend me,

“I don’t care who you are mam, but you have no authority to fire me, I was hired by Mr. Steele to take care of his nieces and he is the only one who can tell me when my service is no longer needed, so if you have any problem with me or my skin tone take it up with him” I told her in an angry voice,

“What’s going on here?” says a voice from the door, I look and there is my caveman and Logan with food and drinks, also in tow are A lex, Gabe, Caleb, Cain and a tall dark handsome man, one of the tallest man I have ever seen, he is even taller than my caveman.

The young woman runs over to Roman throwing her arms around his neck with such familiarity, that I want to rip her blonde hair out, to ease the pain in my heart from seeing someone else close to him,

“You have to fire that man Roman, he was rude to my mama just because she called him a nigger, I don’t know why he got mad when he is one, those type of people are so disrespectful..... You wont allow him to disrespect us would you” the last part is said in a sweet dulcet voice that has me nearly ready to throw up, I really want to rip the hair of that bitch.

My man, yes my man push her off of him and begin walking towards me when eveything went crazy.

Everything was quiet and then the hospital room erupted into a fury of noise, everyone talking and cursing, I don’t know why everyone is going crazy over what she said, I am use to people saying things like that to me, I don’t take it, mind you, but I never lower myself to their level to throw back insults, I am better than that.

Soon cries fill the room, I swing my eyes over to the crib and my girls are awake and frighten at all the commotion, walking over I try to quickly calm them, but the noise only frighten them more,I got so danm angry my head feel like it was going to burst.

Then I scream,

“EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP! JUST SHUT UP! Now I don’t care what these racists call me, but if you all want to argue, get the fuck out and do it somewhere else, because you all are scaring my girls” thankfully my voice is soft, even though I screamed it was not that loud, but I got the desire effect, everyone shut their mouths.

Oh gosh can this day get any worse?

Well after I find myself on the floor with that racism woman standing over me I realized,

Yes! Yes this day can get a whole lot worse.

I have never been a drinker, but I really need a fucking drink if I have to deal with this.

Hey my babies, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, their are lots of different characters that came in, all with their craziness attach, some more than others, those two bitches need to go, I really don’t know how the heck they came into the picture, but they are here, now I have to find a way to get rid of their asses *murderous glare* anyway I hope you all vote, comment and share if you have enjoyed the story so far.

Mama Chocolate loves you, I’m sending lots of Chocolate Hugs and Kisses your way ^_^

THE LUSCIOUS NANNY (ManxMan)Where stories live. Discover now