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Hey my babies I hope you all enjoyed the previous chapter, I am hoping you all enjoy this one too, it will be really great if you tell me what you all think of the story so far, I will ready like the feedback ^_^

Hey everyone stop at my page and check out my complete short story “SERIAL LOVE’” its horror/thriller, so lots of blood, murder and romance, check it out and tell me what you think *.^

Logan’s Point of View:

I am beating myself up about what happened yesterday, if only I was not trying to make that little hell demon submit to me I would have seen the girls when they woke up, I don't even want to remember yesterday I just thank God Sammy is better today and came out with just a broken arm after all the blood, but now I am worried about Rom and the little guy's situation, what Rom told me that happen yesterday is serious and things can get ugly if they don’t sit down and talk about it like two adults.

According to how Rom said he acted when they were alone yesterday after he had haul him upstairs over his shoulder like a sack of patatoes, its obvious he has not dealt with what has happen years ago and if he want this relationship to work and go to the next level he better deals with it and start spilling to the little guy.

Because they make a great family together, yesterday was the perfect example of it, Cayan is angry at Rom, but anytime the doctor came out to give a progress report the little guy would immediately press himself against Rom’s body for comfort.

Then when he realized he is angry at him he would pull away and go to sit in another corner, but anytime he needed comfort he looked for Rom all day, and I could see my friend was fighting with himself to not wrap his arms around the little guy but he was controlling it and giving him his space.

I think that there is hope for them especially if Rom let go of the past, I can't say there is going to be hope for Caleb and I though, but I haven begin with him just yet, right now I am really worried about my best friend, he will not admit it but he needs Cayan just as much as the girl does, but he has to talk to the little guy about it.

What happen in Rom's past affected us all and we had all buried it back then and tried not to think of it ever again, and had succeeded until now, and because he has never felt what he feels for Cayan which is love, he acted out of his head at the thought of him leaving.

A slight movement on my right drags my attention away from the view outside and my thought, as I see my sexy spiteful love walking towards me with a coffee and a brown paper bag from Dunkin Donuts, he stops in front of me and stretch it out to me without saying a word.

Taking it I smile at him, he scrunch up his nose cutely like he does when he nervous about something, but his eyes are cold as he looks me up and down, I feel a delicious shiver run down my spine and I enjoy the sensation as I devour him possessively with my eyes sliding over his delectable body.

"You are really sick, fortunately we are at a Hospital" he murmur scrunching up his nose more, I smile at him all the more and just ignore his words.

He move away from me going to sit two chairs down, I get up and follow him, sitting next to his chair, he lifts a nervous hand to his head of curls pushing them over his face shielding it like a curtain trying to block me out, as if that can stop me, leaning over I blow on his ear and he shudder, leaning closer,

“Thank you for the Hot Chocolate Cale, you remembered, I thought you told me yesterday that you had forgotten everything about me, such a little liar you are, I see you remember perfectly how your man loves his Hot Chocolate” I whisper in his ear, he jumps up glaring down at me, I look up at him innocently.

“There is nothing special about your hot chocolate Black, I got it because it was faster to get them than wait in the long line for coffee that’s all” he bites out in a huff still refusing to use my name,

“You may say you don’t remember anything about me, but I remember a lot about you” getting up I corner him a bit away from prying eyes, he begin looking around not wanting to look up at me, leaning I kiss the corner of his mouth,

“I remember all the little things and big things sexy, I can clearly remember the way you loved when I pull on your hair roughly” I say this huskily while wrapping my hand into his curls pulling his head back, he gasp and grab unto the lapel of my coat with his free hand,

“I also remember you liking me licking your neck slowly like this” I continue lowly as I proceed to make him whimper at every sweep of my tongue on his sensitive skin, his hold on my coat tighten and he bites down on his lips to stop noises from immitting, but I want to hear them,

“I bet I can make you moan ‘sexy’, you want to see?” I did not give him time to answer, I attack his neck sucking hard on his flesh, and seconds after I had my reward, he delivered one of the sweetest little moan that I have to hold unto my control and not throw caution to the wind and take him right here against this wall.

I have been so hungry for him, it been years since I last had him moaning and writhing under me for more and I can’t wait for it to happen, I need to taste and have all of him again, and I wont stop until I get it.

Remembering how I had him in Alex’s office at that party has me getting hard, I was transported back in time when he was completely mine and never denied me anything it was shatter though when he had punch me in the face.

I was shocked out of mind when he did that, then he had left and yesterday was the first time after the party that I saw him again and all the marks I had left on his neck had gone.

So I have to leave more, and that is what I am doing right now, I am waring of all unwanted pest, he is beautiful and that brings all type of unwanted attention so to make it easier for me I will deal with it before it gets out of hand.

After about the sixth suck I place on his neck he push against me and I step back, he stomp on my foot and punch me in the stomach,

“And if you touch me again I will castrate you, you bastard!!” he hiss out before hurriedly walking off from the eyes of the other people in the waiting area.

“Wow you really left your mark for all to see, but I see he is a feisty one” says an elderly lady, looking over at her I smile,

“Yes he is feisty, but I wont have him any other way, its what makes it all the more interesting” I answer, bending over picking up his scarf and the forgotten brown paper bag with his Big n’ Toasty sandwich.

Looking at him walk away from me hurt just like the first time when I came back from my trip to find him waiting to tell me he was leaving me without an explanation, then the next day he was gone without a trace or a backward glance.

I had heard from everyone things that happened and things that he did and I could not believe that my sexy was capable of doing them, it had gotten so bad that my friendship with Rom had nearly ended over it, luckily I had pulled myself back and think about everything rationally.

But I could not find him after that, I was like he had disappear from the face of the earth, so now that I have him here again with me there is no possible way I will loose track of him ever again, and once and for all I want to know why he left running away without leaving and explanation.

Rom knows why, and from the way Cayan acted yesterday he knows also, but they refuse to tell me, Rom says I have to talk to my sexy spit fire for the answer I need.

Its better that way, like that no one gets between us ever again, I want him and he will be completely mine once and for all.

But I wont forgive him for leaving me the way he did and he will see and feel the full blaze of my intent and anger when I set up the perfect trap to catch him for good.

Roman’s Point of View:

I am resting my head against my baby as he eats slowly savoring everything chewing deliberately with every piece of food he puts in his mouth, just my chin touching him in the crock of his neck, I am inhaling his sweet intoxicating scent and my body is already reacting wanting soemthing more, but I push down the hot desire and need for him that is rising.

Right now I have to play by his rules I have to respect what he wants and even if it kills me that is the way its going to be.

Looking at his neck I grimace at the broken skin and all the bruises covering every single inch, looking further down his collar is also swollen and has deep bite marks, my chest squeezes up on me again thinking about the pain it must have been when I broke his skin with my teeth, I wanted to mark him but not like this.

I have never bitten someone like that and it really does make me look like a savage or a cannibal, I know sorry wont help or erase what happened but its a great start.

I don’t even want to think about loosing him or any of our girls, they are my family and life and I will fight to keep us all together.

He stops eating, leaving two buttermilk pancakes in his plate with the scramble eggs and pieces of neatly cut sausages, he pull away from me getting up I want to protest but bite my tongue.

He turns around handing me the plate of food and the remaining tea in his cup,

“I don’t know if you had breakfast so eat this, I don’t need you getting sick when I have the girls to take care off” he says in his soft voice, it washes over me calming me down, he is still attentive and caring towards me and I thank God and my lucky starts for his favors.

Smiling up at him “Thank you baby, I will enjoy it” I answer hin as I begin to eat the food, then he surprise me when he lift his hand running it through my hair, I stay completely still not even breathing, not wanting for this contact between us to end.

But soon he realize what he is doing, he pull his hand away and walk away towards the bathroom, I would have love him to continue touching me but I am satisfied he is initiating contact.

“Baby I swear to God I will make it up to you and our girls” I whisper this to myself, but I hope my past don’t come back up again like yesterday and ruin the good things I have in my life.

I had tried to bury that past, my whole family and those close to me had helped me buried it and we have all been successful in keeping it buried until yesterday it resurfaced with vengeance and nearly made me brake my baby.

I don’t want to think about the past but I know it has always been there lurking in the back of my mind and over me like a shadow and my baby’s threat to leave made the barrier broke and that ghost slipped in without me knowing, its presence causing hurt and destruction in it wake.

I know I should tell my baby about it but I don’t want to push any more unto him.

After all why would I want or need him to know that my fear of abandonment comes from the fact that my twin brother died selfishly refusing my help which was going to save his life, but he refused me to his dying day.

He drown out until he died my desperate pleas, cries and beggins for him not to leave me, his brother, his blood, his other half.

But he abandoned and left me breaking the very bond that made us whole.

And I fear with all my heart that my baby will wake up on day and leave me and this time around I don't think I will be able to survive if he does.

I hope you all understand Roman a little better after this little peek into his past, he hid it well for a long time, like most of us do with our fears, but sooner or later those fears comes out tearing us down and hurting the people we hold dear to our heart. We all have fears but how we handle those fears is whats going to matter when it all comes down to the grind so my babies I hope you all enjoyed this chapter :)

Please don’t forget to Vote, Comment, Recommend and Share if you like the book and my stories, Mama Chocolate will really appreciate it :D



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