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Hey my cutie pie babies, this story is almost over, a few more chapters and the epilogue will be next, but for now I want you all to enjoy the book and the journey both Cayan and Roman has been on. It breaks my heart to let them go but I will soon have to. I also want to say a big fat 'THANK YOU' to the fans that have always been there supporting me, cheering me on, 'I love you guys' it really means a lot to me; I also wants thank my silent readers and welcome my new fans (Welcome to the Mama Chocolate's Chocolate Train where the boys are sexily chubby, the men are dangerously hot, the nose bleeds are chronic and the overindulgence of Chocolates is criminal *_*) I hope you enjoy your time with me as I will enjoy my time with you.

Here is chapter 33 my loves. Enjoy.

Roman's Point of View:

Ladies and gentlemen I woke up to the most beautiful sight you could ever imagine, waking up with him in my arms is enough to make me feel lucky, happy and on cloud nine, so just imagine me waking up with him wrapped in my arms as his arms are wrapped around our girls, this scene can only be described as perfect, the way he is holding them so gently yet protectively in his arms is a beautiful thing to behold. You can see the love and content on all three of their faces and it warms my heart to the point where I feel like it would just melt from all the love I have for them inside of me.

Love that has been brewing from the moment I met him, love that has been overflowing for the longest time and still is as I get to know him more day by day. I can't help but feel like the luckiest man alive as I gaze down at him and our girls, I don't know when he got up and brought them to our room but I am glad that he did, all of us together like this screams at me to make this scene a permanent part of my life forever.

I can readily admit that the first time I layed my eyes on him I was only thinking about making him mine by taking his body, back then I felt the emotions he stirred up in me but I didn't want to put a name to them, I was not thinking of falling so deeply in love with him, I had even assumed that my feeling were those of lust, in the beginning it might have been so but days didn't even pass when I was already considering him mine and was ready to deck anyone that wanted to state the contrary or take him from me.

Even Logg got a taste of my possessive and dominant feelings towards him. Back then I was willing to make him mine at all cause and ended up acting like a fool and nearly lost him, but thankfully he forgave my stupidity and once again trust me enough to give me his body and his heart. There are no words to describe what I feel for him, his presence in my life has changed me, he makes me want to be a better person, a better me. Before I met him I was unfeeling and selfish yet slowly but surely he changed me and my way of thinking. Suddenly I didn't want to just have sex with him, I wanted to make love, I wanted him to accept me, care for me, love me as I had grown to love him. The overload of emotions I have for him has made me see lots of things in a different light.

That is especially so in the case of my brother, I never thought I was going to open up about that part of my life, but I did and I am glad that it was with him. His full understanding and support had overwhelmed me to the point of tears, I never cried for the death of my brother, I was too angry and stubborn to do so, but having him there with me giving his unwavering support made me let loose and slowly let go of all the emotions hiding deep inside of me. I have never met someone as forgiving and loving as he is; yesterday was the prime example, him and Laura never got along well, in fact I could dare say that they downright hated each other, yet still through it all he defended her like she was his flesh and blood by standing up to that creature who call herself a mother.

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