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Hey my choco babies, I hope you all enjoy this chapter after such a long wait, please don’t forget to tell me what you think :)

Caleb’s Point of View:

When Cee stormed outside and Roman running after him calling his name, I was left in shock for a moment until I think about how we must have look to Cee, standing so close together, with me push up against the wall with Roman’s body pushing into me giving me support to not fall, if I was not still catching my breath I would have run after him and explain what happened, but somehow I think that the explanation would have not work, giving how angry he is at the moment.

I had never seen that look on his face before and it had reminded me of myself when I was betrayed and made fun of years ago, and I could have hit myself for making that look take over his cute face,I really hope he don't get too mad at me, because I wont be able to take it,  my day has been full with crazy untasteful things, I never in a million years thought that I would have end up in the lions den again.

I cannot believe that after all the years of crying and healing, I am back with the same people that are itching to tear me apart, definitely I have bad luck, or Karma has come for me and she is looking for blood, dammit I have just got over all the pain and hurt, now my past is here once again glaring me in the face with all the intention of ripping my wounds open and making them bleed once again.

But I will not let that happen, I will fight with everything I have so history don’t repeat itself, seeing Roman again is like a hard slap in the face accompanied by a sharp punch in the gut, it had left me breathless and had threw me off for a while, so much so that I had become a stammering blubbering mess.

I know that I have done lots of bad things in the past, things I cannot take back even if I plead for another chance to do so, but I have surely payed for them with the high price of my happiness, so no matter what they say I will not let them get to me, to tear me down.

Roman has every right to be angry at me, I did hurt him in the past and I am truly sorry for it, I wish I didn't but there is no way I can change the past, whats done is done, and even if I want to go back and change my actions to make the outcome of things go differently, there is no way that will ever happen, so I am not going to cry about it anymore.

I know some people would say that I am a terrible person for saying that I cannot do anything to make up for the past, but its true. Whatever you do you have to live with the outcome for the rest of your life.

People would never understand how much I cried begging God for a second chance, but then I realized that there was nothing I could do but move on and try to be a better person in the future, so that is what I set out to do.

Now Roman tell me that ‘He’ is here and that he is beyond angry and will seek my blood, I will not lie and say that I am not scared, because I am terrified of what he can do to me, I have witness the way he deals with people and it is not pretty, he, Alex and Roman are Millionaires because of the way they are, they can be oh so charming to you, but if you ever cross them, they can and will become your worse enemy.

Just thinking about him is making me shiver in fear, but I will never show him weakness, because it will the perfect opportunity for him to take full advantage of it, using it to his convenience to then have me kissing his feet in no time, and I am not willing to do it, or let it happen.

I was not lying to Roman when I told him that I hate his friend to the extend that if we were on the same side walk I would push him so a bus can run over his body, crushing it over and over again, but I said that in the heat of the moment, meaning every word in that second, but then I instantly regret it when it left my mouth, and I had feel very ashame of myself for going there.

My asthma had immediately kicked in when my mind was filled with image of him battered, covered in blood and lifeless on the ground, just the thought of it had me shaking, and I realized at that moment that even though I hate him I could never push him to his death, or fatally harm him in any way.

Its uncanny that I have not talk or act that childish for years, to then instantly say things I don’t mean when I was face with my past, and that pisses me off, because I have worked hard to stay on top of my game, not letting my past hold me back.

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