Chapter 4 - The Walk

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As Sans starts his way down the sidewalk, he shoves his hands into his pockets. It truly was a nice day, birds are singing, warm breezes fill his blue lungs, it's just a wonderful experience to have. Toriel's house is only a couple blocks away, so Sans doesn't mind walking. He passes house after house, sometimes a human child will peek out of one of the windows and stare at the passing skeleton, but he's used to this by now. Monsters are still going to need some getting used to, they all know that. As long as they're treated the same as everyone else, everything will settle nicely. Sans watches the ground from time to time and he walks. He's nearing Toriel's house, and he stops in front of the doorstep, they live in a nice house as well. It's smaller than the brothers' home, but nice and tidy. He takes a breath and steps onto the doorstep. Just before he can knock, Frisk swings the door open and jumps into Sans's arms, "Sans!" Sans squeezes the boy and chuckles, "Hey kid. How are ya?" Frisk looks up and gives Sans the puppy eye look, "Mom's making me go to school, tell her I don't have to." Just at the moment, Toriel walks into the door, her normal gown beautifully fitting her slender body. She doesn't look a day over 24 years, "Speak of the devil." Frisk slides off of Sans and looks up at his goat mom, "Mommy please!"

Toriel giggles at her poor offspring, "Now now, take your knapsack and be on your way!" Frisk accepts the backpack and gives in, sighing, "Ok Mom..." Toriel looks at Sans, her face softening, "Hello Sans." Sans doesn't speak, for some reason, her eyes are just so stunning to stare at when the light hits them, they shine the most beautiful shade of crimson. Toriel has a worried expression on her face now, "Sans? Is everything okay?" Sans shakes his head and waves it off, "Sorry lost in thought Tori, hi." She calms down and gives him a smile, the kind of smile that would make anyone believe that there was truly nobody else in the world that she would rather spend her time with. He is left in awe. Toriel speaks, "Well I will see you after you get home from school you adventurous one. I want a hug before you go!" Frisk happily says, "Okay," and runs into Toriel's arms to give her a loving hug. Sans watches this and becomes heartfelt. He loves seeing Toriel so happy, it warms his bonely heart. Toriel kisses the top of Frisk's head and let's him go, "Now skedaddle!" Frisk smiles and walks in front of Sans, offering his hand. Sans looks at the boy and winks at him, "Alright kiddo, off to school." Sans takes his hand and Frisk guides them down the sidewalk. Sans looks behind him after a few steps and sees that Toriel has closed the door, and she's looking out through the living room window holding her heart. Sans gives her a thumbs up, he would never let anything happen to such a sweet child. He made that promise, he intends to keep it.

Halfway to school, Frisk is playfully trying to miss every crack in the sidewalk, Sans is interested, "Kid, what are ya doin'? You look like you have ants in your pants." Frisk stops and turns to Sans, "Step on a crack and you break your mother's back! I don't want to hurt my mom's back." Sans responds, "Now that's spine tingling." This makes Frisk burst into laughter, Frisk enjoys Sans's puns almost as much as Toriel. They are almost to the school now, Sans can see some of the monster children talking to human children, what a nice site to see. The monster kid with no arms stands in front of the school gate, he spots Sans and Frisk and immediately runs up to them, almost tripping halfway there. "Frisk! You made it! I was worried that you wouldn't because I was scared to go in without you!" Frisk steps to the monster kid's side and starts walking with him. Sans let's them go and watches them walk, Frisk listens to the kid's rambling. Sans thinks to himself, "That kid is going to do great things when he gets older." Frisk reaches the gate and looks back at Sans, giving him a smile and a wave. Sans smiles and lazy waves back. He is proud. 

He turns around and starts walking back to Toriel's place, unaware of what he is about to get himself into.

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