Chapter 13 - Hopes and Dreams

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(This is for everyone who wanted to save the unsaveable. I am now making that possible.)

"Frisk? Can we... can we talk about what happened in the Underground?" In the dark, Frisk sat huddled up in Sans's jacket leaning up against his bedpost. Flowey sits in his pot in Frisk's lap, he lays his stem against the boy's stomach. Frisk taps the side of the pot with his fore finger, "Sure. What do you have on your mind?" Flowey sighed, "Remember... when I opened the barrier...? You came back and stayed with me. Even though I asked if you had anything better to do, you stayed and waited until I turned back into a flower. Do you remember what I told you?" Frisk nods, "You told me how you couldn't cross the barrier, and how Mom and Dad shouldn't see you like that." Flowey stares up at the ceiling, he remembers the feeling of being a child again. "Do you remember... when you hugged me close Frisk?" Frisk nods again, "I can still feel the feeling of your heart beating against my chest." Flowey felt something spark inside of him, a tear fell from his eye, "D-Do you remember... yesterday, when you thought that Alphys could maybe... find a way?" Frisk knows where this is going, "Are you finally giving me permission Flowey? I thought you didn't want that..." 

Flowey remembers earlier, the look on his ruined mother's face. He remembers her kisses, her hugs, her pie. He remembers his father, how he would play hide and seek in the forest, and drink tea, and play in the garden. The feeling inside grew a bit stronger, "Frisk... you are the only one that understands me. You are my only friend. I hate to ask you... but can you take me to Alphys tomorrow?" Frisk thought for a moment, he had school tomorrow. He thought that it wasn't good to skip, but the bullies could wait. Yes, this needs to happen. It's not fair that Flowey should have to sit and watch Frisk live the life he should have. "Yes Asriel, I will take you." Frisk hugs the flower pot close and smiles a huge smile. Flowey doesn't smile, but that feeling still raged inside him. He didn't know what it was, but it was something. He was going to be a boy again. Suddenly Flowey starts to weep, "Thank you Frisk, thank you friend, thank you brother, thank you so much!" Frisk felt the lump in his throat grow, hearing Flowey cry was heart wrenching. He joined in soon after. 


Sans backed away from the bedroom door, his face full of shock. Was his ears deceiving him? Did Frisk just call the flower, Asriel?! 'No', he thought to himself, 'No, Asriel died hundreds of years ago! Could it be...?' He thought through his brilliant mind, calculated problems, came up with dead ends. Nothing added up. He thought the weed was deceiving the poor boy, making him believe shit he shouldn't believe. 'Alright, I'll play dumb. I can watch the kid's back after he thinks I'm gone tomorrow.' Sans takes a look at the door again and glares at it, he doesn't believe it at all. 

He turns around and walks down the stairs. Papyrus and Toriel's voice comes into range as he steps off of the last step. Not bothering to listen in, he makes his way into the kitchen and goes straight to the fridge, "Tori, I'm stealing your ketchup." Toriel giggles, "Alright Sansy, then you can sit down so we can ketch-up on what you've been doing recently." Papyrus becomes unsettled, this makes Toriel giggle uncontrollably, "TORI!! HOW UNNECESSARY!" Sans looks behind him at Toriel, "Don't worry about him, he's just being saucey." 

"THAT'S IT! I am going to go watch cartoons..." Papyrus gets up from his chair and leaves the kitchen. Within seconds the TV is turned on and Papyrus laughs, "Nyeh heh heh heh!" He clearly enjoys the cartoons above ground. Sans pulls the ketchup bottle out from the side drawer and takes Papyrus's old seat. He pops open the cap and takes a drink. Toriel speaks up after clearing her throat, "So... I wanted to ask you something about what happened last night..." Sans chokes on the words Toriel spoke, and coughs up ketchup. His face blushing as he tries wiping the stains away from his shorts, "Wh-what about last night?" Toriel looks confused now, "I was going to ask you what had happened before I got sick onto the floor...?" Sans is screaming inside his mind, this is what he was trying to avoid all day. Should he continue with forgetting? Or..., "Uh, well, we uh... We drank a lot." Toriel grins warmly, "I know that much Sansy, but did I do anything embarrassing?" Sans thought long and hard about the words he was planning on saying next, his blue heart started to glow brighter underneath his shirt. He looked down and covered his chest so she couldn't see, "No." Toriel is suspicious, she obviously saw that, "Sans are you lying to me?" Sans couldn't hide it, he sighed and let his hands drop. It's useless now, "Toriel, if I'm going to tell you, it'll have to be somewhere private." Toriel gets red in the face, "Oh my goodness, did I-?!" Sans panics and shushes Toriel, he quietly mutters, "No no no no, I wouldn't ever do that to you or let you do that!" Toriel nods, still blushing. She gathers herself a little, "Well, let's go to my bedroom and talk there, I need to know Sans." Sans nods, his heart calming down a little as well, the glowing starts to fade back to it's unseeable state. 

Toriel stands up and grabs Sans by the hand, the feel of her soft paws makes him feel warm inside. She guides him to the stairs, Papyrus looks over to Sans confused. Sans shrugs at him and follows her up the staircase. They reach the top, and Toriel walks into her room. Sans follows and closes the door behind him. 

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