Chapter 18 - Love is a Funny Feeling

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Sans stood in the doorway as he watched Toriel sit beside Frisk's bed, stroking both boys' hair. She was cooing sweet words to them, wishing them sweet dreams and what not. He smiled as he watched, this was something he only once experienced before. He remembers when Papyrus was this young. He was maybe too young to be able to raise a child at that age, but it's not like he had a choice. He would read Papyrus children's books he borrowed from the library, and tuck him in every night before bed. He remembers the good feeling of watching such innocence sleep like there were no problems in the world. It seems like only yesterday...

Toriel turned to get up and shut the light off. Sans moved out of her way and let her close the door behind her. Sans stood there and watched her brush a fluff of hair back into place. She looked to him with eyes full of joy. And he returned a smile, "So... I guess I'll be see'n ya tomorrow then," Sans spoke as he turned towards the staircase. Toriel's face dropped, "Wait why must you leave so soon?" Sans stopped halfway there, "I just assumed you were tired, so I was going to head on home."

"Oh. Well I was kind of hoping... If you would stay."

Sans chuckled and turned towards her again, "Stay? I suppose I could stay in the guest room again." He started towards the guest room when Toriel placed a paw on his chest to stop him.

"Not in the guest room. You will come in bed with me, will you not?"

Sans stood there staring at her, he didn't know what to say. Blue blush started to form on his cheek bones, "I uh... Are you-?"

"Good, then let us return to my bedroom and sleep." Toriel grabbed Sans by the hand and guided him towards the bedroom. He stumbled after her, not sure if this was a good idea. Then again, when did Sans ever have a good idea? They walked through the bedroom door and she closed it behind Sans. Sans stood there not knowing what to really do. He scratched the back of his head and watched as Toriel suddenly lock the knob. This was scarey, "Tori, why are you locking the door?"

"Shh..." Toriel walked over to Sans and placed a kiss on his cheek. He placed his hand upon the kissed area and rubbed it in, "Tori?" Toriel opened her mouth to whisper, "I have some feelings that I would very much like to express to you, my lovely." She slowly started to peel off Sans's jacket as she pressed her lips passionately against his. Sans kissed her back, but kept an eye open. He searched around the room, no alcohol beverages or empty bottles. 'Oh shit this is real.'

Toriel broke the kiss and took Sans's hands into hers, pressing them into her sides. She slides them up her ribs slowly for him, and he sits and watches. The feel of her softness under the fabric made his fingers tingle at their tips. Seeing his heart glow through his shirt, Toriel started to blush. Toriel let go of Sans's hands and kissed him deeper once more, Sans was on his own. He rubbed up and down her sides gingerly, as if the slightest move could rip her delecate skin. Sans let go of Toriel, something started to ignite inside him. Something he has never felt before. She smirked at the skeleton and bent down to pick up the bottom of her robe, lifting it up slowly over her head. Her bra softly bumped back into place as the garnet came off, and she reveiled her matching underwear. She threw the robe to the ground, letting Sans take it in. Her slender, pure white fur sparkled in the moonlight shining in through the window. To gaze upon this beautiful treasure was a once in a life time situation, and Sans was taking mental pictures. The flame inside started to burn brighter. He suddenly grabbed her hips gently and pulled her in, and she instinctevly wrapped her palms around his chin. Their 'lips' seemed to match perfectly as they touched once more. He could taste her apple flavored breath on his tongue, his thirst for her grew larger. He backed her close to the edge of her bed as he placed a hand on the small of her back. He gently laid her down, and they both crawled up onto it. Laying her head onto a pillow, she pulled him in for another strong embrace. He gently laid on top of her, intertwining his legs with hers. The fire was great, but he longed for more.

Sans reached around slowly and unbuckled the latch to her bra. He broke the kiss and ran his tongue along her neck. She blew a sigh a pleasure and she helped him take the bra off. Sans's blushing face peered down to her beautiful breasts. Her nipples, a rosey pink color, hardened as the sudden cold rushed through her body. Sans kisses down her chest as one hand cups one of her breasts. She bites her lip and blushes, the fire inside her begins the grow as well. Sans stops to stare as he props himself on his elbows. Both hands now massaging the plush breasts as he gazes into her eyes. He longs for her, as she does the same. She reaches over Sans's back and pulls his t-shirt off. He throws it to the floor somewhere and chuckles softly, "I-I don't have anything much to show." He gives her a grin, but she seems to ignore him. She runs her fingers along his spine, and this sends chills. He chuckles again, "So I take it you're enjoying my six pack?" This makes her giggle, "Oh yes, very much so."

Soon, all clothes have fallen to the floor and the intamacy levels rise. Sans is now between the woman's legs, holding her gently as they exchange kisses. They slip their tongues into one another's mouth, greeting each other with gentle pokes and rubs. He takes a leg of Toriel's and wraps it around his waist. A glowing member has grown around his pelvic area.

Sans breaks the kiss and looks to Toriel, "I have never done this before... I mean I get the point. But uh, are you sure this is what you want?" Toriel smiled shyly at him, and whispers, "I am sure."

Sans's face, bluer than ever, grins back at her. He lays his hands under her shoulders and positions himself. He reaches down with a free hand and grabs himself, rubbing the tip against her entrance. She twitches at the very touch and wraps her arms around his neck. They both sigh at the same time, the feeling being one of a kind. With one tiny push, the tip slips in and her juices welcome him. She let's out a gasp and waits for the rest. With a soft but swift movement, he pushed the rest of the shaft in. He let's out a murmured grunt as he feels himself twitch inside of her. The warm, wet walls surround him, and the feeling is sensational. Replacing his free hand under her other shoulder, he bends down and kisses Toriel's neck. She entangles her fingers around his body and curls her toes. Sans pulls out an inch or two slowly, then pushes himself in just and quickly, creating a small rhythm. Toriel began to softly moan into Sans's temple. Sans let a few grunts escape, "Heh heh well look at you... All hot and bothered."

Sans picked up the pace, pushing deep inside of her. She moaned quietly with every thrust she received. Instinct took over as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He propped himself up on his elbows once more to stare into her stargazing eyes. He went a little faster, her wetness allowing him to slide in and out of her a little easier. He felt himself coming close to an end. "T-Tori... I'm gunna... Mmf."

"Faster?" Toriel asked him innocently. He accepted the request and proceeded to grind faster into her. She moaned a little louder, careful not to wake anyone up, and he did the same. He laid on Toriel once more and gripped a handful of bedsheets. A tingling feeling overtook him as he suddenly thrusted in one last time. Neon semen flowed inside of her as she squeezed around him. Both now breathing hard over eachother, the glow from both the member and the semen disappeared, as if it was never there before. He kissed her forehead gently and rolled over to the side. This was a night he won't certainly ever forget.

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