Chapter 15 - In the Shadows

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Frisk yawned and stretched, the morning sunlight filling his brown painted room, making it shine it's warm golden glow. Frisk rubbed the gunk out of his eyes and stretched his toes. He was feeling peppy today, ready to start off. He turned to look at his desk, Flowey was staring out of the window. "Good morning Flowey," Frisk said calmly to the flower. Flowey turned to look at the boy, "Good morning Frisk." Today was truly a special day, you could tell because Flowey has never wished Frisk a good morning. Frisk smiled, "How's my face Flowey? I'm to scared to look in the mirror..." Flowey looked at Frisk's face up and down, then gave him his Flowey-like smile, "Your eye has cleared up some! You'll look better in no time." Frisk was joyed to have Flowey finally happy, but he was curious. Why was Flowey acting so... different? "Flowey, may I point out that you seem extremely happy today?" Flowey's smile faded to a grin, "I'm going to be a boy again, Frisk. I am going to finally live life as I should. I'm practicing my good behavior." 

Frisk's face becomes sullen, he just thought of something, "Flowey, what are you going to do if Alphys fails?" Flowey's smile disappeared, and he turned to look out the window once more. He chose not to answer. Frisk felt awful, but he would've felt worse if he wouldn't have said anything and it actually happening. Frisk gets out of his bed and pets the back of Flowey's head gingerly, "Don't worry, Alphys is smart. I'm sure you'll be back to normal in no time." Flowey smiled sympathetically, but before he could speak, the bedroom door bursted open cutting him off. Frisk and Flowey turn towards the noise. Papyrus's upper body peered around the corner, "FRISK! I am here to deliver the wonderful news that breakfast has been served! Nyeh heh heh!" Frisk giggled at Papyrus, "Ok coming!" He turned to look back at Flowey, "I will pick you up when it's time to leave Flowey." Flowey nodded and gestured for the boy to go eat. Frisk jumped up and walked through the door to follow Papyrus, closing the door behind them. Flowey waited a moment, then turned towards the window. What would he do first as a boy, he thought to himself. He could start a garden of golden flowers in the backyard with Frisk. He could do homework with Frisk after school the next day. He would hug his mother and father. The possibilities flooded his tiny little head, and this excited him. "Hurry Frisk," Flowey whispered to himself, "I can't wait any longer."

Papyrus picked up Frisk and ran down the stairs in a hurry, Frisk giggling all the way down. They ran passed the sleeping Sans on the sofa, he allowed Papyrus the guest bedroom last night. His snoring was filling the living room. Papyrus stopped a moment, backed up, and peered down at his sleeping brother, "Sans, you pest, you are snoring WAY too loudly!" Papyrus bopped Sans on the forehead gently, and Sans's snoring shut off like a switch. He obviously knew Sans all too well. Satisfied, Papyrus carried on with Frisk in hands to the kitchen. He sat Frisk down into a chair, then sat in one himself. The smell of hash browns, omelettes, toast, and bacon filled the entire house. Frisk watched as Papyrus took a big wiff, he was clearly starving as it seemed. Frisk looked behind him, seeing his mother chopping up mushrooms on a cutting board, and to his surprise Undyne was helping her. "Good morning Mom and Undyne." Undyne's head wooshed towards the puny sounding noise. She smiled widely and the boy, "Morning, punk!" Toriel followed up, "Good morning my sunshine, I hope you have slept well. Mommy is just teaching Undyne the proper way to cook an edible breakfast." 

Undyne started bouncing with excitement, "Now we turn up the heat, right?!" She grabbed the stove top knob and started to turn it all the way up, as high as it would possibly go. She was suddenly scorned by the mother goat, causing her to turn the heat back to normal. Undyne crossed her arms and grunted, "Man, you make cooking so lame Tori." 

Toriel wagged a finger at her, "Now now, you are the one that wanted tips! I must show you how a good woman bakes and cooks for the ones she loves!" Toriel giggled and nudged the fishy girl. Undyne blushed at the lady, "Sh-shut up!" She smiled wide.

After breakfast, Undyne parted suddenly for she had work to attend to. Frisk cleaned his plate into the sink and hugged Toriel for the breakfast. "Go wake up that lazy bones on the couch my dearest one. It is time for you to go to school!" Frisk nodded then calmly strolled out of the kitchen. Sans was still on the couch in the same position he was before. He was on his back with an arm laid out on top of his forehead. He started snoring again. Frisk put both hands on the sleeping skeleton and shook him, "Saaaannss it's time to get up! C'mooon you have to take me to school!" Sans was awake, but didn't let Frisk notice. He groaned and pretended to roll over, hiding a smile. Frisk huffed, "Sans I saw that! Come on! We will be late!" Sans stretched, yawning, "I guess I can't fool ya kid. Here help me up." Sans offered his hand to Frisk, and Frisk took it. When he squeezed the bony hand, he squeezed the hidden whoopie cushion, causing an unsatisfying noise to address itself. Frisk immediately let go and stared at Sans, who was now laughing. He was shaking his shoulders and covering his face, Frisk was duped again. Frisk burst out into laughter with him, pushing him playfully. After the laughing subsided, Sans got up and started towards the front door, "Alright kiddo, grab ya backpack, put some clothes on, and let's go!" Frisk nodded and headed up the stairs. 

Frisk opened his bedroom door and opened his closet. He changed into some clean clothes and threw his dirty pajamas into his little hamper. Toriel loved to spoil him rotten, but he minded his manners. He was truly grateful to have such a loving mother. Flowey watched him get ready, "D-don't forget to bring me, okay?" Frisk smiled after pulling his backpack off of his office chair, "I won't Flowey. I'm going to put you in my bag okay?" Flowey, unsure of that idea, suggested a new one, "How about you just carry me Frisk. I don't want to suffocate." He glared at the backpack and then to Frisk. Not saying a word, Frisk picked up Flowey's pot and headed down the stairs. 

'I won't need this stupid pot when I return anyway,' Flowey thought in his mind, 'I'll be walking back.'

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