Chapter 6 - Coffee and Pie

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In the kitchen, Toriel is digging for something in the fridge while Sans sips his coffee. He is calmer now than he was earlier when Asgore visited unexpectedly. He doesn't know why, but something about that guy makes Sans tremble in his slippers. On second thought, Sans knows why. He knows what Asgore is capable of. Asgore has the capability to kill a child, to kill seven children. That's what made Sans so intimidated in the first place. Somehow he manages to shake the feeling and forget it. That was then, it's not like the humans will let him do that here... right? 

"Sansy, may you ever so kindly help a poor furball peel these?" Toriel says in a sing-song voice as she holds up a bag of fresh apples. Sans turns in his chair and shrugs, "Sure Tori, what for?" She closed the refrigerator door and walked over to the skeleton, gently placing the paper bag of apples in front of him, "Pie, my lovely. I'm in the mood for some cinnamon apple pie, what about you?" 

"You know I don't care, anything you make is nice," Sans says calmly as he starts peeling apples with the peeler Toriel hands him. He turns to catch her glancing at him just in time to give her a wink, she smiles and giggles to herself. He loves hearing her laugh, so he thinks of a terrible pun, "Hey Tori."

"Yes my boney friend?"

"I never see you put any garlic in your pies."

Toriel looks confused, "Garlic? Do you put garlic in apple pies? I do not think that fruit should go with garlic."

Sans smiles wide, "Heh, well then, I guess that makes you a vam-pie-r!"

Toriel breaks into the heartiest laughter Sans has ever heard, this makes him start laughing too. Through the laughter and tears, Toriel says, "Sansy I swear, you make me laugh like something fierce! How do you come up with such things?" She continues to her pie making, while Sans calms his laughter, "I'm just that good ya know? God your laugh is adorable-" Sans's smile immediately fades and he clasps a hand across his mouth, looking at Toriel and hoping she didn't notice. He can feel his cheeks heat up with blue blush scraping across his face. Toriel turns her head to the side, "Well thank you, I find your laugh very adorable also!" Sans slumps in his chair, moaning under his breath. Thank goodness she didn't notice, he thought. What was wrong with him? Why is acting like such a weirdo? "Sans, you should stay the night tonight, I finally fixed the guest room- Oh it's all nice and tidy! You should definitely check it out! Oh my goodness, I put nice golden flowers in a, oh a whatchamacallit, the long flower pot that you sit on the edge of your window? Yes! Exactly that! Oh they are so beautiful when you watch the sunset rays brush their fingertips against them. Oh my goodness!" She stops and surprises herself, "I have become very passionate lately..." 

Sans finishes the last apple and hops out of his chair to set them all on the cutting board Toriel had laid out. She was just about finished as he could see, she just needed the apples. "I'm going to take the Sans way and just throw this into the human oven."

Sans looks at her confused, "The 'Sans' way?"

"Yes, because I'm too lazy to bake this pie with magic!" She giggles to herself and places a hand on Sans's back to comfort him. He gives her a sympathetic grin, "Heh heh... okay now, I think I'm going to check out that room. I better call up Pap also, let him know I'm staying I suppose." Toriel gives him a nod as she finishes up her masterpiece. Sans rubs the back of his skull as walks out of the kitchen and into the living room. This isn't the first time Sans has stayed over, Frisk begged Toriel to get the new flat screen television and that usually draws Sans over. The TV is in such high definition that its hard to tear your gaze away from it, no matter what you're watching. Lately, he just likes to sit with Toriel in the kitchen while Frisk sleeps and listen to her ramble. Her passion keeps him awake, but he doesn't mind. He walks past the huge screen and notices his reflection. He stops to notice that his jacket hood is all messed up and he fixes it until he thinks that he looks presentable. He straightens his posture and gives the reflection a wide smile. His smile fades and he slumps over again after he realizes what he's doing. 'Quit being ridiculous Sans, what the hell are you doing?' he thinks to himself. He re-messes up his hood and walks up the stairs. He stumbles up each step lazily until he finally reaches the top. He stretches and yawns, he's still a little tired from Papyrus not letting him sleep in. Maybe a little nap would be okay, Tori shouldn't mind. 

He started to walk himself down the hallway, and he passes Frisk's room. Suddenly he hears a soft familiar voice, "Hey smiley, come here." This made Sans freeze, it's the damn flower Frisk decided to hold hostage. Stepping back a few feet, Sans leans backward to peer into the slightly ajar door. He sees Flowey's stern face looking right back at him, "Yeah, you dumbass, get in here." Sans's face scrunches up, what the hell does this weed want from him? He looks behind him over the railing to see if Toriel left the kitchen, then he steps inside and closes the bedroom door behind him. Sans walks over to the potted plant, "Whaddaya want, dandelion?"

"Har har, cut the puns Sans," Flowey rolls his eyes and focuses on the skeletons annoyed face, "Don't act like I don't know anything. I know you like Toriel." 

Sans's frown turns into a smirk, you gotta be kidding, "I don't have a clue about what you're talking about. Don't try to act like you know me flower."

"But I do know you Sans. C'mon, you can't be that clueless. Just know what you're doing, alright? Don't hurt Frisk's mom, whatever you do."

Sans is upset now, "I don't like her like that, and why do you care?"

This statement obviously pains Flowey, as his face becomes sullen and sad, "You wouldn't understand Sansy boy. Now go take your nap." 

How could he have possibly known about that? Sans didn't care, he turned around in a huff and swung the door open. Stupid little shit doesn't know what he's talking about. Sans doesn't like like Toriel. Her and Asgore will probably get back together later in life. What did she want with a dumb lazy skeleton anyway, he thought as he closed the door behind him. He walked out into the hallway and stepped up to the door that had "Guest Room" written on a sign that hung from a nail. 

"This skeleton doesn't deserve love," he muttered to himself as he pushed open the door.  

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