Chapter 7 - Dreaming of you

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Sans rested his head on the back of the huge steel door, snow fell around him, but he didn't mind the cold. He tried think of another one, and he knocks behind him, "Hey, you still there ma'am?" 

A faint sound came from the other side, "Yes."

"Good, so, heh, what did the ocean say to the other?"

There is a pause, but then the lady answered, "I do not know, I do not think I have heard that one before, what did it say?"

"I'll sea you later!"

Laughter came from the other side of the door, along with a slight snort that was accidental. Sans started to shake his shoulders as he laughed too, "Nice laugh ya got there."

There was a gasp, "Oh no, do not listen to my terrible snorty laugh! It embarrasses me..." 

Sans calms his laughing and sighs, he's got a big smile on his face. He hears her sweet voice again, "Sans? Do you love me?" 

Sans's feelings change, this isn't right. Blue-ish blush starts to appear on his face, but before he could answer he hears a deeper voice, "Yeah, you want to confess your feelings skeleton, to my queen?" Sans started sweating bullets, "I-I uh, well I don't-" He suddenly couldn't speak for himself, the snow around him started to blizzard in mini tornados. Suddenly, everything went black. Out of the darkness, a red scepter flew and it Sans's chest with a -fwump-. 

He sat up with a sudden jolt and in a cold sweat with his blue heart pounding inside his ribs. He places his hand on it, trying to maintain his breathing. As soon as he calms down and convinces himself that it's just a dream, he lays his head gently back down on the pillow, and closes his eyes once again. 

"Sans? Oh Sans... you are especially sweet," Toriel cups her hands under his jawline, smiling that beautiful warm smile that makes Sans's heart skip a beat. He can feel himself blushing again, a blue heart shaped glow coming from his white t-shirt. He sits up straight and tugs on his shirt collar, then looks Toriel in her warm ruby eyes. He sits up on his knees on the couch they were conveniently sitting on, now towering over Toriel. He wraps a boney hand around the back of her neck and pulls her closer to him with his other hand on the small of her back. He can feel his heart pounding harder as he leans in slowly, closing his eyes. Halfway there, he can feel her lips press against him, and like being hit by a lightning bolt, a shock courses through his body. A kiss like this would make him want to stay there for eternity. But just as sudden as the kiss, Toriel breaks it and looks at Sans with an upset expression, "Tori...?" Sans asks, but Toriel starts to get angry, "Stupid skeleton," She pushes Sans off of her, and Sans is shocked, "Tori? I-I'm sorry I thought-" Toriel interrupts him, "I do not love you Sans!" 

Cold sweated again, Sans wakes up but instead finds his pillow soaked. He looks at the clock on the wall inside of the guest room he supposedly fell asleep in. "3:14 AM", it read. Sans wipes off his face, he was sweating so much in his sleep. He cups his hands over his eyes, "What is wrong with me!" After a few moments pass, he registers where he is. Somehow his jacket came off and was hanging up in the closet. His phone was sitting on the nightstand, he decided to check it. He flipped the phone open and saw a few texts from Papyrus, "Oh shit..." muttered Sans, he forget to tell his brother he was staying over. He received three messages:


Second one read: "jlksjd"

Last one read: "Brother, I visited Toriel's place to see if you were there. And you were! I HAVE FOUND YOU~ <3 I shall let you sleep. I shall talk to you when you call after you wake!"

Well texting him now wouldn't matter. He set his phone back on the nightstand and looked into the darkness. He needed a bathroom break, he thought, as he sat up and slid his slippers on. As he took his first step, he noticed a shape on the floor. He bent down and picked up a plate with a slice of apple pie on it. There was a card on the side of the plate, it read, "Dear Sansy, I found that I could not find the courage to wake you, you're snore is the most satisfying sound ever! Is that weird? I hope not, I'll be awake for a while, if you wake up come join me downstairs. I have too much on my mind. Frisk is staying the night at that monster child's house. I need company. 

LOL, Toriel"

"She knows 'lol' stands for laugh out loud, right?" Sans grins and sets the plate down on the nightstand. He's got a goat mom to talk to. 

As he silently walks down the stairs, totally discarding his jacket, he notices Toriel in her pajama wear sitting on the couch watching TV. She is snuggled up in a blanket, and she doesn't look amused with what's on. Sans shyly but quietly mutters, "Tori...?" Toriel looks up at him and gives him a weak smile, "Oh Sans, you are awake. I am not feeling happy at the moment." Sans thinks to himself as he takes another step down, "So, heh, I need a drink." 

"Yes, alcohol sounds really nice right about now."

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