Chapter 23 - Not a Good Feeling

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Sans sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. Something was rattling his bones, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He sat in Toriel's room on the edge of the bed, it was 7:00AM. Toriel walked out of the bedroom's private bathroom with a toothbrush sticking out of her mouth. Toothpaste foamed from the sides of her mouth as she spoke with her mouth full, "What did the horse say to the other, Sans?"

He wasn't feeling punny right now, "Uhh I don't know Tori... what did the horse say to the other...?" Toriel frowned as she moved the toothbrush up and down her teeth, "Why the long face?" She disappeared behind the bathroom door, and the sound of water being turned on filled the room. After a moment, the faucet turned off and Toriel re-appeared, "Sans, why the long face?", she repeated as she sat next to the skeleton. He rubbed up and down his knees, something was wrong. "Tori, I feel like... I feel like I have this feeling that just... I'm scared something's going to happen. I can't quite explain it, you know that feeling you get when you leave the house and you forgot to turn the oven off? It's something like that. Only the house is going to blow up or something." Sans hid his face in the palms of his hands. Toriel gave him a patient grin, and started to rub his back to comfort him. She started to hum a tune, a soft tune that almost sounded like a sweet lullaby. Sans looked to Toriel, this tune was familiar to him. He couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Sans gently wrapped an arm around Toriel's waist and pulled her closer to him. He smiled softly and placed his forehead against hers. After a moment of listening to her humming, he gently interrupts her, "Tori... you know, you've made me a better monster than I used to be. Thank you so much for that." Toriel smiled and giggled aloud, "Thank you Sansy bones! I feel the same about you." She then decided to plant a kiss on his cheekbone and squeeze him in a tight hug. He let's her hug him, it's the best feeling in the world.

To interrupt this calming moment, from downstairs came a large bang. It swung the door completely open, and footsteps could be heard. Suddenly a booming voice rang through the walls of the house, "CHILDREN!!! TORIEL!!! SANS!!! TIME FOR SCHOO-OOL!!!! NYEH HEH HEH!!" Sans closed his eyes and chuckled at the sound of his brother's voice, "Man, isn't my brother the coolest?"


The boys waited patiently by the door as Toriel shuffled to put her coat on. She grabbed the station wagon keys from a hook by the front door and walked over to the convenient Sans standing in his slippers with his boney hands in his pockets. He has his jacket on, which was a first in a very long time. Toriel wrapped her arms around the monster and gave him a squeeze, "I'll be home in a couple of hours okay?" He didn't respond, but just smirked at her. She smiled back and walked over to Papyrus who was making a mess in Toriel's kitchen. Spaghetti can never wait! She quickly stands on her tippy toes to give the tall skeleton a kiss on the cheek. Papyrus stops what he was doing and squeals with delight. He wraps Toriel in a big hug and holds her suspended in the air, "Thank you fair lady! The Great Papyrus will now shower you in the biggest hug you will ever receive in this lifetime!!" Toriel starts to have a giggling fit as she loves Papyrus's random affection. After he sets her down, she bounds towards the door and opens it. Frisk and Asriel look behind them and say goodbye over each other. Sans waves at them and watches the door close. He then runs over to the window and pulls the blinds down to watch the small family pile into the vehicle and drive off down the street. Papyrus can be heard in the kitchen, "They are a lively bunch am I right?"

Sans sighs with happiness in his tone, "Yeah bro, they sure are. I'd do anything for them, ya know?" Suddenly, in Sans's pocket, a cell phone vibrates. Sans reaches into his pocket and pulls the vibrating phone out. The caller ID reads: "Alphy :B". He flips the top part of the phone up and puts it up to where his ear would be, "Yeah?"

"Sans? I-It's important. I found a p-problem..."

"What is it?"

"It's A-A-Asriel... Something isn't right. Y-you need to come to the lab a-and quickly!"

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