Chapter 17 - No Longer a Flower

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"A-Alphys... What did you do?" Sans spoke in horror, looking towards the now open chamber. The lights inside the chamber blew, smoke still trailing out. All three bodies stood and watched as nothing happened for the longest time. Suddenly, a small voice became known from the small shelter. "Why is it so dark in here? I-it's scary..." Next came a sob, but nobody knew what to do. Within seconds, footsteps came into the clearing and showed itself to be a small goat boy about the height of Frisk. He was rubbing his eyes as tears seeped down his cheeks, he spoke again between the cries, "I need help... *hic* F-Frisk?" The boy looked around, seeing a shocked dinosaur and skeleton. He then looked down at himself, and noticed that he wore no clothing. His cheeks started to glow from embarrassment, but Frisk saw this and walked over to the boy. Suddenly, Frisk wraps his arms around the goat, covering his nudity, "Welcome back Asriel." 


Sans carried Asriel, who was wrapped up in his jacket, down the sidewalk as Frisk followed. Asriel had fallen asleep from all of the excitement, and the afternoon sun was just starting to dip. After a long period of silence, Sans finally spoke up, "Listen, buddo, this was a really good thing for you to do... But lying to me isn't going to go unpunished. I understood why, but ya shoulda told me kid." Frisk peered up at the skeleton, "Flowey said that I shouldn't tell anyone because they wouldn't believe me. Is that true?" Sans stopped and turned towards the boy, "There is something you should know, Frisk," he sighed for a moment, then chose his words right. He didn't want to blow up on the poor boy.

"I know it may have sounded ridiculous, and farfetched, but I would've believed you. If it came from that damned flower, no. But you? I trust what you have to say kid." He shifted Asriel into one arm, and ran his fingers through Frisk's hair, "Don't lie to me again, okay? It's not a good habit to start." He supported Asriel with both hands now. "C'mon, we're almost home."

Sans walked up to the house, Papyrus was sitting on the front porch steps. As soon as he'd seen Frisk, he stood smiling widely, "Frisk! I was just about to come and get you! Looks like my wonderful brother beat me to it!" He looks to Sans, "What's the occasion, and why are you carrying another clone of the King and Queen?" Sans looked up at his younger brother, giving him a 'forgive me' smile, "Listen, Pap, maybe you should go home real quick. Go feed your pet. He'll starve all by himself." Papyrus rubbed his chin, pondering inside his mind. Then, without a word, Papyrus stands up and walks to his red car and drives off. Sans sighed, this was going to be an unsettling night. 

Sans nodded at Frisk, gesturing him to open the door for him. Frisk walked up to the door and opened it. Frisk was excited to finally bring Asriel happiness. Sans saw his excitement, and realized something, "Kiddo, I know you want to show your mother what you've done, but... I think you should head upstairs for now. This is going to be a lot for her to take in, so... yeah, scram." Sans winked at Frisk and smiled. Frisk's shoulders dropped, but he understood. He turned and walked up the stairs slowly, and disappeared into his room. Sans walked into the door and kicked it behind him. He heard Toriel in the kitchen. Well, here goes nothing.

Sans called to her softly, "Hey... Tori... I'm home." 

She replied in her sing-song voice, "Okay! Be there in a minute!" Toriel walked into the living room while wiping her hands off in a towel. She started to say something, but what she saw left her speechless. She saw a sorry looking Sans, and a white furred boy sleeping in his arms. She stood frozen. Sans started to slowly explain, "Tori... now I know what it looks like..." She took a step closer.

"Actually, it kinda is what it looks like. Well, you know that flower Frisk kept in his room?" She took another step.

"Well... turns out the flower, was actually uh... well... your-"

"My baby..." Toriel walked over slowly to the skeleton, looking with pleading eyes into his, then down at her once fallen child. Tears started forming in her eyes. Suddenly, Asriel's eyes opened slowly. He first looked up to Sans, then at Toriel. He opened his mouth to speak, "Mommy?" Toriel bursted into tears, wrapping her arms around her naked child covered in the navy blue jacket. Sans let her have him, and she held him close. "My sweet child, I thought you were gone forever! I promise Mommy will never ever let you go again! You hear me? Oh my lord, I have missed you so so so much." Sans smirked, his blue pounding heart beginning to show through his white t-shirt. He couldn't help himself, and he wrapped his arms around the mother and child. 

Frisk smiled from the staircase as he watched with happiness.

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