Chapter 3 - Damned Socks

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"SANS!!! GET YOUR LAZY BONES UP!!" Papyrus's voice rang through the house like a megaphone which shook the poor guy awake. Eye sockets shooting open in a panic, Sans jumped up and fell to the carpeted floor.


Groaning to himself, the skeleton pushes himself up rubbing his head. He mutters to himself still in a tired gaze, "Coming..." He opens his door slowly and locks it behind him. He yells at Papyrus tiredly, "What's wrong this time Papyrus?" 


Sans mumbles under his breath, "Oh Christ," and slips his slippers on. Every morning above ground, Papyrus gets scared at every weird or new thing. First he thought the neighbor's dog was evil, then it was cloudy so he thought the world was ending, oh and don't get him started on the Walking Dead show that aired last night! That would be okay if Papyrus was a scaredy cat, but it's the fact that he tries to fight everything that makes it a problem. Sans never wants to pay for another expensive vet bill ever again. 

Sans stumbles down the large staircase and steps in the kitchen, Papyrus is wielding a whisk and screaming at one of Sans's socks on the tiled floor. "Pap, what are you doing?" Sans is obviously annoyed. Papyrus looks back at his older brother angrily, "Can't you see?! You leave socks everywhere and now they are using them as a defense mechanism!" 

"Well aren't you in a stinky situation."


"Okay okay what's in the sock?"

"A hairy fiend! This creature has sharp fangs, whipping tail, beady eyes, a hunger for dead skele-bones!" Sans rolls his white eyes around his sockets and walks up to the sock. Papyrus crouches and gets ready to swing, but Sans pats his shoulder telling him to back off. Sans can make out a little bump in his sock, and he reaches for it. Papyrus lets out a tiny squeal as Sans picks it up and fishes the creature out of it. Sans holds up a tiny little white mouse with innocence in it's eyes. Sans looks around and finds a plate of frozen spaghetti sitting on the counter, it's the one Papyrus brought with him from Snowdin. "Pap, why do you still have that,"  Sans asks with mouse in hand. Papyrus stands up bravely, "I was going to share it with my coolest friend! He said he would share with me!"

"Right, Pap this mouse was finally coming to go eat it. It's been living in the hole behind the fridge."

"A fellow spaghetti lover?! WOWEE! If only I knew that sooner, I would have nicely shared this wondrous spaghetti with the creature!" Papyrus holds his hands out and Sans drops the curious moursel in them, "Here Pap, you have a new pet now." 

"Really?! THANKS BROTHER! Come my furry friend! We shall do all the things a pet lover does with his companion!"

"What are you going to do with it? Play hide and squeak?"


"Sorry, I'm just in a cheesy mood."

"Oh my god." And with that, Papyrus placed the mouse on his shoulder and started making more pasta, as usual. Sans shrugs to himself and walks back up the stairs. Being a big brother can take a lot out of a skeleton. As he reaches the top he hears a faint sound coming from his room. -Brrt Brrt- It's his cell phone vibrating, it's very faint though. Sans drags himself towards his room and unlocks it, inviting himself in. He closes the door behind him and takes a look around the room. The mayor of the town they live in was kind enough to get the monsters of the Underground started with free homes and a certain amount of loan funds that they will eventually have to pay back. Sans and Papyrus agreed on this home to their picking, and it was unbelievably huge compared to their old home in Snowdin. Sans's room was about twice the size of his old one, and now he has more room to throw his junk around. One whole month, and he's still not used to the space. Sometimes he misses the snow, but that's just one downside to this new life. He doesn't mind, really, as long as there is a bottle of ketchup in the fridge every night, he's good. Life is good. 

He walks over to his closet scratching his back, reaching into the pocket of his winter jacket. He pulls his phone out to see a name light up in a blue neon light: ' Tori(: '. She's calling him, and he presses the green button, "Hey."

"Oh Sans! I am so glad you decided to answer my call! That always makes me happy, you know," Toriel's voice warmly flowed through the phone.

"I'd be a Phone-y  to never answer to you, heh." He smiles at his own bad pun.

"Clever! I'll have to write that one down- Oh! Sans! I have a great favor to ask of you."

"What'cha need?"

"Today is Frisk's first day of school- and oh my I am so excited! And he is t-", "NO I'M NOT," Frisk's voice interrupts Toriel's in the background, "-Oh hush now, you will be soon enough!"

Sans chuckles to himself, boy does he love that kid. Toriel collects herself over the phone, "Ahem, anyway, I do not feel safe letting Frisk walk by himself to school, could you please walk him for me? I have to finish my daily chores." Frisk talks in the background again, "I can take care of myself Mom! I beat Flowey before, I can handle this!" Toriel raises her voice just a little to warn Frisk to stop whining, "Humans are far more dangerous! They could kidnap you and take you away forever!" There was silence. Then, "So anyway, would you Sansy?" 

"Eh...," Sans pauses for a moment to think it over, "Sure, I'm coming over. Be there in ten minutes."

"Ok Sans, I'll have coffee ready for you, so don't be latte!"

"Heh heh heh ok," Sans hangs up the phone and shoves it in his short's pocket. He grabbed his new thinner jacket and put it on, not ever getting used to wearing lighter clothes. This one looks like his winter one, only it lacked fur, not like he cares about his fashion sense or anything. He passed the mirror hanging on the wall while he walked to the door. As he reached for the handle, a thought crosses his mind, "Maybe..." He backs up a few steps and looks into the mirror, he thinks of Toriel. Muttering to himself, "Will she...?" He shook his head, what was all that about? He's just tired he thought, maybe he thought he forgot something. Who cares?

He stumbled down the steps once more and sees Papyrus still in the kitchen, "Papyrus, I'm walking Frisk to school, want to come?" Papyrus looks back at his brother and says, "No way! I need to care for my new friend! That wouldn't be very cool to leave such a harmless fellow at home!" 

"Ok," said Sans as he opened the front door, "Don't make a mess or whatever." Sans then hears a muffled 'Nyeh heh heh!' after he closes the door.

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