Chapter 9 - Deja Vu

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With a sudden hit of intense pain, Toriel sits up in her bed rubbing her temple. "Ooo, I swear this migraine will most definitely be the death of me," she mutters to herself. "What could have possibly happened last night?" She decided that thinking of things should be secondary right now, as it was mind wrenching to even try. She sits on the edge of her bed and yawns, dangling her feet off of the side. She looks down and immediately blushes, her pants were gone. "O-oh my! What on Earth-" She suddenly remembers being overheated the night before and that is why her pants have disappeared. She blew a sigh of relief. "Alright, I am in dire need of medicine," she feels her forehead with the back of her hand and stands up. She makes her way to the personal bathroom that leads from her bedroom and looks in the mirror. She was miserably horrid to look at, she thought. First things first, she opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed the aspirin. She tilted the bottle to the side and read the directions, "I better be exact, we do not need my poor head falling off." After reading the amount she needed, she twisted and popped the cap off, letting it fall into the sink. She tipped it over and let four pills spill out. She then screwed the lid back on and ever so gently placed the bottle inside the cabinet and shut the door. She popped them all into her mouth and turned the sink on, cupping her hands under the water and sipping it from her palms. She swallowed all four pills and shut the sink off. 

After taking the pills and slowly feeling their effect, she grabs the nearby brush and decides to comb her fur, letting the sheddings fall into the drain. The sink is now filled with white fur. She is now happy with her image in the mirror, and places the brush on the side of the sink once again in it's rightful place. As her pain starts to fade away, she tries to remember what had happened last night. Sadly, she cannot remember much. Almost talking to herself in the mirror, she mutters, "I remember Sans coming down the stairs... And I remember the alcohol. I remember getting hot and pulling my trousers off-," she gasps, "Oh my, how lewd of me! I hope I did not embarrass myself in front of my dearest friend!" She blushes and closes her eyes trying to get the image of her half stripping out. When she pushes past the scary thought, she remembers throwing up. Everything else seems to be a blur. She remembers some jokes from last night, and remembers Sans telling her 'no' for some reason. Maybe she should ask, she thought. "Yes, I'm sure Sans wouldn't mind me asking! He wouldn't lie to me." Turning the bathroom light off, she walks through the doorway and into her bedroom again. She goes to her closet and unhooks her everyday robe and throws it onto the bed. 

After getting ready, Toriel walks out into the hallway, finely feeling as fit as her usual self. She walks past Frisk's room and sees that the boy left his bed untidy. "Strange little one he is. I will let it slide for now," she says under her breath. She decides to enter Frisk's room and starts to make his bed. Flowey goes unnoticed, but watches her do her thing. Asriel remembers when Toriel used to make his bed. His bed and... theirs. Just as Toriel is about to leave, Flowey decides to say his first words to his mother for the very first time in a very long time. "H-hey, Mo- I mean, Toriel." Toriel whirls towards Flowey with a shocked expression. "D-d-did you just-," Toriel began to say, but she couldn't finish her sentence. Flowey sadly looks to the desk he sat on before speaking again, "Yes, Frisk is right. I can talk." Toriel softens her face, her heart of gold respects this creature. She starts by saying, "I have to apologize for hurting you in the ruins. In my defense, you were hurting a poor innocent youth. I assure you that you should do no harm any longer, he loves you very much." Flowey gives the goat mom a shy smile, "Toriel, there is so much I want to say..." Flowey starts to tear up a little, his soulless being almost can't take the emptiness anymore. Toriel stays patient, "Go ahead Flowey, I will listen." Asriel gives in, "Mom! I can't take it! I hate being this! I am a plant! But I am your son Mom! It's me, your beautiful child!" Toriel jumps back at the sudden surprise, Flowey is crying now, "I see you tuck Frisk in every night, I see you kiss his head like you used to kiss mine! I should have told you- Chara- I- I didn't-" but Flowey stops himself and looks up into the terrified goat's face. She is paralyzed and tears are streaming down her face. Flowey has seen enough, he knew this would happen. This angers him and he grows furious, tears still coming down. "Forget it." Flowey reloa-

With a sudden hit of intense pain, Toriel sits up in her bed rubbing her temple. "Ooo, I swear this migraine will most definitely be the death of me," she mutters to herself. "What could have possibly happened last night?" She decided that thinking of things should be secondary right now, as it was mind wrenching to even try. She sits on the edge of her bed and yawns, dangling her feet off of the side. She looks down and immediately blushes, her pants were gone. "O-oh my! What on Earth-" She suddenly remembers being overheated the night before and that is why her pants have disappeared. She blew a sigh of relief.  

 After getting ready, Toriel walks out into the hallway, finely feeling as fit as her usual self. She walks past Frisk's room and sees that the boy left his bed untidy. "Strange little one he is. I will let it slide for now," she says under her breath. She decides to enter Frisk's room and starts to make his bed. Flowey goes unnoticed, but watches her do her thing.

Flowey doesn't say a word.

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