Chapter 5 - Why

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As Sans almost sees Toriel's house in view, his mind was starting to race a little. He kicked a small pebble to the side of the pavement and sighed. What was this he was feeling? Certainly he has never felt this way before. He was going to continue listening to his head ramble, but another more deeper voice enters his mind, or rather, ears if he had any. He looked up to see a strong burly man outside of Toriel's door, this wasn't a friendly scene. "Tori, please just let me inside. I want to talk."

It was Asgore, he was trying to get the door open, "Toriel Dreemurr, please!" Sans started to walk a little faster, starting to get a little worried, but then he started to slow down as he saw Toriel open the door, "Asgore! I told you that I do not own your last name anymore, we are through, I have divorced you a long time ago. You know that I can't just fall back into your arms once more!"

"Tori, I love you. And now that we are on the surface, we can be a family again, we could try for another-" 

"Don't you dare say another 'child' Asgore Dreemurr," Toriel had fire in her tone as she interrupted him, "I have a child, and he has given me the determination that I haven't had in a very long time! I already am a mother again, and this time it's without you!"

"That child needs a father figure Tori," Asgore firmed his shoulders, trying to step through the door, "He needs someone to teach him how to be strong and brave, and he needs someone to play catch with him in the back yard, he needs someone to play games with Tori, let me be that person again!"

Toriel started to develope tears in her eyes as memories of past children filled her mind, but she crossed her arms, not giving up, "He has a father figure already, that position has already been filled Asgore." 

"You... you moved on already? Tori... how-"

"I moved on a long time ago, by myself. I am not seeing another, but I will definitely not see you."

 Asgore grew furious, "Who Toriel... who are you giving yourself too?"

"Nobody, Asgore."

Asgore scoffed at her, "Then who is this father figure? Huh? Where is he?"

At this point Sans is standing in the yard, looking at Toriel. He has this confused and somewhat scared look on his face. Toriel notices Sans standing there and she softens herself, she turns to look at Asgore with a smug smirk on her face, "He is right here," she says to him. Beads of sweat start to form on the poor skeleton's skull as Asgore whirls around to see him there. Asgore grows red in the face but doesn't move his gaze from Sans. 'Oh god oh god oh god Tori why,' Sans thinks as Toriel starts to speak again, "He teaches Frisk new things all the time, like science. Which is good for a little boy," Asgore turns to completely face Sans now, "He watches cartoons with him when I cannot give him company."

'Oh christ Tori please!', Sans can't speak for the life of him. And as if Toriel was placing a cherry on top, she adds, "He even walked him to school this morning." Sans was sinking into himself, he was being put on the spot and he couldn't even defend himself. Asgore spoke, "Oh, I see." This definitely goes against Sans's nature, if it were someone else, he would have said something like, "Yeah? And what's it to ya punk? What are you going to do about it? I love that damn kid." But, this being someone who was once his great king, it's hard to stand up for himself. As if he was flicking off a switch, Asgore gives him a warm smile and starts to chuckle, "This is a wonderful idea you have going on Tori." Sans is confused now.

"What do you mean Asgore?" Toriel asks.

"While I was away, being the big dummy I am, you needed someone to replace me. Until you have your feelings back that is." He turns back to Toriel, "I understand, you need your space." He turns to walk away, but at the last minute he turns to Sans and mumbles, "You won't be needed when I return for my queen. Understand skeleton?" Through all of the sweat, Sans does his best to manage a worried smile and shrug at the retired king. Without a word, Asgore walks his path to his vehicle, gets in and drives away. Toriel breathes a sigh of relief, then gives Sans a smile, "You are brave Sansy. Remember, he is just a big fuzzy pushover. He will not hurt you." Sans sighs as well and walks up the steps, he was going to walk through the doorway when Toriel stops him, "I mean it, about the father figure thing. My dearest child loves you a ton. A skele-ton." 

"Heh, I think I've used that pun before," said Sans, but Toriel ignored the comment and suddenly planted a kiss on Sans's cheek. Sans's eyes turned a familiar fluorescent blue as his blushing cheeks did the same. Toriel giggles at the site and welcome Sans into the house for coffee. 

Sans doesn't know how to work his legs anymore. 

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