Chapter 21 - Intrusion

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Cling! The keys to a poor excuse of a car hit the glass bowl they were tossed into. Asgore, grumbling unknown words under his breath pushed himself through the small door into his rundown apartment room. He slammed the door behind him with a bang, and locked the godforsaken knob to avoid intruders. He was heated and upset, the sight of some New York skeleton slicker making love to his wife was burned into his brain. His eyes were bloodshot from all of the rage that steamed through his giant, burly body. 

With a grunt, he stomped around the corner into his tiny living room and threw himself into his old easy chair. He propped an elbow on the arm of the chair and tapped his fingers against his knee. One could only imagine that steam was flowing out of his floppy ears. He needed a plan, a way to get rid of that "Sans" once and for all. But what could he do? This isn't the Underground anymore, the rules of this game are different. And, again, he is no longer king. He has never been sneaky before, he needed someone who knew the ropes. Someone with such cunning experience that it would be impossible for the unsuspecting skeleton to see his attack coming. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, it made the poor goat jump a little in his seat. He quickly regained his bearings and prepared his voice, "GO AWAY", he screamed. He strained to hear a familiar voice, "Asgore, come ON! You said I was always allowed in! So let me IN!" 

The ex-king pinched the bridge of his nose, "Undyne..." He grunted as he hoisted himself out of the recliner and scratched his back as he stumbled to the door. He wrapped his large hand around the knob and pulled opened the door. Before he could manage another word, Undyne pushed herself through with a force equal to his. She stomped to the kitchen in her boots and immediately started making herself a cup of tea. Asgore sighed and gently closed the door. "Hello... Undyne." Undyne didn't speak as she continued to dig furiously and menacingly through Asgore's kitchen cabinets for a tea pot. With another sigh, he made his way to the small kitchen table and sat himself down. He ran his fingers through his hair and groaned aloud. Undyne whirls towards him and gives him her usual wide smile, "What's wrong Asgore?! Stub your pinky toe on the corner in the building again?" She chuckled to herself as she continued with her search. 

Asgore grimly replied, "No. It's much worse. The impossible has happened to me Undyne... I need revenge." Hearing these words stopped Undyne in her shambling. This wasn't something Asgore would normally say that she knew of. She looked to him concerned, only to be greeted with a look that had anger written all over it. Asgore looked like he had killed a man, and it terrified Undyne. She didn't want to ask, but she managed, "A-Asgore... What happened?" Asgore through a fist on the table, causing Undyne to move backwards, instinctively raising her hands to summon a magic spear. He glared at her while gritting his teeth, "I went to get my wife back... today... only to find her having an affair..." Undyne didn't know what to say. They both stared at each other, and moment after moment passed until finally an idea popped into Asgore's head, "Undyne... I need your help..." Quivering, Undyne managed, "Who was she wi-" "DAMMIT UNDYNE WILL YOU HELP ME OR NOT?!" Asgore's voice boomed through the building, and it scared the living daylight out of the fish girl. She straightened herself up and cracked her knuckles. She calmly made her way to the kitchen table and put herself in the open chair. She propped her elbows on the table and looked straight into her old mentor's eyes. "I will." 


Asriel giggled to himself as he shaped and molded dirt in his hands. Sitting by himself outside during school recess, he was digging and playing in the dirt, creating a beautiful work of art. He was building a sand castle, only this castle was more like a dirt castle. He has never played in sand before, but he became inspired after learning about the earth in his last class. Today they learned about the beach and the ocean, El Nino and El Nina, hurricanes, and wildlife that live in these environments. He was going to ask his mother to visit the beach when he got home, but the inspiration couldn't hold itself in much longer. 

He padded the dirt ball in his hand and squished it against a wall, making it more sturdy. He was halfway completed with his work. He heard the sound of grass being stepped on coming up behind him and immediately whirled around to see a girl looking down at him. She wore a sweater, a matching pair of jeans, and had curly pigtails draped around her back. With a smile, she rocked back and forth on her heels and stared down at the nervous goat boy. "Hello!", she greeted happily as she waited for a reply. 

"H-H-... hello. Who are you...?", Asriel asked politely as he looked up at her. She stepped beside him and plopped down to sit on the ground. Still smiling, she said, "I'm Stacey, I'm in your class goofy!" She scooped up a handful of dirt and started to pad it in her hands. A human talking to Asriel was new to him, he always thought that they would be too afraid to get near him. Not knowing what to do, he just kept talking, "So... uh... you're human. And I'm a... a monster! So you should... you should stay away from me, b-because I could, uhm, eat you! I could bite your arms off and you'll get cooties!" He stared at her, while she stared back dumbfounded.

"What are you talking about? You're not a monster, dummy. You're a person, just like me!" She smiled at him and offered the ball of dirt. After mindlessly accepting the dirt, he rolled it in his hands as Stacey started making another ball. He mumbled, "You're not scared of me? Why?"


"Because... why?"

"Because you're not scary."

"I-I can be!"

"So can I!" Stacey then proceeded to wipe her dirty hands on her pants and pulled her ears outward. She then stuck her tongue out and cross her eyes, blubbering, "Raaawwwrr!! This is my scary face!! AAAHH!!!" Asriel jumped back startled, dropping the ball in the process. He then started to laugh, this seems a little familiar, "Ha ha, woah, that's really scary Stacey! You got me, ha ha! If only I had a camera, I would take a picture, and show it to you so you could see how scary you look!"

"Maybe you can bring one tomorrow?"

"Ha ha, yeah. Maybe I will."

The two then started working on the dirt castle simultaneously. After a few moments pass, Stacey leaned over towards Asriel, "Hey."

"What," he replied.

"Do you have a scary face?" 

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