Chapter 14 - Not Today

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Sans plopped down onto Toriel's huge fluffy bed, he was nervous. How was he going to break this to her without sweating like a dog? Toriel excused herself to the bathroom and walked in, taking off her robe in the process. He pretended not to look, but he just couldn't help himself. The arc in her back sent chills down his spine, the way her body was slim but ended in muffin tops that sat right on the edge of her hip bones. It was just a glimpse, but maybe that was all he needed. Wait, he's doing it again. 'Fucking stop Sans!' he thought to himself, 'It just won't work out! Let it go!' He placed his palms on the sides of his skull and squeezed his eyes shut. He wanted the feelings to go away, he didn't deserve it, his sins weigh out any good inside him. Suddenly the bathroom door swung back open, and toriel stepped out in a t-shirt and pajama pants. She was absolutely stunning, he thought. Instead of staring, Sans immediately dropped his head towards his lap, twiddling his thumbs. Toriel saw him do this, and couldn't help but grin at the poor guy. She walked over to Sans and sat down beside him. 

"Sans? It is okay to relay the events that occurred the night before. Do you mind?"

Sans let out a sigh, "What do ya wanna know Tori...?"

"The part before the puking, preferably," Toriel grew serious.

Sans took a look around the room as if searching for an answer in the walls. He found none, and looked at her, "The truth is... You came onto me." Sans stared into her eyes, she was upset. She turned to look forward, "What did I do to you?"

Sans gulped, he didn't really want to tell her, he felt awful, "You, uh, you laid on top of me. Uhm, you k-kinda kissed me. You wanted to, you wanted t-to-," Blue was dusting across his cheeks. He couldn't spit it out, but he didn't have to. Toriel nodded, "I know." She turned to him and smiled, "Sans, I do not regret kissing you." He nervously smiled, "Wh-what? Tori, I think you just need some sleep. You must be-" 

"No," Toriel interrupted, "I mean it. Sans, I don't know how to explain it, but I like you. I like what you've been doing to help this family." She placed a hand over his, but he was becoming more scared with every word. This is dangerous for him, he doesn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve it.

She scoots closer to him, she chuckles nervously, "Oh Sansy, I... I have kept you in my thoughts for a while now. You make me laugh, and you care an awful lot about me and Frisk. I always make sure there is ketchup in the fridge for you when you leave and..." She leans in closer to him, but the more she tries to get close, the deeper Sans goes into himself. He's almost like a cornered animal; his hands are sweating. The smile has already faded, his face is full of fear. "And, I might... maybe..." Toriel blushes and gives him a struggled grin, "Lo-" 

"OKAY!" Sans bursts into a panic attack, "OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH!" Toriel jumps back, what did she do? "S-Sans I didn't mean for-" "NO! No. I need to get out of here. I-I need air." Sans jumps up rubbing the back of his skull, he can't escape his mind. He looks to Toriel, "I... I need air." He awkwardly opens the door behind him and teleports to the front door, fuck the stairs. Papyrus hears his brother and looks behind the couch, "Sans? Are you alright?" Sans didn't answer, he opened the door and invited himself out. 

He paces outside, his mind is exploding in different parts. He doesn't know what to do, everything is awful. She loves him! Oh god she loves him! This isn't good, he's going to blow everything! Wait, does he? He stops in his tracks, he calms down. "Do I?" He hears running inside the house, and then the noise approaches the front door. The door opens and Toriel comes through, closing it gently behind her. She's huffing and puffing, "Sans! Is everything alright? Did I say something I should have not?" He looks up to the stars. He knew that if he gave himself up, that would be it. He would feel forever wed to her. He turns around towards Toriel, and gives her a sorry smile. She's confused, "Sans?" 

He didn't say a word, he walked up to the goat and took her hands into his. He looks into her eyes and blows out a sigh. "Tori, knock knock." 

She confusedly stutters, "U-uh... who's there?"


"Pauline... who?"

He smiles humbly, "I am Pauline in love with you... too." Toriel looks shocked, she doesn't know what to say. Sans leans up and closes his eyes, Toriel watches as Sans presses his "lips" into hers. She doesn't react at first, but then she gave in. She closed her eyes and kissed him back. This was a new beginning for them both.

In the upstairs window, Flowey looks down at Toriel and Sans from Frisk's desk. He was not happy.

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