Chapter 19 - The Awakening

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Asriel's eyes slowly opened, the feeling of dried saliva traced down the side of his agape mouth. He was laying on his side, and he could feel Frisk's back against his. Soft little breaths filled the room, the unfamiliar noises sounding a lot more clear than before. Asriel instinctively reached up to wipe his mouth, taking the spit away. The feel of his soft furry hand against his chin was almost a new but familiar feeling, a feeling he hasn't felt in a long time. He shifted softly to lay on his back, holding both of his hands above his face, observing them in a tired awe. How long has it been, since he has had hands? He let his hands fall onto his chest, a small thump could be felt hitting against his skin. The hole that he used to feel for hundreds of years was finally filled with something; a soul. 

Asriel closed his eyes and smiled to himself, he's finally home. He re-opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Frisk. His memories came flooding back overnight, causing a small problem halfway through sleep. He had woken Frisk up in the middle of the night, calling him "Chara" instead of Frisk and begging him to wake up in fear that he was dying from poisoning. But he remembers now, and that is all that matters. Asriel, weak but sure, propped himself up to a sitting position and looked around the room. It was smaller than yesterday as the perspective was now different. He looked to the child's desk in front of the window, an empty flower pot sat on the corner. 'Goodbye you nasty weed,' Asriel thought. He slipped out of bed and carefully tucked Frisk in. He mumbled to himself softly, "There there Frisk, I woke up early, you still have an hour to sleep." Asriel bent over and gave the boy a cute little kiss on his head, followed by a small pat. Toriel used to do this to him and Chara way back when before bedtime. When was the last time he had ever had a well night's rest? 

Asriel turned and looked down at his body, he was wearing a pair of Frisk's pajama outfits, they seemed to fit just right for his size. He had a feeling that he wouldn't be able to start school today, considering that he was "raised back from the dead". Asriel sighed nonchalantly, quietly walked to the bedroom door, and opened it with a slight twist of the knob. He slipped behind it, leaving the door slightly ajar. 

(One hour earlier) Sans sat up and stretched his arms, yawning loudly and obnoxiously. He scratched his rib cage, noticing that his shirt had somehow disappeared. Shocked, he peered around the room for it, scanning all of the wrinkly clothes strewn about the floor. 'So last night wasn't a dream?!' He got up from the bed swiftly and laid on his hands and knees, looking under the bed for his lost shirt. 'Where had it gone off to?!' In a panic, he picked up his shorts and slid them on, followed by his socks. He couldn't find his blasted shirt for the life of him. Giving up, he sits on the edge of the bed and sighs. He felt Toriel shift in bed, sighing in her sleep. He turns his head to look at her, covered shoulder high in blankets. He smiles softly and places a hand on her side, softly stroking her up and down. He didn't want to wake her, she looked so beautiful in her sleep. He was about to get up until he noticed something off-white colored under the blankets. Curious, Sans slowly pulled down the blankets a little bit, showing a slender Toriel draped in a baggy Sans t-shirt. Sans blushed a rosy blue, seeing her with his shirt on was definitely a turn-on, in a romantic sort of way. "Heh heh," he chuckled to himself, does she really love him that much? 

Sans shrugged to himself and sat up with a soft grunt, he slipped his slippers on and turned to face Toriel once more, shoving his hands into his shorts pockets. He grinned, then teleported into the guest bedroom, inches away from a sleeping Papyrus. He walked over to his baby brother, who was snoring loudly to himself. First, he would inhale, then exhale a breathy, "Nyeh heh heh..." Sans shook his head, man was his brother cool. 

He reached down under the bed and pulled out a small suitcase. Quietly opening it, it revealed multiple folded white t-shirts, and multiple folded baggy shorts. He pulled a t-shirt out and closed the luggage back up, sliding it back into place. He slid the shirt on and walked over to the door. With a creak, he slid open the loud door and slipped behind it. He closed the door behind him gently and turned around.

As he took a step towards the stairs, Frisk's door suddenly opened. He stopped in his tracks and watched as a small white goat boy appeared behind it. The boy turned and faced the skeleton, and their eyes met. Asriel glared suddenly at into Sans's eyes, and Sans glared back. The two stared at each other for a while, not one of them daring to make a move. Just as Sans opened his mouth to say something, Asriel's expression changes into a warm smile. Sans's eyebrow raises as he watched the boy stroll over to the slightly taller skeleton. Asriel looks up into Sans's eyes and wraps his arms around his waist. He then turns his head away from Sans's gaze, pressing the side of his face into the white fabric. Sans's shocked arms hold themselves in the air, unsure of what to do. 

Asriel looks up finally and mumbles light toned words to the shocked figure through streaming tears, "Thank you so much Sans. Thank you for taking care of everyone, and..." Asriel stopped to try to hold back a sob, but failed anyway. Asriel then lets the tears fall, "A-and thank you for taking care of me." 

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