Chapter 27 - This Means War (Part 2)

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The wind blew through the trees as the early signs of dusk painted the auburn sky. Small but distant clouds drifted over the two giants that owned the sky: the Sun and the Moon. These two have been around since the beginning of time. The Sun, being warm and promising, is loved by many as it is what brings light and power upon the Earth that humanoid vessels inhabit. They rely on the Sun to live and thrive on the harsh planet, for the Sun makes crops grow. The Sun hugs the Earth with it's warm smile ensuring everyone will stay comfortable no matter the harsh future to come. However the Sun cannot stay too long, and it must leave to let the Moon take over the Earth. Many, too, love the Moon as they love the Sun. The Moon symbolizes the calm of the night, and pulls the tides to and from the shore that slaps onto cooling beach sands. The Moon throughout time became a small symbol of love, being the light that shines through the darkest of times. No matter how scared one may get by the creeping darkness the Sun leaves behind, the Moon will shine you a light to take you home where you belong. However, many do not know that these two beings have a rather dark future ahead of them. The Sun and the Moon never stay in one place at the same time, for they cannot stand each other. On rare occasions, the Sun and Moon will let bottled emotions from below ignite into a fearless battle, causing the sky to become a deadly red shade of blood from battle wounds taken from blows. The foes fight gallantly, but alas nobody ever wins, and the two return to where they belong. Sadly, over time, the Sun shall grow bigger, and end up engulfing the Earth and the Moon into a fiery death, leaving no survivors.

As the solar eclipse rose above the two soldiers on the battle field, all time seemed to cease. The wind has died a slow and painful death, the birds choked in their throats, and the leaves of trees and flowers stood still to watch this time in history unfold. And there they stood: the Sun and the Moon, facing each other upon the grassy plain. The Sun, brave and valiant, snorted in anger at the Moon, who was collected and sure. The two were ready for the oncoming bloodshed. 

From a distance, the Earth must watch no matter how hard it screams. The Earth cannot reach the Sun to stop it from hurting it's beloved Moon. The Moon being closer to the Earth does not listen, it wishes to fight it's foe to the end. This is a fight that can not be helped, and so the Earth sits and watches in fear, begging for peace to the universe. 

She fell to her knees, tears starting to swell up inside her tear ducts. This has gone too far, and there is only one to blame. She blames herself. She screams and begs and pleads to no avail. She must think of something, and it has to be fast. 

Asgore took a step closer to a ready Sans, who had his hands held up to signify no harm will be done to the other. Asgore laughed at the coward, "HA! You look pathetic. Have nothing to say now? You were so smug earlier!" The ex-king poised his weapon to point at it's victim.

The Moon replied, "Asgore, to be honest with ya, we don't have to fight. You don't want this, this is murder." The two stopped and stared at each other, Asgore mulling over the idea of stopping. Suddenly that idea didn't seem to fly, as that would involve letting this criminal live. Asgore's grip on the trident tightened as he muttered the last word to be said, "No." With a grunt and a fast thrust, the three-tipped weapon pierced into the skeleton's stomach. Sans's pupils disappeared and left nothing but dark sockets. He looked down at the impaled trident, and watched as it forcefully ripped itself out of his rib cage. A blue neon heart pounded in naked suspension. Asgore watched with fire in his eyes, he was enjoying this. Sans's smile faded as he looked towards Toriel's direction. He placed a hand on where his rib cage would be and felt nothingness. 

A moment passes as time stood still, and suddenly the world felt so small. Thinking he had won, Asgore motioned Undyne to standby. Sans fell to his knees without moving his gaze. Asgore heard a soft noise escape from the dying monster. He chuckled as he bent down to listen, almost mockingly asking, "I'm so sorry, may you please repeat that?" Sans lifted his smile, his shoulders faintly bobbing up and down. Asgore repeated, "Speak up lad I don't have much patience!" 

Sans stared darkly into Asgore's eyes, a deep and dark laughter escaping from his teeth. The laugh grew louder and louder as Asgore's face became more fear ridden. Asgore suddenly jumped back and Sans stood himself up. With his heart showing it's beating self growing more rapid with every pulse, it burst into a blue flame and fiercely grew as Sans's body shook with maniacal laughter. Raising both of his hands, many sharpened bones appeared out of thin air. With a motion of his hands, the sharpened ends flew towards Asgore. Shutting his helmet rapidly, Asgore jumped out of his impending doom as the bones pierced through the dirt. Asgore steadied, positioning himself to sprint towards Sans in a bounce. He thrusted his weapon again, only to suddenly have no target. Sans teleported out of the way and landed behind Asgore. Sans raised his hand and a faint glow veiled the grunt of a goat. Slowly, he raised the man into the air, causing him to flail and scream. Sans showed blood lust in his expression, this was over. Out of thin air, two large skulls appeared into the sky, and faced the poor victim in the air. Asgore looked to Sans pleadingly, but was rejected quickly. The two skulls began to power themselves up, a blue ball of power forming at the jaws. 

Toriel was just inches away from Sans, she reached out to touch his shoulder, but fainted as the shoulder grazed her fingertips. With a thud, the woman hit the grassy ground. And just as suddenly: Sans looked behind him to see the person he loved laid upon the dirt. Like a switch, everything was gone, and Asgore fell. Sans's pupils returned, and his rage was gone. Quickly, he turned and bent down to hold the lady in his arms. He cupped the back of her skull in his hand, and lightly shook her. He murmured, "Tori? Toriel? W-Wake up... Please." Asgore got off of his bottom, and slowly reached for the trident laying askew. He started to walk towards Sans, poising the weapon. Just as he was within hearing distance, Toriel came to. She looked into Sans's damaged eyes and cupped his cheek bone. In a calm tone, Toriel spoke, "Sans...," she softly sniveled, "I'm pregnant." 

Sans's eyes softened as Asgore's widened. Sans has had enough of this fight, the news has changed him completely. Just as Sans gently put Toriel back onto the dirt, a soft rain fell from the unreddening sky. "Asgore," he began with a sigh. But Asgore was in no mood to listen, and he firmly grasped the back of Sans's neck, yanking him up into the air. Sans was air born just high enough to land halfway up the mountain with a crack. Asgore ran up the mountain towards the unconscious skeleton, and Toriel slipped back into her blackness of stomach pain. 

As Sans awoke, he felt himself being dragged by his hood up the mountain towards the opening to the Underground. He tried to struggle, but he was too weak to fight back. Kicking and pulling for Asgore to let go slowly became useless and Sans was helpless. As they reached the top, Asgore threw Sans towards the edge of the pit, mere inches from falling in. Sans coughed and a drop of blood ran down his chin. He was battered and bruised, and he was about done for. He turned to look at the goat man behind him, was this really his destiny? Was this it? 

Asgore raised his weapon high, and Sans got his answer. Not wanting to watch the incoming blow, Sans turned back around and hung his head, surrendering. Just as Asgore was about to strike, a small and tiny voice rang through the stormy night, "Daddy! Daddy stop it!" 

Asgore froze as a small goat boy tugged on the cape of a death wielding soldier, "Daddy don't do this, please!" Asgore turned, and to his amazement, he saw Asriel staring back at him. Tears filled the father's eyes as he dropped the weapon and bent down low. He spread his arms open, begging for an embrace from his long lost son. However to Sans, everything was quiet. Not a sound could be heard, until he turned and saw Asgore on the ground; lifeless in a pool of his own blood. As Sans's eyes widened, he turned further to see Asriel's face in his. Accept this didn't seem to be Asriel at all. His face was contorted and evil, with a smile to add to the creepiness. He breathed heavily as he pushed a knife towards Sans's heart. As a last attempt to stay alive, Sans pushed himself backwards and began to fall into the pit. Watching as the hole in the sky grew smaller and smaller. 


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