Chapter 20 - Betrayal

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The end of the week slowly progressed forward, nothing much happening between the days and nights. Sans woke up in Toriel's bed every morning, slumped down the stairs, ate breakfast, walked Frisk to school, lazed about through the day, then slept the night away. The weekend was fairly the same as well, accept Toriel took Frisk and Asriel shopping for clothes, toys, and other furniture to help Asriel settle into his brand new home. 

Getting used to Asriel coming home was a slow experience for the stressed goat mom. The morning after bringing Asriel home, Sans had to take them both back to Alphys's lab so that she could explain the whole situation. Alphys also gave Asriel a short check-up, and to her surprise, he was completely healthy. He had a normal heartbeat, his eyesight and vital signs were all in check, and there was no sign of melting or decay to be seen. Of course, Asriel was still showing odd signs at the house, but Alphys claimed that he was getting used to not being a flower. He eventually got better in time.

Now Sans is walking both children down the sidewalk towards the school on a bright Monday morning. Asriel would skip ahead Frisk with delight, and Frisk would hop after him. They were pretending to play some sort of pirate game which kept Sans entertained for the whole trip. 

"Yarr! You best be steerin' clear of me booty, Frisk Beard," Asriel scowled, waving around a stick like a pirate sword. Frisk was also wielding a mighty stick, smacking it occasionally against Asriel's, "Yarr! But, yer booty is what me and me first mate long for!" Frisk scowled back, pointing towards Sans, "Is that right me matey?" 

Sans shrugged his shoulders, giving into their little game, "Yeah sure, Captain Frisk Beard." Frisk and Asriel stop abruptly in front of Sans, causing him to halt as well. After a moment of silence, Sans looks confused, "What the hold up fellas?" 

Asriel spoke, "You were supposed to say, 'Aye aye Captain!'."

Sans recovers with a sigh, then proceeds to cover his right eye, speaking in a pirate tone, "Yarr, but I cannot say such words!" 

Asriel and Frisk look at each other in confusion, then Frisk asks, "Why not?"

Sans smiles widely at the boys chuckling under his breath, "Because! I only have one eye!" After a moment of letting the pun sink in, the three burst into hearty laughter. Sans uncovers his eye and shoves his hands back into his jacket pocket. 

The boys start to continue with their game after the laughter settles. "Yer matey seems to be extremely punny," Asriel laughs. 

"Yarr be right, Goat Eyes!" Frisk laughed back at him. 

Soon the three reach the school gates and Frisk takes Asriel's hand. The monster kid was a no-show once again. It didn't seem to bother Frisk any, as he didn't mention him at all. Asriel began to follow Frisk behind the gates, when he stops to notice a patch of golden flowers outside of the wall. He let go of Frisk's hand and picks one from the bunch. He cups it close to him and take a big wiff, letting the yellow color glow under his white furry chin. He then looks to Frisk, "W-will the teacher be nice if I bring them a flower?" Frisk gives Asriel a smile and grabs his hand once more, "Let's go find out." Then, as if on queue, the two boys turned back to a waiting Sans and gave him a goodbye wave. Sans grinned wide and held his hand up in return. These boys were grown on to the skeleton like glue.

Sans opened the front door to Toriel's home, wiping his slippers off onto the rug before stepping in, "Tori! I'm home," he yelled into the front door. Toriel welcomed him home with a run to the door, followed by a jump into his shorter arms. Sans squeezed the goat mom in a tight hug, a big smile planted onto his face. "Welcome home Sansy bones," she whispered into his ear hole. After a moment, she grabs his hand and tells him to politely remove his slippers. He does so in the front hallway, then follows his beautiful mistress. They both sit on the living room couch, the house being oddly vacant for once. Toriel, excited and cheery, says in her sing-song voice, "So, the house is as empty as can be, and we are completely alone. What shall you and I do to pass this rare time?" Sans shrugs his shoulders, that being his answer. He didn't care what they did, as long as he could spend his time with her. With a swift move, Toriel plants a kiss upon his mouth then whispers, "How about we spend our lovely time on this lovely couch?" She squeezes him close, pushing her breasts hard against his chest, causing him to become aroused. With a chuckle, he pushes his forehead against hers and says, "Heh heh, well ex-squeeze me, but I may have a bone to pick with you." With a giggle from the couple, Sans topples on top of Toriel, sandwiching her between him and the couch. They start warming each other up, the thought of making love in mind. 

Whistling a soft little tune, the big burly ex-king hops out of his car with a spring in his step. He parked just outside of Toriel's home, and he had love on his mind. Walking in a strut to the backseat of the car, he opened up the door and pulled out a huge bouquet of golden flowers. With his hip, and an exaggerated whistle, he swings the door closed. He turned towards the sidewalk leading up to her front door and took his first steps. As he reaches the door, he fixed his shirt and flattened his hair. This man is definitely filled with determination. With vase in one hand, he lifts his free fist up to the wood. Just as he's about to knock, he heard a shuffle from the inside. Giggled words followed the shuffle, and he could hear the familiar Toriel snort of laughter. Curious and nosey, he stepped off of the front porch and made his way to the window. The curtains were closed, but he could hear the words better now. Finding a sliver in the curtains, he finally gained an angle to view the situation unfolding in the living room. A skeleton in a white t-shirt was kissing the side of his wife's neck, who was topless and sitting on his lap. She giggled and held the back of the skeleton's head; the sight being truly unbearable. 

With a squeeze, Asgore's flowers and vase shattered and fell to the ground. In a collected rage, Asgore stomped to his vehicle and shoved himself in, starting the car. "This ungrateful monster thinks he can get frisky with MY wife?! Well, he's got another thing coming."

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