Chapter 10 - Wake up Call

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For once in his life, Sans woke up early. So early, that it was just breaking into 5:00AM. Sans had only one hour of sleep. Up until this point, his mind has been racing. He thought about the night before, how it felt so right to sit up and watch Toriel loosen up her tight strings that kept her together. He thought about what would have happened if he just let her take him, let her bloom like a flower for him. He knew it would have ended badly, for him and for anyone who found out. He would feel like the scum of the earth, he thought. What if she didn't really want it? What if it was the alcohol talking? He tried contemplating on how these unexpressed feelings started bubbling up out of nowhere. He has never felt this way over another monster before, but whatever it was, it wasn't right. He can't grasp the concept of what might the world be like if he... Nah, it's not worth thinking about. 

He sat up still in his t-shirt and shorts. He needs food, and a bottle of ketchup, or something. He needs to get back into the swing of things, forget last night like it never happened. Forget these unneeded emotions, go back to being lazy. He got up and slipped his slippers on, pushing his cell phone deep into his pocket. He turned around and grabbed the bed sheets, about to pull them up, but he stops himself, "Uh, no. No no no!" He squished his eyes closed and threw the bed sheets back onto the bed. He shakes his head and opens his eyes, the fluorescent blue irises showing. He takes a pillow and throws it to the floor, then wrangles the bed sheets to make them into a mess. He takes the side of the bottom sheet under the corner of the mattress and pulls it out, letting it retract partially towards the center. After calming down, he takes a look at the mess he made. In a huff, he pulls his shirt down and walks over to the closet, pulling his jacket off of the hanger. No more of this stupid bullshit Sans, he thought to himself. He shoved his arms into the sleeves and left the room. 

He quietly but hurriedly climbs down the stairs and walks out of the front door, closing it behind him. "I need a Grillby's. Why the hell is there no Grillby's!" He whips out his cell phone and starts punching in numbers while walking down the sidewalk. The phone rings, and there was an answer, "Dude, where do I go to get a sandwich and some god damn fries?" 


Sans sits on a bar stool and hides his face in his arms. A half a bottle of ketchup sits in front of him and Grillby is wiping down cups across the counter from him. They both are the only ones in the bar, Grillby got promoted to manager. He plans to open his own bar once he earns enough money. He looks at Sans and looks content, "Have you told anyone else about this, Sans?" Sans shakes his head without looking up. Grillby is tired of the pouting, "Sans, I think you know what you're feeling, you're just too afraid to admit it." Sans looks up at the flaming man and sighs, "Grillby, bro, I've told you. I don't have feelings for her, maybe I'm sick. Or I don't know." Grillby sees that Sans's jacket hood and clothes are neatly pressed with no wrinkles in sight. If this skeleton is sick, there must be a serious bug going around, "Sans, since when do you iron your clothes?" Sans groans and finally sits up, "Toriel has been ironing them for me, she feels like it would be nice- and don't get me wrong I don't mind but she makes me feel..." He stops himself and shakes his head, "I've made the decision to stop going over there for a while. She's a married woman, and I'm just messing around with her life! It doesn't feel right!" Sans feels himself start to tear up, but he get's angry at this and wipes them away. He then grabs the bottle of ketchup and takes a hearty chug, slamming the empty bottle on the counter, "I need another one!" 

Grillby sighs stressfully, "That's our last bottle of ketchup here Sans, I don't have the supply like I did in Snowdin." Sans lays his head back down into his arms. This makes Grillby snap, "That's it."

Grillby grabs the empty glass ketchup bottle and throws it into the side of the wall, and this makes Sans jump. He watches the bottle break into pieces and looks at Grillby with an angry expression, "What the hell is wrong with you?" Sans asked. Grillby then grabs Sans by the collar and pulls him up so they are face-to-face, "Listen, for years I have helped you through problems, listened to your bitching and groaning, and frankly, I'm tired of sitting here watching you piss your life away." Sans grits his teeth, but doesn't speak so Grillby continues, "Christ man! Get off of your lazy ass and fucking do something about it! You only have one life to live, but you just want to sit here and cry!" He drops Sans into his seat. Sans settles himself but his smug expression doesn't leave, he glares at Grillby. Grillby throws the hand towel onto the drink dispenser and pushes his hands onto the counter, "Toriel and Asgore have been finished for as long as I can remember, now that poor lady sat in those ruins all alone, letting snot nosed brats pass through without having a fuck to give. And as I recall, you were the one that spent hours out there making her laugh. If that man was on fire, she would drink a glass of water right in front of him. Now confess to your feelings and get that woman's hand, because there is a kid over there that fucking needs you Sans. You know what that boy would do without you? Nothing." Sans sat back, letting his face fall into thought. He let Grillby's words settle in. After a long pause, Sans's anger returns and he gets up from his bar stool. 

He pushes his face into Grillby's and tells him, "No." Sans turns around and leaves the bar.

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