Chapter 8 - Good intentions

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Bottles of booze scatter across the floor as muffled laughter fills the room, Toriel has never lowered herself to drink this much. Pun after pun, memory after memory, the two were sharing whatever popped into their head first. The intoxication levels were high, and this has loosened her up. She grabbed another bottle, and Sans opened it for her, "Heh I dare ya to chug it Tori."

Toriel gave him a smirk, "Pfft, Sansy. I could down this bottle faster than... Than..." She couldn't finish her sentence, she was focused on the liquid poison swimming in the glass. She tipped the bottle up and started to chug, and Sans leaned forward whispering, "Chug chug chug chug chug chug!" As Toriel downs the last drop, she tilts her head down and scrunches her face and laughs a hearty laugh. "Heh heh holy shit! Tori, you're awesome." Sans burps to himself, then says, "Excuse me." Toriel laughs at the sound, seemingly laughing at everything, and Sans joins in. They both aren't in their right minds. Toriel starts up her main topic, "But as I was saying Sans, my ex husband," she stopped to hiccup, "he, he never listened to me after I lost my children. Oh my poor children! You know what he did? He ignores MY help, and just says, 'Screw it! I need justice! They took everything away! I'll kill them all!'"She let out a small drunken giggle, "I dumped his sorry ass and left!" Sans covers his mouth and holds back a laugh, "Tori! You naughty girl, how dare you curse!" Toriel waved him off and smiled shyly, "Hand me another will ya?" Sans asks and Toriel hands him another alcoholic beverage. Sans pops it open and takes a swig, then leans his arm on the back of the sofa, "You know, Tori, you don't deserve to go through that. You deserve better ya know? If I were you, I'm not sure I'd even let Asgore see me again! Piece of shit in my opinion." Sans takes another drink and Toriel opens herself another cold one, "Yeah I know, can't stand such a terrible creature- Hey! You know what? This alcohol is god-awful! How can the humans consume this?!" Toriel complains as she takes a giant gulp. Sans puts his two cents in, "Eh, it does the job don't it?" He feels good right about now. Toriel suddenly bursts into laughter, "Sans! Remember, remember when we took Frisk to that movie theater? And the guy-," She tries to control her laughter but she lets it go, and Sans does too at the memory, "Heh heh his face, you'd think he's seen a skeleton before!"

After a few minutes of hearty laughs the two quiet down and drink their booze. After a pause Toriel speaks up, "You know, Frisk looks up to you Sans. Being a single mother is hard when you don't have your significant other." Sans's smile fades to a grin, "It's nothing Toriel, I do it for you. I promised you I'd watch over him. Ever since you told me at the door." Toriel takes a quick sip and nods, looking at Sans's face, "You should be around more Sans, I feel less lonely when you are here." She goes to say something else but she let's a tiny belch slip. She covers her forehead and blushes, "Oh my goodness I am so sorry!" Sans bursts into laughter, "That was the cutest thing that has ever come out of your mouth!" Toriel blushes and giggles along. Then Toriel musters up some courage, and suddenly shes moving closer to Sans, "Sansy bones, I really do love having you over..." Sans's face softens as he looks at her, "Tori, whaddaya doing?"
Toriel hiccups, "I have been very bonely Sans." Toriel is now crawling up Sans's body, but he's so drunk that he forgot what it's like to be nervous. His hands immediately place themselves on Toriel's slender sides. "What do you call a lonely skeleton Sans?" Sans starts to blush, but it feels like nothing at this point. She is almost face to face with him, and she whispers, "A boner..." He can smell the alcohol on her breath. She's wearing a baggy t-shirt, she took her pajama pants off earlier. She cups her hands under his jawline, and suddenly this is familiar to Sans, "Tori," he sighs, "There's something I have to-" Toriel didn't let him finish, she pushes her body into him, and presses her lips against his. Sans's arms get ready to place themselves on her back, but he keeps them suspended in the air, this doesn't feel right at all. He knows what will happen next. He finds the strength to lift her off and sit her up. She looks devilish, "Oh Sans, I have been a very naughty goat, I need to be put in my place." Sans's face shows sadness, but he gives her a sympathetic smile, "Toriel, I'm sorry." She tries moving her hands to Sans, wanting him, but Sans keeps her from touching him. He doesn't want it like this. "Come on Tori," Sans says as he sobers up a little. Suddenly she leans over the couch and begins to throw up, the site of her was truly horrific. Sans looks away but rubs her back. After emptying her stomach fluids, she passes out.

Sans sighs and grins at her. Still beautiful at her worst, he thought. He gets up and pulls her to the side, and with a -umph-, Sans has her cradled in his arms. "Bedtime." Kicking bottles to the side, he walks her over to the stairs and starts to climb them. As he makes it to the top, he turns to the side and opens the door to Toriel's room. He walks over to her queen sized bed and lays her down, tucking her in. He watches her sleep, and it makes him smile. Rubbing the back of his skull, he walks out and gently closes the door.

After cleaning up the whole living room, which is very unlazy-like of him, he climbs the stairs a final time. About to pass Frisk's room, he hears the flowers voice again, "Good going Sans, you-" Sans reached over and closed the door. He's not in the mood for it right now. He stumbles his way to the guest room, and flops onto the bed. He passes out in seconds.

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