Chapter 26 - This Means War (Part 1)

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"I see him... He has his hood up, but why did he stop? He's just standing there... ... Yes I have a perfect view, I'm in a bush. ... I thought you said he would walk right in? Ye-... Yes! He's NOT moving! ... Grrr, I'll wait here." Undyne gleamed through her eyes like a shark stalking her prey, the darkened hooded figure only stood half a mile away from her location. The suns rays set at just the right angle to block any features from being seen, she couldn't tell who this monster was. As she set the walkie-talkie down beside her, she summoned an ominous cyan spear. If Asgore wasn't going to make his move, she would be able to get the job done. As she sat in the line of branches, she became lost in her thoughts. That's when she suddenly realized, 'Why was Asgore so dark? He was usually a fuzzy teddy bear that WOULDN'T hurt a fly.' But then again, wasn't this similar to when he lost his two sons? And his wife? But murdering another monster was just absurd! This is something far more dark than anything Undyne has ever seen. 

As if on queue, Asgore appears into Undyne's view, wearing his aged battle gear like he was king again. His walk was slow, but calm. He was ready for anything, and he showed it. Just as sudden as his appearance, he swiftly came to a halt. Nobody moved a muscle. After what had seemed like hours, he finally spoke, "I know what you've done down there, in the Underground," Asgore's voice could be heard as it boomed and echoed through the silence, "Are you going back to turn the ruins into dust?" 

Sans didn't move, this wasn't a good time to be here. He wasn't in the mood to deal with Asgore or his mood swings. Sans let the silence speak for him. This frustrated Asgore, and so he spoke again, "Who do you think you are, trying to replace me in Toriel's life?! I was going to fix everything! And you ruined it..." 

Sans chose silence once more.

"You don't even care about her do you? You're just poking around her life to try to fill up the emptiness inside you. You know you're not a good influence on her, in the Underground you were lazy, scummy, and couldn't finish anything worth a damn! You couldn't even keep a decent job!" Asgore kept pushing, he wanted a fight and he was going to get it out of him if it was the last thing he would do. 

Sans kept his thoughts to himself, 'What if... What if he's right? No. I've changed.' 

Asgore continued, "You should be punished for what has happened in recent events." He took a few steps closer. Undyne saw the signal and started to slowly creep from the bushes. She was going to attack the monster's flank.

Sans spoke just low enough to where Undyne couldn't hear, "And what do ya think that is, Asgore?"

Asgore smirked, he got him talking. "I know you've been sleeping in her bed. Though I suppose that's not a real crime considered she would only allow it if she invited you herself." Sans chose to listen, and so Asgore continued, "You have been trying, and failing, to be a father figure for poor sweet Frisk. I could've protected him if you would have stayed out of the way! And you have failed to tell me that my eldest son was somehow RAISED FROM THE DAMNED DEAD!" Asgore could feel his face becoming hot with pure rage and adrenaline. He let Asriel, Frisk, and Toriel become the center of his rage. He waited anxiously for the skeleton to answer, until he strained to hear a faint hint of laughter. Sans was laughing at the angry goat, and it only grew louder and louder. The laughter was maniacal, and had a hint of evil to it. Doesn't this monster know he's about to die? So why is he pushing his luck?

Sans cleared his throat after settling his laughter. Slowly, he turned and let his hoodie fall, peering up with one white glowing eye. Asgore reached for his weapon and unsheathed it, the moment was coming. Sans shoved his hands into his pockets and smiled at the dead man, "You think you can do better, huh chump? At least I didn't doom my son to certain death." Asgore snarled and let a war cry fill the late afternoon sky.

Just as Asgore was going to make his move, a car squeals to a halt three quarters of a mile away from the soon to be crime scene. Toriel opens the door and stands out of it, trying to yell Asgore's name. She starts to sprint towards the two as fast as she can go.

*Two hours before*

Asriel looks down at the math homework his teacher just presented in front of him. All of these complicated questions started to make his poor head hurt. They were just learning how to add letters into equations. Asriel read off of the page to himself, "Number one: your equation is 5x + 10 = 60. Find x." Asriel looked up at the example on the chalk board, then down to his paper. He then looked across the room to Frisk. He was scribbling away on his homework page, he must know the right answer. Asriel filled himself with confidence, he was determined to finish this paper! He smiled to himself and nodded, picking up his number two pencil. Just as he was about to carry the 10, something inside him snapped. Suddenly he scrunched up his stomach and held it, groaning softly in pain. The human teacher calmly noticed Asriel's reaction and started to make his way to the goat boy's desk. Something deep inside Asriel's body, his soul begins to pulsate. The grey heart starts to crack and bleed through. Piece by piece the grey outer shell breaks until nothing but a blood red heart shows itself, burning with a murderous fire. Asriel feels like he is about to puke. He places his hand on the desk and begins to hyper ventilate. The teacher reached Asriel and started to rub his back calmly and speak random soothing words to try and calm Asriel down. Asriel's eyes start to move to the window that is placed beside him, and see's that the reflection is not his own. He sees Chara, with his hand placed on the desk breathing hard, mimicking Asriel...

...Accept Chara is smiling.

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