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The sky is a dark silver-ish color, when I wake up, with heavy drops falling from it, making the view blurry as they rush down the outer surface of my window.
I sigh. Great
I do my morning routine and put on my jacket before leaving for yet another day of school. Only a week has passed since I started school but I feel like I've been living here for atleast a month, it's weird.
Since it is still raining, I pull my hood up and opens my umbrella, so the water wont unstraighten my hair that I just spend ages on.
I make it about 10 paces down the street, before I hear an engine and hear the horn of Zayn's car, startling me a little as he pulls in next to me.
Ok today I'm fine with not walking. If there is something that I can't stand - it is rain. But because I live in the UK there is more than plenty of it.
I pull the umbrella closed again and get into the car, grateful that my clothes aren't already soaked, but only slightly stained by a few raindrops. I pull the hood down again before I put on the seat belt.
- "Figured you would wan't a ride anyway," he says - or shouts - to me over the sound of the heavy rain. His voice is soft and melodic. I breathe in his scent. He smells like a mix between hair product, aftershave, leather and something else. He smells good.
- "Well, yeah. Thanks," I reply. "I hate rain,"
- "Rains alot here in Bradford," he crinckles his nose a bit, showing his distaste, and we drive in a comfortable silence for awhile, while I take my time to study his perfect face once more.
He has marked black eyebrows, his cheekbones are just as sharp as his jawline, and he has stubble on his chin and jaw. He looks older than most guys my age.
I feel like I should ask him something though, since he's so nice giving me a ride and all I might as well make conversation. "So like do you always give girls rides to school or?" I ask as I can't really think of anything else, but luckily he grins at that and turns his head to me for a bit.
- "No. I don't," he says, not giving any explanation what so ever, just adding to the mysterious yet alluring vibe he emits, which makes him seem a bit unpredicatable and maybe even a bit freaky in a way.
- "So just me?" I try and copy the smirk he seems to be doing everytime he talks to me.
- "Pretty much," he nods, looking at the road as I give him a glance again. Definitely a bit freaky, but however I don't think I mind sitting here.
He catches me looking though. "It's just a favour. Nothing shady," he chuckles basically reading my mind.
"You are kind of shady according to some people though," with this I'm referring to Harry, Niall and all them. I half-smile and he lifts a teasing eyebrow which makes the whole thing seem like we're actually flirting. Maybe we are.
I know it's weird to be that straight forward but I was always the curious type, and he doesn't seem as the type to take it anything too seriously anyway.
"Yeah? What makes you think that?" he chuckles smugly as if I just gave him a compliment or something.
When I don't answer, he looks at me, grinning, lifting one of the nicely shaped eyebrows once again.
- "Been warned about be yeah?" he chuckles, but he also reveasls a sense of nervousness in the way he shifts in his seat.
- "Well no.. not exactly,"
'Cause people have reason to?
- "Mhm," he looks me in the eyes, the strange intimacy in his caramel eyes making my fingers clotch around the umbrella in my lap for some reason. "But yeah I saw who you were sitting with yesterday. Don't believe everything you hear,"
I don't know what to reply, so I just look out the window as Zayn parks the car, at the schools parking lot. Anyway it's not like they wanna tell me anything.
My first class is English today, so I meet with the guys just outside the classroom before we enter in our semi-big group.
Today I'm sitting next to Niall, who keeps calling me "New Girl", and talks to me about how he had been the new kid just a couple of years ago.
I can't imagine how it must haven been to move all the way from Ireland to here. But he really is a charmer, so he must have been popular from day one.
He has the most fantastic laugh, and the brightest blue eyes.
Harry and Louis are sitting right in front of us. Louis writes Harry notes, and Harry has a hard time not bursting into laughter. Harry hits Louis' arm, and Louis pretends to start crying, and Harry comforts him. They both laugh. Like brothers. Cute.
Though Mrs. Hudson - or anyone else for that matter, doesn't seem to notice.**
My next class is art and the others have music. As we head to the southern corner of the school to attend our classes, I sense a familiar scent, and feel a warm hand around my lower back.
- "Hey, you going to art?" I feel the warmth of Zayn's breath in my ear and strangely I find it hard to breathe when he is so near. I turn around and his face is literally so close to mine, and I catch myself looking at his perfect eyes for maybe a second too long.
- "Actually, yea" I say. My heart is beating way faster than normal, and my skin burns on my back where his hand is resting on my shirt.
He doesn't remove his hand as we walk down the hallway, despite all the staring.

He's No Good - Zayn Malik
FanfictionWARNING: This contains mature content such as sex, drugs, violence. Zoe Fray has just moved to Bradford when she meets Zayn - a guy from her neighborhood who's got the looks of a Calvin Klein model, and an arrogant yet alluring bad bo...