Chapter 89: Break

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All your inline comments crack me up :')))
I read every one of them 


It's evening when Zayn finally replies to one of my texts, which it slightly weird. 

- Sorry, I basically slept the whole day. It says.

He normally always replies pretty quickly, and even though he loves to sleep in, he for sure hasn't sleep all day. It's almost like he has simply ignored it, which adds to the nagging feeling deep inside my stomach that I've been getting all day just thinking about him. 

- Are you doing better? I answer, and this time he replies within a minute. 

- Yeah, no more bleeding. I need to sleep some more though. My head's pounding like fuck.

- Are you coming to school tomorrow then? I reply even though I'm sure he can't afford anymore absence from school at the moment.

- Yeah probably..

- Good, can we hang out after school then?

- Sure baby


Zayn's POV

I'm really dreading this day today. My head is still pounding, and I'm not sure anymore if it's from the injury or because of the absence of drugs in my system.

I'm also hanging out with Zoe after school today, and I'm sure she has a million questions at this point, and I honestly don't bother trying to explain everything to her, but I can't hide from her forever. 

I just hope she wont be so hard on me, but I'm a bit anxious to be honest. I have been a right dickhead to her lately, I know, but she doesn't. Some things are better kept in secret, especially because I regret them.

Also I have classes with Jason and the rest of the boys today, and the mere thought of having to look at his fucking face all day makes me want to stay home even more. However I know I need to go to class to keep the principle off my back.
I'll have to suck it up.

I make it to class a little late, but still before Mr. Kingsley, so it's alright.

People stare a bit more than usual, but I'm not sure if it's because of my slightly bruised jawline, or if the rumors about our fight have already spread.

My eyes roam the classroom, and I spot Jason sitting in the back next to Marc and Jade. 

I guess I fucked him up pretty bad, because he looks like shit. He has a red cut across his eyebrow, and his cheekbone and jaw is bruised more than mine. 

I shortly make eye contact with all of them for a brief second, before I dump my bag on a table next to Noel. 

In our break, Jasons and Marc, and surprisingly Jade too, get up and out the glass door to have a cig like we usually do.

As much as I'd much rather just avoid them all, I'm really craving a cigarette too, and I know Noel who's looking at me in question is as well.

At least he's on my site regarding this. Anyway I knew he would be.

- "Shall we?" He asks, leaning back in the seat while pushing his brown hair back.

I chew on my lip for a second.
- "Yeah," I say as we get up from our chairs and I put on my leather jacket and take my cigarette packet from my right pocket.

The others sit around and on top of the bench set outside, creating their own little croup.

My breath is visible like a cloud of smoke when I breathe out heavily, and there is a layer of ice on the surface of the puddle to my right. It's proper cold.

Jason has his arm around Jade, and passes her the blunt he's smoking and watches her take a deep drag as Noel and I lean back up against the cold brick wall.

It's so fucked up, and somehow hilarious at the same time, in a way, seeing them together like that. He has always lusted after her like some pathetic loser, but she has never even fancied him one bit - and to be honest she doesn't look very into him even now, even though they're sort of messing around at the moment.
Maybe she's just in for the free weed.

I'm perfectly happy not speaking to any of them, and just enjoy how the nicotine from the cigarette seems to make my headache subside a bit, but Jason can't keep his mouth shut.

- "How's the head doing man?" He asks in a disgustingly arrogant tone, breaking the thick tension in the freezing air.

I lift my eyebrows as I take another drag of my cigarette and blow it out as slowly as I can before I answer. I glance at Noel, standing to my right, but he seems to be balls deep in his phone.

- "Good," I say, giving him a lazy smile, and I have to bite my lip to stop from saying some stupid remark about the state of his face.

He nods, taking another drag of his blunt.

- "You get into trouble with your girl?"

I shrug, but grit my teeth. He'd wish.

- "Nah,"
Not yet anyway.

He nods slowly, trying to hide his disappointment, though I don't see the idea of even trying to hide it at this point. He'd do anything to bring me down or embarrass me, and especially in front of Jade. But I guess that just means he sees me as a threat still, which is nice.

- "That what you were hoping for yeah?" I give him a slight smirk while flicking my lighter on and off a couple of times.

- "Why would I?" He smirks right back, so I avert my eyes towards Jade.

- "And you?" I ask and lift an eyebrow at her, as she takes another drag of Jason's blunt.

I guess I was dumb to believe that after everything, she would still do me a favour and keep quiet. I guess she feels like I betrayed her a little, by just throwing her away like that when I met Zoe, and now she's getting a little bit of revenge, in her own way.

- "Whatever," she rolls her eyes. 

This was awfully short, but the next update is almost readyy as well

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