Chapter 56: A helping hand

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My is HesNoGoodZM (link on my profile, next to the twitter icon) if you've got any questions about the story or something :)
(Twitter: @_MalikIsSexy_)

Anyway, I thought Zayn hadn't gotten any for quite a while, so ehrm this is quite smutty but I don't think you mind tbh


Saturday I'm at Zayn place again, after having finished doing my part of the geography assignment that me and Jai are doing together. It literally took ages.

Zayn has just told me about how he considers getting his left arm fully covered like the other, when his phone buzzes and he picks it up off the bed.

I sort of like it the way it is now where only one of them has got a full sleeve and the other only has a few tattoos here and there, but I guess it's his arms.
Anyway he definitely wants more.

A frown takes form on his beautiful features when he unlocks his phone, before a tiny smile lights it up again.
- "Halloween? Seriously?" Zayn says, chuckling as he reads what's on his screen.

- "What?"

- "Uhm Harry just invited me to his and Louis' Halloween party - on Friday," he quotes slightly confused, raising his eyebrows.
Right. I was gonna ask him about it anyway.

- "Harry's got your number?"
That's unexpected though.

Zayn shrugs his shoulder and puts his phone back down again.
- "No. But Liam does,"

- "Right," makes more sense.

- "Well are you going?" he asks skeptically, and gently wraps his hand around my arm to make me scoot closer to him.

- "Of course," I say in a light voice. "You don't have plans do you?"

- "Hm," he mutters, clearly still cross about hanging out with my friends. "Is it like a costume party? I don't do costume parties," he grimaces.

I actually hadn't at all considered that. I've got no idea, but they didn't mention costumes at all.

- "I don't think.."

- "Except, if you dress up as like a sexy nurse I might come and pick you up," he says and he smiles with his tongue behind his teeth as I swat his arm. "..or like.. a naughty school girl," he adds with a smirk nodding his head, a mischievous and very suggestive glint in his eyes.

He sits up against the headboard, his legs slightly apart as pulls me onto to his lap, making me straddle him, sitting on my knees and with my thighs on each side of his hips like when I was here last.
I guess he's curious to see what I had going when I kind of went to open his jeans before I got that text from Jai the other day.

- "Or you could wear that black dress that you wore at Niall's party back then," he chuckles sexily. "That tight, short one. I liked that," he adds.

I still don't remember how that night ended, besides the fact that on the way to Niall's we had had our first kiss and Zayn got a nose bleed, and then I had a lot to drink. The next thing I remembered was when I woke up in Zayn's bed the next morning with a raging head ache - I was still in my dress of course, I would have probably also freaked out if I wasn't.

I guess I could wear that one. Maybe. I don't think they'll notice that it's the second time I'm wearing it at one of their parties.

- "Maybe," I say and he smiles and slowly tilts his head and presses his soft lips against mine, his hands on my hips as he deepens the kiss slightly before he starts sending kisses down my jaw and my neck all the way to the shoulder, and I have to bite my lip to not moan out.

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